The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2264: force

Meng Zhang's speed was very fast, and it didn't take much time to search this small world.

The number of cultivators who invaded this small world is limited and their strength is limited. At this time, almost all of them are still fighting with the gods on the mountain range, and they cannot escape in a short time.

In this small world, all the gods with some strength rushed there, desperately blocking the invasion of the cultivators.

The battle is getting more and more intense, and it seems that it will take a long time to decide the winner.

Those indigenous gods probably knew that disaster was imminent, and were even more reluctant to leave the realm, hoping to use the power of the realm to block the enemy's next attack and save their own lives.

They seem to have forgotten that if all the gods were killed and no believers worshiped them, they would just as well pass away.

The seemingly powerful gods are not much different from other creatures at the juncture of life and death, and they are all people who are greedy for life and fear death.

For them, even living a little longer is good.

In the next time, Meng Zhang broke through three temples, more than ten altars, and found two secret warehouses.

In addition to searching out a lot of precious resources, he has collected nearly twenty pieces of source crystals alone.

He killed four indigenous gods. They were in their respective gods, and with the help of the power of the gods, the strongest had the strength of the late stage of returning to the virtual, and the weakest were the mid-stage of returning to the virtual.

These indigenous gods were hidden in their own gods, but they gave Meng Zhang every chance to defeat them.

If they are willing to unite and stick to a divine realm, Meng Zhang may not be able to do anything to them in a short time.

Unfortunately, for the gods, their own divine realm is the most reassuring place for them.

When encountering danger, only by hiding in their own divine realm will they have a minimum sense of security.

They were all scattered, and each of the gods was in a very bad state. It was difficult for them to exert their full fighting power. Naturally, they could not resist Meng Zhang for too long.

During this process, several more cultivators bypassed the battlefield on the other side of the mountain and sneaked into the small world, trying to take some advantage.

If it is a monk of the Holy Land Sect, and no one around sees it, as long as Meng Zhang finds it, they will all be killed.

Under the desperate counterattack of the indigenous gods and gods, it is too normal for cultivators to suffer casualties.

As long as he is not caught, Meng Zhang is not afraid of others' suspicion.

Anyway, the Taiyi Sect and the major holy land sects are not hostile for a day or two.

Especially what Weiwu Xuxian did just now, the killing intent was almost impossible to conceal.

Meng Zhang was planning to continue his search and turn this little world over again.

But this small world has begun to enter a state of collapse.

So many powerhouses are fighting in the small world.

In particular, the fight at the Void Return level caused great damage to the small world and greatly damaged the stability of the small world.

Several indigenous gods themselves are also an important factor supporting this small world.

Now that they have all fallen, the severely damaged small world has lost its support, and finally can no longer support it.

The higher the level of the independent space, the greater the impact and the more terrifying the destructive power when it is destroyed.

With Meng Zhang's cultivation, if he didn't leave here quickly, he might run into trouble.

There are already quite a few source crystals on hand, enough to absorb them for a long time, so Meng Zhang did not continue to insist.

He immediately began to cast spells to free himself from this small world.

Before leaving this small world, Meng Zhang mobilized the power of the Great Dao, striving to stir up the rules of heaven and earth in the small world, destroying its space, and speeding up the process of its destruction.

Meng Zhang crossed the space gap and returned to the main world safely.

After a while, only a few of the Holy Land Sect's Void Returning Great Master escaped from that small world in dismay.

After a while, more monks escaped one after another.

Of course, among the monks who broke into that small world, it was inevitable that some unlucky ones would fall in the process of space collapse.

This has nothing to do with Meng Zhang, it's purely because of their lack of strength and unlucky.

The destruction of space is a very dangerous thing for cultivators.

As this blister completely burst, only a few blisters were left around.

Yang and Xuxian of Ziyang Shengzong and Weiwu Xuxian of Guantian Pavilion were not outside, and they didn't know where they went.

With these two guys away, Meng Zhang could finally take a good breath.

In that small world just now, he broke through the temple, killed the native gods, and seized the treasures. Meng Zhang was not as easy as he seemed.

After escaping from the ruined small world, he suffered a lot and needed time to recover slowly.

Before Meng Zhang could adjust his breath for a while, the immortal Wang Puchen, who was sitting here, issued an order to him.

"Meng Zhang, the headquarters of the native gods has been identified, and it is there."

"Yanghe Xuxian and Weiwu Xuxian have already led the monks to kill them. You immediately go in to support them, in order to exterminate all the indigenous gods."

Wang Puchen pointed to one of the remaining blisters and said.

He really didn't even give himself a chance to breathe, Meng Zhang was secretly angry.

After all, Wang Puchen is also the deputy director of the Tiangong. Does UU Kanshu need to stand on the side of the holy land sect so desperately?

His **** is so crooked, does the head of the Tiangong Palace, Ban Xuejian, know?

When Meng Zhang entered that small world, Taoist Tie Mian did not follow him in. Now Tie Mian Dao Ren is missing, and no one dares to speak for him.

Meng Zhang, who was angry, did not act immediately.

He must seize every breath and recover his strength as much as possible.

The more he recovers a bit of strength, the more power he will deal with next.

Meng Zhang had a strong ominous premonition in his heart, feeling a huge danger approaching him.

Although Meng Zhang was not a cultivator of Tiangong's direct line, he had always been loyal to Tiangong, befriended the chief executive Fan Xuejian, and was even an ally with the deputy chief Taoist Gudu.

For so many years, Taiyimen has always been a loyal subordinate of Tiangong, and no one can pick out the slightest mistake.

As the deputy director of the Tiangong, Wang Puchen should not persecute Meng Zhang even if he wanted to please the major sects in the Holy Land.

"Meng Zhang, do you want to disobey before the battle?"

Seeing that Meng Zhang had not responded to his orders, Wang Puchen shouted angrily.

It seemed that if Meng Zhang really dared to disobey before the battle, he would ruthlessly attack Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang knew that he could not openly disobey Wang Puchen's military orders, which would completely break his relationship with Tiangong.

Meng Zhang was not completely disappointed with Tiangong.

He hoped that what happened today was just Wang Puchen's private behavior, and Jianjun Banxue and Taoist Gudu didn't know about it.

After today, Meng Zhang can slowly test Tiangong's true attitude towards him.

Meng Zhang gave Wang Puchen a deep look, and without saying a word, he followed his order and jumped into the blister he just pointed to.

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