The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2237: Secret communication

The true dragon clan is a foreign race, the great enemy of the cultivators, and even the great enemy of the human race.

In the face of strong external pressure, Meng Zhang has repeatedly lowered his bottom line, preferring to seek skin from a tiger.

Or to put it nicely, it is called having a more flexible bottom line.

However, the true dragon clan had nothing to do with the magic way, and Meng Zhang was willing to cooperate with it.

Meng Zhang wanted to use the power of the True Dragons to resist the sacred sects. The True Dragons tried to use the Taiyi Sect to cause greater civil unrest among the human cultivators and weaken the strength of the human cultivators on the whole.

Both parties are well aware of each other's intentions and are willing to cooperate and use each other.

Both sides have confidence in themselves, thinking that they are the last laugh.

After Meng Zhang returned to the sect from the South China Sea that year, he arranged for the cronies in the sect to secretly establish contact with the true dragon clan.

The Taiyimen monks often went to the South China Sea in the name of visiting the Hailing Sect, and met secretly with the strong men of the True Dragon clan through the Sea Clan entrenched in the South China Sea.

Of course, all of this is extremely confidential, and even the Hailing faction, its ally, is kept in the dark.

In addition, Taiyimen has many enclaves in the West China Sea, and has established many strongholds to exploit the resources of the West China Sea.

Taiyimen has dedicated monks in Xihai who are responsible for contacting the true dragons.

The two parties secretly conduct various transactions to exchange information on what is needed.

The human cultivator is nominally the ruler of Junchen Realm, but in the depths of the ocean of Junchen Realm, it is the territory of the True Dragon clan.

Even if the sects such as Zhenhai Temple defeated the Sea Clan and occupied a large area of ​​the sea, they were far from touching the real dragon clan's territory.

The true dragon family occupies an extremely vast territory deep in the ocean and possesses extremely rich resources.

Especially some resources that only grow under the special environment deep in the ocean are extremely precious and extremely scarce for the cultivation world.

On the surface, the true dragon clan has no contact with human cultivators, nor does it have any formal business channels.

Many human cultivators practice special exercises or refine special medicines, etc., and often need some special products from the depths of the ocean.

At this time, a very small number of similar specialties that flow into the cultivation world through smuggling channels tend to sell at sky-high prices.

Taiyi Gate is the same as the other sects that intervene in the West Sea. Although it can extract many sea resources, it has no way to get access to the resources deep in the ocean.

After establishing contact with the true dragon clan, commerce between the two parties is of great benefit to each other.

The true dragons have an effective influence on the mainland, but they also need a lot of land-produced resources.

Taiyimen strictly keeps the communication with the real dragons strictly confidential, and is very cautious in handling the resources from various transactions.

Those resources that can be obtained in the seas controlled by the human race can be sold by Taiyi Gate.

Those resources that are only produced in the depths of the ocean, Taiyimen are generally digested internally and almost never flow out.

The number of monks in Taiyimen's direct line has exceeded 10,000. The members of the Hanhai Dao League under its command, and the casual repairs who have lived on its territory for a long time, add up to five figures.

Such a vast market naturally has great demand.

The vast territory of Taiyimen has almost been fully developed, and more resources need to be introduced from outside.

Taiyimen itself has a strong production capacity, covering all aspects of alchemy, refining, and talisman making, and has a strong ability to digest various resources.

If it weren't for the situation in Junchen Realm, Taiyimen might have embarked on the road of external expansion again.

Meng Zhang initially established contact with the True Dragon family, just to keep an emergency escape route.

Now, after years of secret trade and trade, Taiyimen has become more and more dependent on this secret trade route.

Meng Zhang originally looked down upon the native gods and descendants of Junchen Realm.

But after exploring the secret space left by the aboriginal gods in the void, his thoughts have changed a lot.

Hundred-legged insects die but are not stiff. The native gods have ruled Junchen Realm for many years.

In particular, Qiu Gangfeng's powers of returning to the Void have taken refuge in the forces of the indigenous gods, and Meng Zhang has more expectations for it.

The aboriginal gods of Junchen Realm and the cultivators do not agree with each other, and there are countless blood feuds with the current ruler of Junchen Realm.

Although the enemy's enemies are friends, the hatred between the cultivator and the native gods is too deep. As a cultivator, Meng Zhang does not expect to be able to form an alliance with the remaining native gods.

He just hoped to be able to use the power of the indigenous gods to cause blows to the sects of the sacred land.

Meng Zhang tried to secretly establish contact with the native gods, but it has been unsuccessful.

The aboriginal gods remaining in the Junchen Realm can survive thousands of years of pursuit and killing by the cultivators, their hiding skills are very good, and they are full of wariness towards the cultivators.

Although Meng Zhang and Moon God had cooperated, he had temporarily lost contact with Moon God since the last time they left.

Without the help of the Moon God, Meng Zhang was temporarily unable to establish contact with the wary Aboriginal gods, and naturally could not use the other's power.

Of course, Meng Zhang did not give up on this. UU Reading www.uukā still ordered the Taiyimen monks to search for the whereabouts of the aboriginal gods and obtain various information about them.

It took thousands of years for the entire cultivation world to find out and kill the remaining native gods. Taiyimen would find it impossible to find them in a short period of time.

Taiyimen's intelligence system is not useless.

The identity and origin of the five rebirth powers who participated in the **** of Guyue family treasures last time were quickly investigated.

They seem to be unrelated casual cultivators, but behind them, faint traces of the various sacred sects can be seen.

Meng Zhang didn't guess wrong, they were pawns cultivated secretly by the sects of the sacred land, they were specially used to deal with some things that the sects of the sacred land did not come forward directly.

The time is not right now, and Meng Zhang is not good looking for these guys to settle the accounts, so he can only write down the accounts and wait for the settlement in the future.

The current Meng Zhang tried all kinds of methods to find all the allies that he could use.

It is a pity that with the size of Junchen Realm, there are really few forces that dare to fight against the sects of the holy land.

After so many years of hard work, Taiyi Sect can be regarded as contacting the forces that can be contacted.

As for those things like demons and ghosts, Meng Zhang simply didn't look at them.

For one thing, it was Meng Zhang who had a bottom line and was unwilling to collude with the devil.

Secondly, the devil repairs and ghost repairs in Junchen Realm are not a climate, and they are completely street rats.

Meng Zhang knows the power of the sects of the holy land, and Taiyi Sect needs more external forces to contain them.

Sometimes Meng Zhang couldn't help thinking whether he wanted to secretly find a way to contact the invaders outside the territory, especially the forces that contradicted the magic way.

After several considerations, because there was no reliable channel, and Meng Zhang was always very repulsive about it, he temporarily gave up this idea.

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