The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2255: Sly

For so many years, Chu Hui Shangzun has tried all kinds of methods, made all the efforts within his capacity, and paid a huge price.

Deep down in her heart, she was a bit proud of her abilities.

Even she couldn't capture these tricky dragons, let alone other monks in the dark alliance.

Although Meng Zhang is famous and has a brilliant record, he does not rely solely on combat effectiveness to capture the sly dragon.

Supreme Master Chu Hui brought Meng Zhang here, which also meant a bit of a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

She is not very optimistic about Meng Zhang, just because she has no choice but to do nothing.

Meng Zhang observed the surrounding environment, and after thinking about it, he said that he could give it a try.

Seeing Meng Zhang's full of confidence, Chu Hui was a little skeptical.

She reminded Meng Zhang again and again that if he is unsuccessful, he must retreat immediately, and must not destroy the environment here, let alone affect the stability of this space.

If they don't pay attention to this kind of virtual return, and use a little more force, it is really possible to break this space debris.

If such a situation occurs, then the Supreme Master Chu Hui really has no choice but to admit to himself.

After Meng Zhang said that he must pay attention to it, Chu Hui, the Supreme Lord, temporarily left here.

As long as Chu Hui stood here, even if he didn't make any movements, it would cause a certain amount of pressure on this space.

After seeing the departure of Chu Hui, Meng Zhang immediately began to act.

In today's Junchen Realm, there are many people with a higher level of cultivation than Meng Zhang.

But when it comes to comprehension of Yin and Yang Dao, he is definitely one of the best.

He was not in a hurry to capture the tricky dragon, but first sorted out the laws of heaven and earth in this space.

What Meng Zhang has to do now is to integrate the Yin-Yang Dao of his own comprehension into this world, so that this world no longer rejects himself, and accepts himself as much as possible.

In this way, even though Meng Zhang is a rebirth power, because he is not repelled by this world, there is no need to conflict with this world, and the pressure on this world can be reduced as much as possible.

After he finished all this, he flew into a volcano ahead.

This is the place where the underworld and the yang world meet, and it is very close to the underworld. After Meng Zhang communicates too well, Tai Miao can more easily put power here.

Although Meng Zhang didn't have too deep knowledge in the art of body refining, the superb ghost and **** body was extremely powerful, almost surpassing all the body refining cultivators in Jun Chen realm.

The wonderful power was put on Meng Zhang's body, allowing Meng Zhang's body to temporarily possess enough power.

Simply using the power of the physical body without mobilizing the power of the world to perform Taoism will cause limited pressure on this world.

These tricky dragons are quick and powerful.

Meng Zhang didn't use Taoism, relying solely on the strength of his body, and spent a lot of effort, only to capture ten tricky scorpions and temporarily place them in the mustard space.

Feeling that it was almost done, Meng Zhang left this space and joined Zhu Hui Shangzun in the gap of the outside space.

Senior Chu Hui, who had not had much hope for Meng Zhang, saw Meng Zhang come out, and before asking, Meng Zhang took out five tricky dragons from his mustard space and gave them to her.

Meng Zhang actually captured the tricky Jiao, and Zhu Hui, a figure who was very deep in the city, fell into ecstasy.

The five tricks are enough for Zhu Hui to use.

And as long as this space is still there, you can continue to capture the sly dragon in the future.

Goose plucking was originally Meng Zhang's easy way.

Although he hadn't heard of such a thing as Gui Jiao before, he didn't know its specific function.

But since it is something that the Supreme Master needs in the late stage of returning to the Void, it must be very precious, and it is natural to cut a few easily.

Zhu Hui, Shangzun, had told Meng Zhang before that the growth environment of the sly dragons was very harsh. Once left this special space, the treacherous water bird could not survive in the outside world for too long.

With the tricky Jiao's hand, Supreme Master Chu Hui had no intention of staying here for a long time.

She led Meng Zhang to start teleportation, and hurriedly left here.

Meng Zhang mobilized the power of Yin-Yang Avenue and temporarily simulated the environment in that space in the mustard space, so that the five tricky dragons temporarily settled down.

The small world of ghost gate mastered by Taiyi Gate was originally located in the space gap between the underworld and the Yang world.

Although now the small world of ghosts has been completely captured by the underworld, it has become a small world attached to the underworld. However, many of the characteristics of the small world of ghosts are still preserved.

Over the years, with the increase in the high-ranking monks of Taiyi Sect, especially the power of returning to the Void has continued to appear.

The monks of Taiyimen established a special magic circle in the small world of the ghost gate and the mountain gate, allowing these high-ranking monks to take action, and strive to anchor the small world of the ghost gate and the Yang world, so that they would not be completely integrated into the underworld.

After these years of hard work, the process of integrating the little world of ghosts into the underworld has temporarily stopped, and has more contact with Yang Shi.

Using the special environment of the small world of ghosts, it should be possible to transform a place suitable for the long-term survival of the sly dragon.

As for the specific role of Gui Jiao, Meng Zhang can slowly inquire after returning, and slowly consult various classics.

After Meng Zhang returned to the floating city where Chu Hui had come, he hurriedly According to the confession of Chu Hui before leaving, he was in charge of the elder who took care of Zangshu Pavilion. Personally welcomed Meng Zhang into the library.

The Book Collection Pavilion of the Dark League is far larger than the Taiyimen, and it can be said to be full of sweat and everything.

It is certainly impossible for the dark alliance to completely open the library to outsiders like Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang was arranged in a small room inside the library, and the dark alliance elder who was in charge of the library sent a lot of information about the native gods of Junchen Realm here.

Next, Meng Zhang read it without distraction.

Meng Zhang's reading speed is very fast, and he read all the materials in less than a day.

It has to be said that the Dark Alliance is indeed the largest intelligence organization in Junchen Realm, and the relevant information collected is very detailed, far exceeding the collection of Taiyimen.

After reading these materials, Meng Zhang benefited a lot and learned a lot about the native gods.

This will certainly be of great help to the subsequent suppression of the aboriginal gods.

However, the information Meng Zhang wanted to know most about the hidden secret palace was not involved at all.

Meng Zhang knew that the dark alliance's willingness to produce these materials was already at the limit.

Regardless of whether the Dark League has any information about the hidden mysterious mansion, since they have not taken it out, Meng Zhang can't force it.

After all, Meng Zhang is just an outsider.

During this visit to the dark alliance, I saw some of the internal affairs of the dark alliance with my own eyes, especially when I personally experienced the discord among the many elders of the dark alliance, and Meng Zhang was even more reluctant to disclose information about the dark alliance to the dark alliance.

There are many people in the dark alliance, and there are many people who are hostile to them, and they will definitely not keep secrets for themselves.

It would be very bad if he disclosed the information of the Hidden Mystery Mansion at will and reached the ears of the true dragons.

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