The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2254: problem

Zhu Hui is known for his resourcefulness in the dark alliance and has been the master of the dark alliance for many years.

The great elders of the dark alliance have been rotated several times, and her position as the master has not been shaken.

After the current great elder of the dark alliance, Feng Qing Shangzun took office, it was probably due to some power struggles. He seemed to respect Chu Hui Shangzun, but he was not willing to listen to his opinions.

Back then, with the support of Tang Lun's faction, Feng Qing, regardless of the opposition of Chu Hui, secretly agreed to build the devil's nest.

A series of facts later proved Chu Hui's vision.

Fortunately, Supreme Master Chu Hui did not counterattack after Tang Lun's faction lost power.

As the master of the dark alliance, Zhu Hui has always maintained a neutral position.

She is only responsible for making suggestions and giving her own opinions. If others do not listen, whether the Dark Alliance Elders will be willing to adopt it or not, that has nothing to do with her.

Sovereign Chu Hui has a special say in the presbytery.

Under normal circumstances, no elder is willing to offend her for small things.

Shangzun Tan Yang and the others rejected Meng Zhang's proposal, just wanting to embarrass Meng Zhang and add obstacles to the elders who support Meng Zhang.

Now that Zhu Hui has spoken up, everyone has to buy her a face.

As for the great elder Feng Qing, he will not easily oppose Chu Hui.

Seeing that the other elders didn't mean to object, Chu Hui turned to Meng Zhang.

She told Meng Zhang that she had a long-standing problem and needed someone to help solve it.

She did not force Meng Zhang to help, and it would be fine if Meng Zhang refused.

That's the end of Chu Hui's words, how Meng Zhang refused.

He could only say that if the Supreme Master Chu Hui did not dislike his meager strength, he would do his best.

Of course, his strength is limited, and there is no guarantee that he will be able to help Zhu Hui to solve the problem.

Supreme Master Chu Hui is a great guarantee. As long as Meng Zhang is willing to help, regardless of success or failure, Meng Zhang can borrow the necessary information from the dark alliance.

The elders of the dark alliance basically know the so-called problems that have plagued Zhu Hui for many years.

Helping Zhu Hui to solve this problem is indeed very good for the dark alliance.

As for whether Meng Zhang can solve this problem, many people are not optimistic.

After Zhu Hui had a good talk with Meng Zhang, he led him out of the floating city to solve his so-called problem.

Shangzun Chu Hui led Meng Zhang through space teleportation many times, and the scene before them was constantly changing.

Meng Zhang's understanding on the space avenue is still above Chu Hui's superior. When he is following Chu Hui's teleportation, he still has extra energy to observe the situation along the way and guess their destination.

They left the Yang world of Junchen Realm, entered the space gap between the Yang world and the underworld, traveled for a short period of time, and came to a special space.

The sky in this space is gray, and there are tall and tall mountains above the ground.

As soon as he entered this space, Meng Zhang felt a strong repulsive force, as if the entire space was resisting his entry.

Shangzun Chu Hui whispered an explanation for Meng Zhang.

They were in a special space debris, located at the intersection of the Yang world and the underworld in the Junchen realm.

This space debris level is not high, and it is very unstable.

It takes a little longer for the Void-Returning Powers like them to enter here, and the entire space will have violent fluctuations.

If they try their best here, it is easy to completely collapse this space.

Therefore, this space will instinctively resist them.

In this space, there are several strange volcanoes.

In the volcano, there is a kind of strange creature, and the Dark Alliance named it Stupid Jiao.

These creatures have the common ground of living creatures and dead souls, and they are all entangled with a strange power.

For the dark alliance, the tricky dragon is of great use.

Since discovering the existence of these sly floods, the dark alliance has tried to capture these sly floods.

After ordinary primordial true monarch and even true monarch Yang Shen entered those volcanoes, under the special environment, they couldn't beat these tricky dragons at all.

And because the volcanic environment is too special to accommodate too many primordial primordial princes, the dark alliance is unable to use the human sea tactics.

If the Void-Returning Power is dispatched, due to the instability of this space, a little more force on the Void-Returning Power will cause the space to fluctuate sharply.

Under the mouse avoidance device, the Void Returning Powers are also powerful and helpless.

It has been a few years since I found these tricky dragons, but the Dark Alliance has been unable to capture them, so they can only stare at them.

Of course, there are also reasons why the dark alliance is unwilling to pay too much.

Gui Jiao is of great use to the dark alliance, but it is not indispensable.

The dark alliance must consider the relationship of interest, and consider the contribution and gain.

If the cost of capturing the sly dragon is too high and the price/performance ratio is too low, the dark alliance will naturally have to give up temporarily.

For Zhu Hui's personal superior, the role of Gui Jiao is very crucial.

As the senior elder and master of the dark alliance, she can mobilize part of the dark alliance's power.

But this part of the power is limited, far from enough to help her capture these tricky scorpions.

After so many years, how to catch these tricky dragons has become a problem that bothers her. UU reading

Now that Meng Zhang is seeking the dark alliance, she naturally wanted to let Meng Zhang come over and try it.

After Meng Zhang listened to Chu Hui's words, he didn't rush to reply, but focused on his surroundings.

This space debris is located at the intersection of the sun world and the underworld. Not only is it very unstable, but the laws of heaven and earth here are also very strange.

The attribute of the yang world is yang, and the attribute of the underworld is yin. Here is at the intersection of yin and yang, and the law of heaven and earth is mainly based on the law of yin and yang.

Moreover, the law of Yin and Yang here is very overbearing, almost excluding all other laws of heaven and earth.

The special laws of heaven and earth have caused other creatures, including ordinary cultivators, to be unable to survive here.

It's not a big secret that Meng Zhang majored in Yin-Yang Avenue. No wonder the Supreme Master Chu Hui would want him to help.

There were not many monks in Junchen Realm who majored in Yin-Yang Avenue, and it was even rarer for them to have cultivation skills such as Meng Zhang.

The group in the Junchen Realm with the most Void-Returning Powers is the sacred sects of the Great Sacred Lands, and the people in the Dark Alliance will naturally not ask them for help.

In the front of the volcano, a dark black flame was burning, and green lava was flowing on the ground.

Lines of sly dragons, slightly larger than humans, rolled in the flames and played in the magma.

According to Zhu Hui, these sly dragons seem to be not big in size, but their brute force is amazing.

To capture these sly dragons, one must enter the volcano.

Inside the volcano, due to the special environment, too powerful spells cannot be cast at all.

There were not many body-refining practitioners among the Taoist cultivators. At first, the dark alliance finally gathered a group of soul-refining cultivators to try to capture the tricky dragon.

But these treacherous dragons came and went like the wind, and in turn killed these monks to pieces.

After paying a huge loss, the dark alliance had to temporarily stop the action of capturing the sly dragon.

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