The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2263: source crystal

Meng Zhang did not rush to take action, but first carefully looked around to confirm that there were no other strong people snooping on the side.

In his induction, the two Yuanshen Zhenjun of Guantian Pavilion sneakily tried to sneak into the temple, clearly wanting to take advantage of the fire and steal the treasures in the temple.

The more Meng Zhang looked at them, the more uncomfortable he felt, and the anger in his heart could not be suppressed.

Anyway, among the monks who participated in the war this time, only three imaginary immortals could hold him steady, and they obviously did not enter this small world.

There were no other cultivators hiding around, making Meng Zhang's heart aroused.

Meng Zhang took a heavy slap with one hand from below.

An irresistible terrifying force descended from the sky, and the two Guantian Pavilion monks who had carefully hidden their figures were crushed to pieces before they could react.

This palm is extremely powerful, not only killing two annoying flies, but also causing a lot of damage to the temple.

It was as if a big earthquake had occurred near the temple, the whole temple was shaking violently, and one goddess was unstable and fell to the ground one after another.

With a slight sigh of anger, Meng Zhang's thoughts became clearer.

A hill-like fist quickly condensed and formed in the air, and then smashed it towards the temple below.

Feeling the terrifying power contained in that fist, the faces of the gods showed despair.

A helpless sigh suddenly sounded in the temple, and a golden light rose from the temple, blocking the fist that fell.

"I thought you would hide in it forever as a tortoise."

Meng Zhang sneered disdainfully.

He has long noticed that there are strong men dormant in the temple.

Judging from the situation of the fight just now, it is not a goddess hidden in the temple, but an indigenous god.

This indigenous god's cultivation realm is not low, but his breath is not stable enough.

He just blocked Meng Zhang's blow, and a more severe attack came.

A fierce sword qi descended from the sky and slashed directly towards the gate of the temple.

Over the years, this temple has been turned into his own divine domain by this indigenous god.

Although he is not in good condition, he still has some confidence to fight in his own God's Domain.

A huge statue of a **** appeared above the temple.

This statue has an elephant head and a human body, with four hands and two feet.

The statue raised its hands high, and it fought fiercely with the sword energy that was beheaded.

A burst of explosions sounded, and deep sword marks appeared on the gates and walls of the temple.

Those gods who were waiting in front of the temple gate, no matter how high or low they were, were all crushed into powder in the aftermath of the fight between the two sides.

With the God's Domain as the support, even the Supreme Venerable in the late Void Return stage would be difficult to break through the temple and kill this indigenous **** in a short period of time.

If he hadn't thought of the treasures that might be stored in the temple, Meng Zhang would not have been willing to expend effort to deal with this indigenous god.

Although this aboriginal **** is more difficult to deal with than expected, but since Meng Zhang has already started, he has no intention of giving up halfway.

Even Meng Zhang and the other party didn't even have the slightest communication.

Cultivators want to get rid of the native gods quickly, and the native gods regard them as mortal enemies.

Meng Zhang wanted the other party to hand over the hidden treasure, so he could let the other party go.

But the native gods could not have the slightest trust in the practitioners.

It is impossible for the gods in the Junchen world, who have been tortured by the cultivators, to compromise with the cultivators.

The yin and yang qi swept in like a long river, surrounding the entire temple.

The yin and yang qi kept flowing around the temple, rubbing and squeezing vigorously.

The statue tried to block the yin and yang.

After holding on to the Yin-Yang duality for a while, he lost his strength and was instead involved in the Yin-Yang duality.

After a while, the statue first disappeared in the yin and yang, and then the light covering the temple was completely wiped out.

After the yin and yang two qi refined the statue, its power increased greatly, and it continued to roll towards the interior of the god's realm.

This God's Domain, which had been in business for many years, finally couldn't hold on under the yin and yang, and was completely flattened.

Losing the protection of the God's Domain, the true body of the **** was exposed to Meng Zhang's eyes.

Meng Zhang didn't say a word of nonsense, he displayed the two swords, and directly killed the god.

It didn't take Meng Zhang much time to break through the realm of the gods to beheading the gods.

The realm of the gods is the foundation of a god, in which all the wealth of the **** is stored.

The two qi of yin and yang moved for a while, and all the wealth inside was rolled up in front of Meng Zhang.

Everything else was fine, nothing more than some low-level artifacts, common cultivation resources, etc., but the three crystal **** the size of a human head immediately attracted Meng Zhang's attention.

This is the source crystal, which contains the essence of the origin of the Junchen world, which can only be seen in the deepest part of the source sea.

Compared with the Yuqing Spiritual Machine that Meng Zhang used in his daily practice, as well as the various vitality essences he had absorbed before, the source crystal was of a higher level and contained stronger power.

It is a very difficult and high-risk job to collect source crystals in the deepest part of the source sea.

A strong person with this ability will not do it Because every source crystal collected is a damage to the source sea, which will greatly weaken the source of heaven and earth in the Junchen world.

Now the origin of the world of Junchen world is under the control of the major holy land sects, and other monks are not even qualified to approach, let alone collect source crystals.

If there is a strong person who dares to sneak into the source sea, they will only be chased and killed mercilessly by the major holy land sects.

These source crystals should have been collected when the native gods ruled the Junchen world.

Indigenous gods need a steady stream of believers to provide the power of faith.

Without the power of faith provided by believers, even the most powerful gods will slowly dissipate and pass away.

The more powerful the native gods, the more faith power they need, and the more believers they need.

The number of gods living in these independent spaces is limited, the power of belief that can be provided is very small, and it is of little help to the indigenous gods.

It seems that these indigenous gods have been able to survive from the ancient times to the present. In addition to the power of faith provided by the gods, the source crystal should also play a great role.

The source crystal cannot completely replace the power of faith, but after the indigenous gods absorb and refine it, they can ensure that their own power will not disappear too quickly, so that they can have at least the power of self-protection, and can prolong their lifespan.

For a late Void Returning Supreme like Meng Zhang, the source crystal is also a very important treasure.

What Meng Zhang lacks now is not his understanding of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, but his own accumulation.

If there are enough source crystals for him to absorb and refine, it can greatly shorten the time for him to accumulate power.

Unfortunately, there are too few source crystals stored in this temple.

With the temptation of Yuanjing, Meng Zhang's enthusiasm for attacking the native gods increased immediately.

He quickly left the temple, looking for new targets in this small world.

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