The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2280: comminicate

Meng Zhang had been trying to contact the Moon God all the time to no avail, and when the cultivators in the door could not find out where the Moon God was with all their efforts, the Moon God actually came to the door.

The Moon God did not come to see Meng Zhang directly.

When Yang Xueyi, the great master of returning to the emptiness of Taiyimen, was patrolling the north of Junchen Realm, he met the goddess who had been prepared to worship the moon.

The goddess of worshiping the moon sent a message to Meng Zhang through Yang Xueyi, saying that she wanted to meet Meng Zhang.

The goddess of the Moon Worship left the time and place to meet, and left without saying anything to Yang Chaoyue.

As one of the most trusted senior members of Meng Zhang, Yang Xueyi knew that Meng Zhang and the Moon Goddess had some secret collusion, and also knew that Meng Zhang had been inquiring about the whereabouts of the Moon Goddess recently.

Yang Xueyi originally wanted to stay with the Moon Goddess, but after thinking about it carefully, she still didn't do it.

As a result, the Moon Worship Goddess and Taiyimen are not enemies at present. Once Yang Xueyi makes a move, the two sides will officially break.

Second, the Moon Worship Goddess had the strength in the middle stage of returning to the virtual world many years ago, and Yang Xueyi's time in the advanced stage of returning to the virtual world was not too long, and she was not sure that she could beat the opponent.

After Yang Xueyi returned to Taiyimen, she told Meng Zhang the news.

As expected, Moon God avoided the last catastrophe, which made Meng Zhang overjoyed.

Meng Zhangzheng was suffering from being unable to contact the Moon Goddess, and the appearance of the Moon Goddess was exactly what he wanted.

Meng Zhang hesitated for a moment, then went to the appointment on time.

Meng Zhang also thought about whether Luna would take this opportunity to ambush him?

After all, the Taiyi Sect was recruited to take part in the campaign to clear the indigenous gods last time. The monks in the sect killed a lot of gods, and Meng Zhang even killed some indigenous gods.

When the remaining indigenous gods in the Junchen world suffered a disaster, the moon **** would inevitably feel the sadness of the death of a rabbit and a fox.

The aboriginal gods of the Junchen world were originally the life-and-death enemies of cultivators.

Therefore, it is normal for the Moon God to doubt and even hate Meng Zhang.

But on second thought, Meng Zhang suppressed this needless worry.

With Luna's intelligence and reason, he should know that it is pointless to seek revenge on Meng Zhang.

And last time they broke into the secret space together and seized the legacy left by the indigenous gods of the Junchen world, indicating that the moon **** may not care much about those indigenous gods.

The place where the Moon Goddess and Meng Zhang agreed to meet was in the depths of the West Sea.

From this, it can be seen that the Moon God is not without any precautions against Meng Zhang.

If Meng Zhang plots against her, she can escape into the territory of the True Dragon Clan and seek the protection of the True Dragon Clan.

Given the current relationship between the True Dragon Clan and the cultivators, even if Meng Zhang had some connections with the True Dragon Clan, he would not dare to intrude into the territory of the True Dragon Clan at will.

Meng Zhang had a clear conscience and went to the appointment generously.

At the appointed time, Meng Zhang saw the long-lost goddess of worshiping the moon on a deserted island in the West Sea.

After the two met, they both confirmed that the other party did not have a tail before they began to communicate.

As soon as Meng Zhang opened his mouth, he explained it to himself.

Taiyimen was recruited by Tiangong to participate in the action of clearing the native gods, and it was impossible to refuse.

Meng Zhang's participation in this operation was even more involuntary.

Meng Zhang himself was not hostile to the native gods.

Meng Zhang has not forgotten to complain, but Wu Xuxian and Yang He Xuxian took the opportunity to plot against him, and he almost died.

The goddess of worshiping the moon was not very interested in Meng Zhang's explanation, nor did she show any obvious hostility to Meng Zhang.

She gently exposed the matter in a few words, expressing that she would not hold any grudge against Meng Zhang for this.

