The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2267: collision

But Wu Xuxian talked nonsense with Meng Zhang before, in order to divide his heart and make him think that he was just weaving a crime to frame him. Second, it is to have time to make arrangements secretly.

If Meng Zhang wanted to kill him, the Daling River God couldn't let him go.

Especially the thing in the hands of the Daling River God, but I Xuxian is determined to get it.

After getting ready, Wei Wu Xuxian and Yang He Xuxian immediately joined forces to launch a sneak attack on Meng Zhang.

The cultivation of each of the two immortals is far above Meng Zhang, and they are enough to completely suppress him in terms of cultivation realm.

At this time, regardless of their identities, they joined forces without speaking, and launched a sneak attack shamelessly.

If it is an ordinary late stage of returning to the virtual, facing this kind of sneak attack, it will be seriously injured if it does not die.

Meng Zhang would not overestimate the lower limit of the sect monks in the Holy Land for a long time. Since entering this small world, he has never relaxed his guard.

In the face of the alliance of the two great immortals, relying solely on his own strength, it is absolutely unstoppable.

Although it was a pity in his heart, at a critical moment, Meng Zhang did not hesitate to activate the fairy talisman in his hand.

Only this immortal talisman bestowed by Xianyun Zhenxian can help him resist the attack of Xuxian.

A big purple sun rose in this small world, and then fell heavily towards Meng Zhang.

The space around Meng Zhang suddenly cracked open, and thin cracks in the space slashed towards him like sharp knives.

These spatial cracks cut almost everything, and they also prevented Meng Zhang from using his spatial supernatural powers to leave here.

After Meng Zhang inspired the fairy talisman, white clouds appeared out of thin air, supporting the purple sun falling from the sky.

A cyan cloud revolved around Meng Zhang's body at a high speed, protecting his body tightly.

Where the cyan clouds passed, the space cracks disappeared, and the space fluctuations subsided.

Meng Zhang never thought that with a single blow from the immortal talisman in his hand, he would be able to beat the two immortals joining forces.

He was ready to block the first wave of attacks, and then immediately fled here.

The two immortals dared to attack Meng Zhang at this time, of course they had full confidence.

Meng Zhang's achievements were outstanding, and his various common methods could not be kept secret.

The sects of the major holy places have long spent a lot of effort to collect various information about Meng Zhang.

Ziyang Shengzong had long suspected that the disappearance of Yangsheng Shang Zun had a lot to do with Meng Zhang.

At that time, Meng Zhang was just a cultivator in the middle stage of returning to the virtual world, and he must have an unknown trump card to be able to kill the Yangsheng Shangzun in the late stage of returning to the virtual world.

When it comes to the bottom card, there is no shortage of holy land sects with profound backgrounds.

Prior to Junchen interface's massive attack on foreign invaders, the top powerhouses of the sects in the major holy places have been unable to escape, and the strongest treasures in the sects have to stay in the void to adapt.

After the situation in the void eased, the sects of the major holy places naturally thought of the internal troubles in the Junchen world.

Killing Meng Zhang is the next best thing, and it is impossible to turn against Tiangong and cause the relationship between the two sides to break down.

This attack on the indigenous gods will definitely break out the Void Return War, which can confuse the feeling of the Tianwei Thunder Punishment Array.

Especially now that everyone is in this small world, and can be temporarily isolated from contact with the outside world.

Everything that happens in the small world will not disturb the outside world.

After all, although Wang Puchen Xuxian was persuaded by the sects of the major holy places and turned a blind eye to their actions, he was still the deputy director of the Tiangong after all.

If the monks of the holy land sect were allowed to besiege Meng Zhang in full view, he would not be able to explain to the chief supervisor, Xue Jianjun, afterwards.

It is one thing to acquiesce to and even indulge the actions of Weiwu Xuxian and the others, and it is another to be involved in it and get his hands dirty.

To block Meng Zhang in this small world, it can be said that the time and place are on the side of Weiwu Xuxian.

As expected, Meng Zhang showed his trump card, and they were even more relieved.

With his cultivation in the late stage of Void Return, Meng Zhang urges the immortal talisman in his hands, which can burst out the combat power of Void Immortal level, but it cannot last for a long time.

He just blocked the enemy's attack, and the enemy's new means came out again.

But Wu Xuxian took out a jade bottle and began to chant a spell in his mouth.

From the moment when he saw Weiwu Xuxian take out the jade bottle, Meng Zhang's spiritual sense gave a frantic warning, and he felt frightened and almost unsteady.

He has an intuition that just relying on the power that the immortal talisman is currently aroused cannot resist the opponent's next means.

If he doesn't do anything, he will fall here today.

Meng Zhang did not hesitate to self-harm, and stimulated all his potential at the fastest speed.

A mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and it fell exactly on the fairy talisman.

Originally, the power of this fairy talisman photo could be used several times.

But this time Meng Zhang tried his best to stimulate the power of the fairy talisman.

If the power of this immortal talisman is fully stimulated, it can burst out a blow of the true immortal level.

Meng Zhang's current approach has not only greatly wasted the power contained in the immortal talisman, but the power inspired by it is only close to the level of a true immortal.

This is undoubtedly a great waste, and completely abolished Meng Zhang's strongest trump card.

However, compared with Meng Zhang's life, everything was worth it.

What happened next proved that Meng Zhang's perception was correct, and he made the right choice.

As Wei Wuxian chanted the incantation, the jade bottle shattered, and a drop of silver droplet-like liquid flew out of it.

A small drop of water, but as heavy as a mountain, flew towards Meng Zhang at an extremely fast speed.

At this time, Yang and Xuxian fully cooperated with Weiwu Xuxian, and purple beams of light appeared out of nowhere, trapping Meng Zhang temporarily.

The immortal talisman in Meng Zhang's hand ignited without fire and immediately turned to ashes.

A golden cloud flew out of the fairy talisman and met the drop of water that flew over.

The two collided gently, and then time seemed to stand still.

An invisible wave spread from the collision point to the surroundings.

As the fluctuations passed, both the purple sun in the sky and the white clouds gently disappeared.

The speed of the wave transmission seems to be slow and fast, and before everyone present can react, it comes to them.

Only my Xuxian and Yang and Xuxian had bad luck and were swept by the wave.

The rays of light flickered on them one after another, and all the means of protection were easily broken.

They all kept groaning and spitting out blood, obviously the injuries were not minor.

Meng Zhang's luck was not bad, but he was just brushed by the waves.

The purple beam of light that originally trapped him served as the first line of defense, helping him block a large part of the damage.

The purple beam of light and the blue clouds protecting him all disappeared quickly.

Meng Zhang felt as if all the bones in his body had been crushed, and the Yang God in his body was constantly shaking.

Just being swept by this wave, Meng Zhang was already seriously injured.

The two returning masters behind the two virtual immortals were originally besieging the Daling River God and wanted to take him directly.

The wave swept past them gently, and the two Void Masters were immediately seriously injured and fell to the ground.

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