The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2236: Alliance

After Meng Zhang returned to Taiyimen Mountain Gate Sun and Moon Blessed Land, he talked about this matter to the middle and high level of the gate.

He let the middle and high level of the door go through various channels to find out the details of the five powers of returning to the virtual who are trying to seize the treasure today.

Although Meng Zhang guessed that they are related to the various sacred sects, it is better to be sure.

After all, they are the five great powers of returning to the void, and they are also a threat to the Taiyi Sect.

If given the opportunity, Meng Zhang will completely resolve this threat.

Meng Zhang gave Niu Dawei a giant wind-thunder axe, and started refining wind-fire yin and yang fans in his own retreat.

In the blink of an eye, Meng Zhang's rotation and rest days passed.

Some time ago, the extraterritorial invader army not only stopped pressing on Junchen Realm, but also took the initiative to retreat and withdrew from many occupied areas.

After many trials on the Junchen Realm side and exhausted various means of investigation, the invaders outside the territory did not seem to be luring the enemy deeper, but something went wrong inside.

After this period of observation, there is no problem with the active retreat of the extraterritorial invaders, and they have not deceived.

When Meng Zhang and the others returned to Junchen Realm to rest, the extraterritorial invaders retreated in great strides, giving Junchen Realm more room for movement.

After so many years of continuous battles with invaders outside the territory, the enemy's pressing step by step has caused tremendous pressure on Jun Chen Realm.

Now that the pressure has slowed down slightly, Jun Chen Realm's side also needs a good rest.

Seeing that the enemy is unlikely to make a comeback in a short time, the senior level of Junchen Realm made adjustments to the defense of the void and disbanded many monks who had been forcibly recruited.

Thanks to the care of Taoists in the ancient capital, Meng Zhang and Taiyimen also benefited a lot from this round of adjustments.

Meng Zhang was relieved of his compulsory conscription, and unless Tiangong was conscripted again, he did not need to continue to serve in the void battlefield.

Of course, if he himself is willing to go to the void to serve the heavenly palace, no one can stop him.

Regardless of how Jun Chen world relaxes, the minimum defense system in the void will not relax.

Taiyi Gate is now a large gate with multiple Void-Returning Powers. Naturally, it has to assume its own obligations and needs to regularly send Void-Returning Powers to the Void to participate in defense.

After receiving the news from Tiangong, Meng Zhang's eldest disciple Niu Dawei took the initiative to ask for his order, hoping to replace Meng Zhang to the void.

On the one hand, Meng Zhang hadn't healed from his injury, and on the other hand, he was willing to let the disciple of the door go to the void to receive exercise and test.

Anyway, peace has been temporarily restored in the void now, and it is still relatively safe, and with the care of Tianlei Xuxian, there should be no problem.

In order to ensure the minimum fairness, all Taiyimen's Void Returning Powers, except for the situation where they are really unable to withdraw, everyone else needs to take turns to go to the void and obey the arrangement of the Tiangong.

After getting permission from Meng Zhang, Niu Dawei led a few of them and set off.

After a period of healing, Meng Zhang not only completely healed the injuries on his body, but also initially refined the magic weapon of Fenghuo Yinyang Fan.

The level of this magic weapon is extremely high, even the virtual immortal can hardly refine it completely.

Although Meng Zhang could only display part of the power of this magic weapon, his combat effectiveness was very significant.

With the wind and fire yin and yang fan in his hand, Meng Zhang will have a rare match among the monks of the same realm.

Meng Zhang's current life seems to be leisurely, but it is far from the level of peace of mind.

Now that the external pressure on Jun Chen Realm is temporarily relieved, perhaps the internal conflicts will erupt again.

Meng Zhangke has never forgotten that the last time the sacred sects of the great sacred land cleaned the Junchen Realm, which caused a fatal threat to the Taiyi Sect.

If the various sacred sects vacate their hands this time, they might attack the Taiyi sect again.

Meng Zhang not only asked the sect to strengthen precautions, but also actively contacted Tiangong.

Meng Zhang has repeatedly expressed his attitude to the senior officials of Tiangong.

Now the extraterritorial invaders are only temporarily retreating, and no one knows when they will make a comeback after solving internal problems.

If an internal war broke out in Junchen Realm at this time, and the cultivators would kill each other, it would only weaken the overall power of Junchen Realm and give the enemy a chance.

Taiyimen has always obeyed the orders of Tiangong, and is a loyal supporter of Tiangong.

If those sacred sects eradicate the Taiyi sect, it would be tantamount to eradicating the wings of the heavenly palace.

After Meng Zhang expressed his stance, the Tiangong side has repeatedly pacified Meng Zhang, and the Tiangong will never allow a war to break out in Junchen Realm at this time.

Of course, Meng Zhang would not put all his hopes on the Tiangong, and secretly still actively contacted allies.

The Hailing School is a traditional ally of Taiyimen, and the two sides have watched and helped each other for many years.

The secret organization of Dengxianhui has recovered a bit of combat effectiveness after the efforts of Gu Chen and Taoist Gu Lu to reorganize.

Taoist Gu Lu visited Taiyimen several times and had a good chat with the senior officials of Taiyimen including Meng Zhang.

Daoist Gu Lu expressed his position on behalf of Gu Chen, as long as the sacred sects of the great sacred grounds attacked the Taiyi Sect, Dengxian would never sit idly by.

After the Taiyimen and the dark alliance tried each other and wooed each other, they finally came to the point of forming an alliance.

After a round of negotiations, Taiyimen's foreign affairs elder who was in charge of dealing with the dark alliance reached a relatively loose agreement with the dark alliance.

The covenant stipulates that the two sides will watch and help each other when fighting against the sect of the Holy Land, but the constraints on the Taiyi sect are not great.

Moreover, due to the strong requirements of the Taiyimen, the two sides formed a secret alliance this time, and they did not easily disclose the situation of the alliance.

The reason why the Dark Alliance made such a big concession to the Taiyi Sect this time is mainly because some changes have taken place in its senior management. Those factions that tend to make good friends with the Taiyi Sect and use the Taiyi Sect have soared in strength and gained more. The right to speak.

In today's Junchen Realm, there are only a handful of forces that are as powerful as the Taiyi Sect and dare to resist the sacred sects of the Great Sacred Lands.

Taiyimen's illusion-returning power that has continuously emerged over the years has made the dark alliances have to pay more attention to it.

With the covenant with the Dark Alliance, Taiyimen finally gained strong support.

Although the true strength of the dark alliance is unknown so far, judging from the strength revealed by the dark alliance, at least most of the holy land sects are not as good as the dark alliance.

Before the two sides formally formed an alliance, the monks of the two sides exchanged frequently and had a closer business relationship.

Now that the two sides have become allies, the relationship will only become closer and will cooperate in more aspects.

In addition to forming an alliance with the dark alliance, Taiyimen also secretly communicated with the true dragon family.

After the last time Meng Zhang had a close talk with the Dragon King, the Dragon King had a desire to win over Meng Zhang, and Meng Zhang did not refuse to keep in touch with the Dragon King.

The two parties left their respective contact information and agreed to communicate regularly.

The ambition of the true dragon clan is not smaller than that of the dark alliance, and it also covets the rule of Junchen Realm.

Although the true dragon clan is a foreign race, it is the enemy of the various sacred sects.

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