Meng Zhang knew that the moon goddess was hidden in the body of the goddess of worshiping the moon all the year round, and seldom took the initiative to show up. Often, she communicated with the outside world through the goddess of worshipping the moon to express her meaning.

Regardless of whether the Moon Goddess really doesn't care that the headquarters of the indigenous gods was breached, at least this shows the attitude of the Moon God.

After revealing this unpleasant incident, Meng Zhang seemed to be very concerned about the current situation of Luna.

Last time, the campaign against the native gods was so powerful that even the secret headquarters of the native gods was breached. I don't know how Luna escaped this disaster.

How is Luna's situation now, is the situation safe, and does he need his own help?

The goddess of the Moon Worship didn't seem to want to talk more about this issue, and changed the topic gently.

For the kindness shown by Meng Zhang, the Goddess of the Moon Worship didn't even care.

Meng Zhang knew that this was the moon **** behind the goddess of worshiping the moon, and he still had some doubts about himself and did not trust himself enough.

Meng Zhang reminisced about the old days with the goddess of worshiping the moon, while thinking about how to inquire about the relevant information of the mysterious palace, which did not seem so abrupt.

The goddess of worshiping the moon seemed to be casually chatting with Meng Zhang, but she was actually testing Meng Zhang.

After the two sides chatted for a while, Meng Zhang finally couldn't help getting to the point.

Meng Zhang told the Moon Worship Goddess that the Zhenlong family has been inquiring about the information about the mysterious palace.

Ziyang Shengzong seems to have mastered some secrets of the hidden secret palace, and is trying to lock the hidden secret palace.

Meng Zhang wanted to know how much the Moon Goddess knew about the Hidden Mysterious Mansion, and why the Ziyang Shengzong and the Zhenlong clan tried to hide the Mysterious Mansion.

Hearing Meng Zhang mentioning the Hidden Mysterious Mansion, the Moon Worship Goddess, who had a cold expression before, couldn't help but change her face.

She opened her mouth to say something, but she quickly calmed fell into silence.

Meng Zhang had been with the goddess of worshiping the moon for a while, and knew that she was probably communicating with the goddess of the moon at this time.

After a while, a phantom loomed behind the Moon Worship Goddess, and a quaint voice entered Meng Zhang's ears, asking him how much he knew about the Hidden Mysterious Mansion.

Meng Zhang looked solemn, knowing that it was the Moon God who communicated directly with him.

It seemed that he had guessed correctly before, and there was indeed a great secret hidden in the Hidden Mysterious Mansion.

Judging from Luna's reaction, she really knew something about the Hidden Mysterious Mansion.

In order to show his sincerity, Meng Zhang did not conceal the slightest, and told everything he knew.

Including the non-stop flow of the Qi of the Hidden Mysterious Mansion along the Earth Vessel, the flow of which seems to have been mastered by the Ziyang Sect, the true dragon clan's coveting of the Hidden Mysterious Mansion, and so on.

After listening to Meng Zhang's remarks, Luna fell into silence again.

After a while, Luna asked Meng Zhang what he thought about the Secret Palace.

To be honest, Meng Zhang didn't know anything about the internal situation of the mysterious palace, and he didn't know why the Ziyang Shengzong and the Zhenlong clan were so coveted.

Meng Zhang cared about hiding the mysterious mansion, but it wasn't that he had any big plans for it.

First, he was habitually paying attention to the actions of his old opponent, Ziyang Shengzong, and wanted to cause trouble for the opponent.

The second is to let the True Dragon Clan and Ziyang Shengzong collide for this, and even cause a war.

The best situation is that all the major holy land sects are involved in this matter and cannot live in peace.

In front of the Moon God, Meng Zhang's attitude was very frank.

It is no secret that the Taiyi Sect is facing the enormous pressure brought by the major sects of the Holy Land.

In order to relieve this pressure, Meng Zhang is almost unscrupulous.

It is completely normal for him to want to use the Anonymous Mansion to do some articles.

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