The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2281: condition

After Luna heard Meng Zhang's explanation, he sighed deeply.

Luna told Meng Zhang that she had indeed heard about the situation of the Hidden Mysterious Mansion, but her knowledge was limited.

It turned out that the indigenous gods of the Junchen world also divided camps and fought with each other.

It's just that the cultivators invaded in a big way, and the indigenous gods of the Junchen world had to unite and fight the enemy after they suffered defeat.

Even so, there are still many disputes among the indigenous gods of the Junchen world.

At the apex of the many indigenous gods in the Junchen world are the true gods.

Among these true gods, the Moon God has always been alone, and has not much contact with other true gods.

Moreover, due to some contradictions, Luna also had disputes and conflicts with many true gods, was excluded from the core, and failed to participate in some of the last secret arrangements of the true gods.

Hearing that the Moon God was as he had guessed, that he was indeed a true **** back then, Meng Zhang's heart moved slightly.

However, judging from Luna's current state, she definitely hasn't regained the strength of her heyday.

Of course, after the last trip to the secret realm, Luna also gained something.

In Meng Zhang's induction, the state of the moon **** is much better than before.

Although there were some things Moon God didn't say clearly, Meng Zhang still understood some things from her words.

Back then, the Moon God was arrogant and arrogant, looked down on other true gods, and disdain to cooperate with other true gods.

Few of the true gods are good-natured.

She has such an attitude, and other true gods will naturally not give her a good face.

However, after all, everyone belongs to the same camp and faces powerful cultivators, so even if other true gods reject her, they will still inform her of some basic information.

From the last trip to the secret space, we can know that the moon **** knows the existence of the secret space, but he is not clear about the specific situation inside.

The same is true for Luna and Hidden Mysterious Mansion.

As far as she knew, the last move prepared by the aboriginal gods of the Junchen Realm before their defeat was the Hidden Mysterious Palace.

When Luna said this, he did not directly introduce the situation of the mysterious mansion to Meng Zhang, but put forward two conditions to Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang must agree to these two conditions before she can share the information she knows with Meng Zhang.

The first condition of Luna is to explore the mysterious palace with Meng Zhang and share all the gains inside.

To be honest, Meng Zhang didn't really want to directly get involved in the Anonymous Mansion, so he didn't have much interest in breaking into it.

Meng Zhang now has no shortage of cultivation methods and resources.

In particular, the batch of source crystals harvested from the indigenous **** base this time is of great benefit to him.

His wounds are almost fully healed.

He only needs to practice step by step to quickly improve his cultivation realm.

As for the Taiyi Sect, although the current big library is not very rich, it can at least support the monks in the door.

Under such circumstances, Meng Zhang was not very interested in activities such as treasure hunting.

He was concerned about the hidden secret palace, and wanted to use this to trigger a conflict between the True Dragon Clan and the Ziyang Sect.

Luna knew what Meng Zhang was thinking, but he still had to make such a condition.

As far as Luna knew, the secret house contained the last cards of the indigenous gods against the cultivators.

As long as you get such a hole card, even if you face the true immortal, it is not without the power to fight.

The words of the moon **** made Meng Zhang a little tempted.

After the fairy talisman bestowed by Xianyun Zhenxian was used up, Meng Zhangzheng lacked such a powerful means.

If he hadn't forcibly activated the immortal talisman last time, he might have been planted in the hands of Yang He Xuxian and Weiwu Xuxian.

Moreover, looking at the appearance of the Moon God, if he did not agree to the other party's conditions, she would not reveal the secrets of the Hidden Secret Palace.

Having had a pleasant experience of exploring the secret space together last time, Meng Zhang did not reject joining forces with Luna, and both sides could also trust each other.

Meng Zhang hesitated for a while before agreeing to Luna's first condition.

The second condition that Luna proposed was to ask Meng Zhang to help take in and shelter a group of gods.

Luna was a loner in Junchen Realm back then, but he still had some followers.

After many years of pursuit by cultivators, most of her followers have disappeared.

After returning from Shenchang Realm to Junchen Realm, she finally got in touch with the last group of surviving followers.

Due to the influence of the character of the Moon God, these followers have little to do with the remaining indigenous gods in the Junchen world, and their hiding places have little to do with each other.

After Luna returned to Junchen Realm, he also came into contact with the remaining indigenous gods.

Still the same as in the past, the Moon God and the remaining indigenous gods parted ways.

Luna led the last group of followers and kept a distance from the remaining native gods.

Therefore, Luna and his followers narrowly escaped in this operation of the sects of the major holy sites to clear the indigenous gods.

Of course, as the base of the remaining indigenous gods was breached, the remaining indigenous gods were basically annihilated, and the major holy land sects still strictly pursued everything related to the indigenous gods.

If it was just Luna herself, it would be very easy for her to hide herself.

But her gang of followers dragged their families with their mouths, and there were a lot of them. In the face of the strict investigation of the major holy land sects in the entire Junchen world, the danger of exposure is getting bigger and After thousands of years , these followers still retained their loyalty to the Moon God, and the Moon God could not ignore it.

Originally, Luna planned to let them migrate to the depths of the ocean and take shelter in the True Dragon Clan.

Now it would be better if Meng Zhang promised to take in and shelter them.

For the True Dragon Clan, Luna does not trust, and has many dissatisfaction.

The followers of the Moon God are the descendants of gods wanted by the entire cultivation world.

If it was before, Meng Zhang would definitely still have some scruples.

But now, Tiangong no longer shelters the Taiyi Sect, the Taiyi Sect and the sects of the major holy places are basically torn apart, and Meng Zhang has no scruples.

What's more, he took in the followers of Luna, not to mention that Luna was completely tied to the chariot of Taiyimen.

At least when the Taiyi Sect and the major holy land sects were fighting, the Moon God and his followers could hardly stay out of it.

Without the slightest hesitation, Meng Zhang agreed to Luna's second condition.

In the heart of the Moon God, Meng Zhang was still very reputable.

Now that Meng Zhang agreed to her terms, Luna also fulfilled his promise and told the secret about the Secret Palace.

Hidden Mystery Mansion was the last refuge and the last fortress prepared by the native gods under the unfavorable situation of the war.

It is said that the mysterious palace has the power to destroy the entire Junchen world.

According to the original plan, when the indigenous gods are completely defeated, they can control the mysterious palace to destroy the Junchen world, and burn the jade and stone together with the cultivators.

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For this legend, the moon **** is not very convinced.

Of course, even if the Anonymous Mansion didn't have such terrifying power, it was still a very powerful tool of war.

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