The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2262: break in

In the face of Wei Wuxian's lewd power, even if some of the people present were dissatisfied, they did not dare to come forward at will.

When everyone was silent, only Daoist Tie Mian, who had always been selfless, stood up.

Tie Mian Taoist is a monk of the Tiangong direct line, and he has always been fair and strict. He has served in the Tiangong Law Enforcement Hall for many years and is familiar with various laws of the Tiangong.

He was not so afraid of Wei Wuxian Xian, but instead talked eloquently and defended Meng Zhang.

But Wu Xuxian's face was ashen, and he forcibly held back and did not attack immediately.

On the contrary, Wang Puchen shouted angrily and interrupted Daoist Tie Mian.

An iron-faced Taoist can ignore only my Xuxian, but he has to give face to his immediate boss.

Meng Zhang knew that under the current circumstances, he should not openly contradict Wei Wuxian and create an excuse for him to take action.

Meng Zhang saw that some monks of the holy land sect had entered a blister, and he also flew in.

Even if the monks of the Holy Land sect wanted to frame themselves, they should not openly let their fellow sect buried with them.

If it is secretly, in order to kill Meng Zhang, the sects of the holy places are willing to pay some price.

But in public places, in front of everyone, they can't be too cold-blooded to their peers.

Seeing Meng Zhang take action, he has the meaning of submissiveness, but I Xuxian did not chase after him.

In the end, he wasn't without scruples.

In this kind of action to suppress foreign enemies, if he recklessly and openly attacked other cultivators, the news would definitely not be kept secret.

Although it is said that the powerhouses such as the Holy Land Sect don't care about people's backs, let alone the opinions of others, but when facing foreign enemies in the future, other monks will definitely double guard against the Holy Land Sect, and they are not willing to fight against foreign enemies with all their strength.

But Wu Xuxian and Yang and Xuxian didn't need to hide the killing intent of Meng Zhang at all. What they really wanted to consider was **** Meng Zhang at the least cost and minimize the negative impact.

After Meng Zhang entered the blister, he felt a whirlwind, the scene in front of him changed rapidly, and then he came to a vast world.

I don't know whether to say his luck is good or bad, this is a very stable small world, even if it is not the headquarters of these indigenous gods, it is also a very important base.

The place where Meng Zhang appeared was an endless mountain range.

Between the peaks, the monks and gods who had entered before were fighting to the death.

Most of the monks who entered before came from the major holy land sects.

With Meng Zhang's mood at this time, he could hardly want to slap them to death, how could he have the heart to fight side by side with them.

Meng Zhang did not care about the battle ahead, but bypassed the battlefield and flew towards the rest of this small world.

With Meng Zhang's cultivation and status, as long as he avoids the three immortals, he is not afraid that others will embarrass him.

Meng Zhang was flying very fast, and several gods tried to intercept him, but they were all thrown away by him.

Meng Zhang quickly left this mountain range and entered the sky above a great plain.

I saw that the Great Plains were full of people, and there were cultivated fields and pastures everywhere.

In the past thousands of years, many gods have settled here, and then prospered and lived and worked in peace and contentment.

After many generations of inheritance, the blood of the gods on many gods has become weaker and weaker, and the strength is getting lower and lower.

Their strength is limited than that of ordinary mortals, at most equivalent to low-level cultivators.

Presumably after this small world was invaded, the warning was spread.

Many gods are armed with various weapons and are being trained into teams, ready to fight at any time.

In Meng Zhang's eyes, these gods are like ants, and they can easily kill a large film.

After all, Meng Zhang was also a Taoist cultivator, not the type to kill indiscriminately.

He even had some sympathy for these gods.

The cultivators who participated in the battle this time had the lowest cultivation base, all of them being True Monarch Primordial Spirit.

As long as any cultivator breaks into this place, they can easily kill these gods, but they have no power to fight back.

In the end, these small worlds will be completely destroyed by the cultivators, and all the gods living in them, including the old and the weak, women and children, will be wiped out.

Although he sympathized with them, Meng Zhang was not stupid enough to want to rescue them.

The level of this small world is not low. As the hideout of the indigenous gods, there may be some treasures hidden in it.

The last time Meng Zhang entered the secret space left by the indigenous gods with the Moon God, he gained a lot.

Seeing that the plain below was only a civilian living area, and there was no oil or water, Meng Zhang quickly swept across the sky and flew towards other places.

There are not many indigenous gods left from ancient times, and it is difficult for new indigenous gods to be born in the current environment of Junchen Realm.

Among these independent spaces, the most numerous are various gods.

Divine descendants who can cultivate to the primordial level are considered masters.

With Meng Zhang's cultivation base, he can wander freely in this small world without fear.

Meng Zhang's participation in this operation was not voluntary, but was forcibly recruited by Tiangong.

The experience just now has dispelled his only remaining enthusiasm for Destroying the indigenous gods is a matter of the major holy land sects, and there is no need for him to waste his efforts on it.

Even, he wished that the native gods were stronger and caused more damage to the **** holy land sect monks.

Therefore, flying along the way, Meng Zhang would not take the initiative to shoot at the opponent even if he saw the strongest among the gods.

Of course, if these gods didn't know how to live or die, and they insisted on forcibly attacking him, Meng Zhang would not be merciful.

In this small world, there are many towns and villages established by the gods.

The place where these ordinary aquifers lived was not his goal.

When Meng Zhang passed through these places, he could scan it with his powerful spiritual sense at most.

He won't stop at all if he doesn't find valuable resources.

After Meng Zhang flew out for a while, he found a tall and majestic temple below.

Several primordial god-level divine descendants led a large group of fully-armed warriors and were waiting in front of the temple gate.

Cultivators who forcibly broke into this small world would basically appear near the mountains just now.

Most of the god-born powerhouses in this small world have already rushed to that place to block the invasion of the cultivators.

There are not many god-born powerhouses left behind in other parts of the small world.

This is where the temple is located, so it retains a certain defensive power.

In Meng Zhang's divine sense induction, in addition to the gods guarding here, there are two other true monarchs of the primordial spirit hiding their bodies, sneaking into the temple.

Judging from their attire and the aura they practiced, they should be monks from Guantian Pavilion.

Among buildings like the temple, the most precious wealth must be stored.

In the battle with the indigenous gods, various temples and altars are the favorite targets for cultivators to loot.

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