The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2238: Battleship built

Meng Zhang stood in the air on top of the Sun Moon Blessed Land, looking down at everything below.

The Sun Moon Blessed Land itself has a good foundation, and it has been strengthened many times later, and various precious materials including the bodies of the native gods and gods have been invested.

The current sun and moon blessed land has a height of more than a thousand meters, a radius of hundreds of miles, and a very wide internal space.

In the blessed land of the sun and the moon, the embryonic form of the sun and the moon has been formed.

As the sun rises, the moon sets, and the sun sets, the rules of heaven and earth have basically stabilized.

In addition to providing massive auras to the high-ranking monks of the Taiyi Sect, Sun Moon Blessed Land has a very high level of strength and a very stable space, which can accommodate many high-level people or things.

Within the sun and moon blessed land, spiritual fields, spiritual medicine gardens, etc. have been opened long ago, and various buildings have been built.

Not far from Meng Zhang, a strange warship with a length of nearly one thousand feet and more than three hundred feet at its widest point was slowly flying through the sky.

After years of hard work, the monks of Taiyimen Divine Work Hall did not disappoint Meng Zhang, and finally built this weird void battleship.

This Void Warship was pieced together from the wreckage of several broken Void Warships. The broken Void Warships came from different races and different cultivation systems, so their appearance was so weird.

Although the cultivators of the Taiyimen Divine Craftsmanship Hall are slightly inadequate in refining strength, they are not lacking in all kinds of fantastic ideas.

In particular, Meng Zhang brought back the refining secrets of the public transfer family back to the sect, and gave it to the monks of the Shengongtang to study it carefully.

Among the many forces in the void, the public transport family is well-known for the art of organ creation, and its organ creation is unique and widely spread.

Although what Meng Zhang brought back was only an ordinary book of the public loser family, and it recorded the method of refining the common void battleship, but the monks of the Shengongtang in the door were like a treasure, and received a lot of unprecedented guidance from it.

In order to piece together this void battleship, all departments in the door are doing their best.

The entire sect has spent a great price, exhausting various methods to collect the required materials.

The monks in Qitang worked hard to create all the necessary parts.


This void battleship looks tattered, but in fact it was built on the basis of picking up tatters.

At any rate, it has been initially completed and can be operated normally.

This void battleship requires hundreds of monks to control, and at least one of them must be able to return to the void.

The higher the realm of the monk controlled, the more the Void Warship can exert its strength.

The monks of the public transport family who dealt with Meng Zhang were very kind. Among the cheats provided, in addition to the method of refining the void battleship, there are also the control of the battleship, the points to pay attention to when driving in the void, etc. .

It took a lot of effort for the monk Taiyimen to organize a crew team, and he barely managed to control the battleship.

In the days to come, this crew team needs more training and a long time of running-in to truly and thoroughly master this void warship.

Inside this void battleship, there is a large independent space, which can open up spiritual fields, plant spiritual plants, and so on.

If the interior space of this void battleship is fully developed, in addition to supplying the monks on board, it can also provide for additional monks.

This battleship is currently only on trial within the sun and moon blessed land.

Although there are certainly many problems, at least on the surface it is normal, and many functions can be performed normally.

Some unstable and troublesome places need to be adjusted slowly during operation.

On this Void Battleship, there are many monks from Shengongtang who are constantly monitoring, checking for omissions and making repairs at any time.

For this void battleship, the space inside Sun Moon Blessed Land was very small, and it quickly flew a large circle inside.

As the name suggests, the Void Battleship is a battleship that will travel in the void.

A qualified void warship must be tested in the void to ensure that all functions are operating normally.

However, based on the current situation in Junchen Realm, it is not appropriate for Taiyimen to reveal that it already possesses a void warship, let alone send it to the void.

If the major sacred sects know that the Taiyimen has built a complete void warship and have a way to withdraw to the void, it may stimulate them to start the Taiyimen in advance.

At present, the only way for the Void Warship to test sail in the sun and moon blessed land for the time being.

Fortunately, Sun Moon Blessed Land has a high level and strong carrying capacity, enough to hold and carry this void warship.

With the experience of successfully building this void battleship, the refining strength of the monks of the Taiyimen Divine Craft Hall greatly increased.

Next, in addition to using the remaining void battleship wreckage to continue to piece together a complete void battleship, they will also begin to prepare to build a new void battleship.

Of course, this will cause greater supply pressure on Taiyimen.

In addition, Meng Zhang is also considering how to find opportunities, secretly send this void warship into the void, let it be tested in the void, and discover hidden problems while traveling.

Meng Zhang left the quiet room of daily retreat today. In addition to reviewing the trial voyage of this void warship, he is also going to visit two of his men.

Great changes took place in the Jiuquhe Aquatic Clan that year. Yuboli, a strong man of the Mermaid Clan, took the initiative to seek refuge in the Taiyi Sect and worked for the Taiyi Sect wholeheartedly.

In return, Yuboli also received the full support of Taiyimen, which consolidated its dominant position in the aquarium.

For so many years, under the leadership of Yuboli, the Jiuquhe Aquarium has always been a loyal vassal of Taiyimen, and has performed its duties as a vassal conscientiously.

In addition to maintaining the order of the Jiuqu River and guarding all the main points of the Jiuqu River, the Jiuqu River Aquarium also sent a large army into the West China Sea to establish simple lines of defense in the shallow sea area and conduct patrols and guards.

At first, the high-level officials of Taiyimen held the thoughts of Qianjinshi Magu, and deliberately cultivated some strong foreigners who had taken refuge in them, and used them as models.

Yuboli received a lot of precious training resources from Taiyi Sect. In addition to her good aptitude and hard work, her cultivation base was rapid and improved quickly.

Meng Zhang was optimistic about Yuboli and gave him many pointers.

Although the cultivation system of the cultivator is completely different from the cultivation system of the mermaid tribe, the general guidance of returning to the virtual world is still of great significance.

Yuboli had obtained the opportunity to practice in the Sun and Moon Blessed Land a long time ago, and raised her cultivation to the level of the Yang God Stage.

Of course, after entering the consummation level of the Yangshen Stage, Yuboli's cultivation has fallen into a bottleneck.

As long as Terran cultivators survive the Thunder Tribulation of the Sun God, there are not many problems left, and it is not that difficult to advance to the Void Rebirth Period.

However, due to the differences in the cultivation system, the Mermaid tribe has a big barrier from the Yang Shen stage to the Void Rebirth stage.

If there is no help from outside, it would take a long time for Yuboli's strength to break through this barrier.

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