The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2268: capture

There were two Void Returning Great Experts who inadvertently helped him block most of the power of this wave, and the damage to the Daling River God was not very serious.

Whether it is the drop of silver liquid released by Wei Wuxian, or the golden clouds released by the immortal talisman, they all have powers that are very close to the level of true immortals.

Even if he encounters a true immortal-level powerhouse, this level of power can be resisted a little.

Such powerful two forces collided in the small world, and under the stimulation of each other, a more powerful force erupted, which can be said to be equivalent to a blow from a true immortal.

A true immortal strike, the power is so terrifying.

The surrounding Void Returning Powers, including the two Void Immortals, were only swept away by the aftermath, and they were all embarrassed and seriously injured before they resisted the blow head-on.

This originally stable small world, after the cultivator launched the invasion, was constantly attacked, under enormous pressure, and constantly damaged.

Especially when Yang and Xuxian used the means to completely obliterate the consciousness of this small world, they also destroyed the foundation of the small world and made its destruction enter the countdown.

At this time, the power of a true immortal blow broke out in the small world, which accelerated the process and almost directly destroyed this small world.

Where the fluctuations passed, the small world suddenly cracked open with countless spatial cracks, and the entire small world shattered like an egg, showing gaps everywhere.

Although Meng Zhang was seriously injured, he remained calm enough to seize this rare escape opportunity.

He jumped and jumped into a gap in the small world, and then relying on his accomplishments on the space avenue, he used the technique of space shuttle to escape from here with all his strength.

Daling Heshen's reaction was faster than Meng Zhang.

He took out a golden token to protect himself, and jumped into the gap in the small world earlier.

But Wu Xuxian hesitated for a moment, and jumped into the gap after chasing Daling Heshen.

Yang and Xuxian originally wanted to chase Meng Zhang, but after taking a look at the situation inside the small world, they had to stop temporarily.

The level of this small world is not low. After the sudden destruction, the power generated is extremely great.

Before, many cultivators followed the two immortals into this small world, and later, people came to reinforce them one after another.

In today's small world, there are quite a few cultivators.

The sudden destruction of the small world, even the Void Returning Great Master will be in danger, let alone those True Master Primordial Spirits.

All the other cultivators are worth it, but Yang He Xuxian can't watch so many holy land sect cultivators in danger or even fall.

In his eyes, it is more important to keep the power of the sects in the holy places than to hunt down Meng Zhang.

Yang He Xuxian forcibly suppressed the injuries on his body and began to rescue the cultivators in the small world.

At the bottom of the main world outside, Wang Puchen Xuxian, who was sitting here, saw that the blister was collapsing rapidly, and knew that the small world inside was completely destroyed.

The small world of the indigenous gods as the headquarters was quickly destroyed, and several blisters next to it also burst, and the independent space inside naturally followed.

Sensing the strong spatial fluctuations around him, Wang Puchen quickly took action and began to rescue the cultivators trapped in these independent spaces and small worlds.

Meng Zhang quickly shuttled in the space gap, wanting to return to Taiyimen Mountain Gate as soon as possible.

Because the small world collapsed too fast, the surrounding space was a mess.

Even with Meng Zhang's cultivation, he was almost lost by the chaotic space gap.

He passed through one space after another, trying to find a way out.

Suddenly, Meng Zhang noticed that in the turbulent space ahead, a familiar figure was struggling desperately and seemed to be completely trapped.

This golden human-shaped phantom was shattered, and its breath was extremely weak. It was clearly the Daling River God who was chased and killed by Weiwu False Immortal.

I don't know what kind of damage has been suffered, this indigenous god's current condition is obviously not good.

Seeing the Daling River God appearing here, Meng Zhang quickly observed the surroundings carefully.

Fortunately, I didn't see the figure of Yuwu Xuxian.

Meng Zhang is now seriously injured, and he has already used his strongest cards. If you meet Yuwu Xuxian, you will definitely not be able to please.

Daling Heshen didn't know if there was any hidden means, or if he was lucky enough to escape the pursuit of Weiwu Xuxian.

Of course, escaping Yugo Xuxian's pursuit seems to have drained all his luck.

He escaped here, and actually fell into the spatial turbulence.

If there is no external help, he may be completely lost in the chaotic spatial turbulence.

Meng Zhang, who didn't want to cause trouble, was about to turn around and leave here.

But he hesitated and stayed.

But Wu Xuxian and Yang and Xuxian have been chasing after Daling Heshen after they invaded the headquarters of the native gods, asking him to hand over something.

When the small world collapsed, Wei Wuxian couldn't even care about Meng Zhang, and pursued and killed the Daling River God who escaped.

What does this mean? It means that the Daling River God is very important to them, or that the things on the Daling River God are very important to them.

Meng Zhang had just escaped the pursuit of the Holy Land Zongmen, and finally managed to was full of resentment.

He would rather take a little risk if he could block or even cause losses to the Holy Land Sect.

Meng Zhang used the yin and yang qi to temporarily stop the chaotic spatial turbulence in front of him.

With a big hand, he grabbed the Daling River God.

The Daling Heshen was probably seriously wounded and had lost all his fighting power.

Even if he struggled desperately, it was of no use at all, and was easily captured by Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang quickly danced his gestures and said something in his mouth.

He used the sealing technique to temporarily seal the Dalinghe God, and then imprisoned him in his mustard seed space.

The successful capture of the Daling River God made Meng Zhang feel a little better.

He waved his hands for a while, quickly disturbing the surrounding space.

After the turbulent flow of the space that was originally fixed, after the yin and yang two qi disappeared, it revolved in a more violent attitude.

After confirming that there were no traces or breath left, Meng Zhang hurriedly left here.

With his powerful space supernatural powers, Meng Zhang traveled through space many times, and finally returned to Taiyimen Mountain Gate safely.

After returning to the Taiyimen Mountain Gate, Meng Zhang immediately ordered to recall the Taiyimen monks who had gone to attack the bases of the indigenous gods.

He wanted Taiyi Sect to immediately strengthen its defenses to prevent the Holy Land Sect from attacking.

He also asked Taiyimen to send an envoy to the Heavenly Palace to complain to the Heavenly Palace.

Meng Zhang was summoned by Tiangong this time to go to slay the native gods, but was seriously injured by a sneak attack by Yang He Xuxian and Weiwu Xuxian.

Wang Puchen Xuxian was bribed by them, and they sat and watched as he was attacked.

In addition, Meng Zhang also informed allies such as the Dark Alliance and the Hailing faction that he was seriously injured by the sneak attack.

If the Taiyi Gate is attacked by the Holy Land Zongmen, I hope they will provide help in accordance with the covenant.

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