The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2282: Destruction Shuttle

The Hidden Mysterious Mansion is not fixed in one place, but can move freely around the Junchen Realm, and it travels deep underground.

There are many powerful attack methods in the Hidden Mysterious Mansion.

Among them, the most powerful one that Moon God attaches great importance to is the Destruction God Shuttle equipped inside.

Destruction Shenshuo has extremely terrifying power, enough to pose a huge threat to true immortals.

In particular, one of the most vicious means of use makes all true gods very jealous.

After the Shuttle of Destruction was launched, it drilled directly into the ground.

With the activation of the manipulator's mind, it can penetrate the earth's crust, and even lift the earth's crust, causing the earth to turn over, triggering an unprecedented earthquake, and destroying the mountains, rivers, and all kinds of creatures within 10,000 miles.

In the eyes of the True God, the Shuttle of Destruction is a treasure in the world-annihilation series, and it cannot be used until the last minute.

Why does Luna feel that the legend that the Hidden Secret Palace can destroy the Junchen Realm is not credible?

That's because even if the mysterious mansion released the Shuttle of Destruction, it would destroy all the creatures in the Junchen world at most.

For the big world of Junchenjie itself, at most it can cause some damage to it, but it cannot completely destroy it.

Life in the Junchen world is extinct, and the indigenous gods who have lost all their followers will naturally die out slowly.

Ordinary cultivators can't escape such a catastrophe, but the true immortals may not fall.

For the big world of Junchenjie, even if all living beings are extinct, as long as the big world itself still exists.

Perhaps, after thousands of years, or even longer, there may be new creatures born.

A big world has an extremely long lifespan. For it, hundreds of thousands or even millions of years are just a short moment.

True immortals claim to be immortal, and theoretically have almost endless lifespan.

However, most true immortals live only tens of thousands of years.

Although the true immortal will not die because of the exhaustion of life essence, there is an inescapable doom.

Once the doomsday is approaching, and there is no way to avoid it, then it is inevitable to die.

In contrast, the true immortals are just passers-by in the big world.

True immortals are not dragged down by believers like gods.

Even if all the creatures in the Junchen world were wiped out, how much would it affect the true immortals?

The power of the Destruction Shenshuo is not enough to directly kill the true immortal.

Of course, for some true immortals with rich feelings, if the disciples, disciples, descendants, descendants and the like really die, it may not feel good.

At the beginning, Luna was not optimistic about the power of the Hidden Secret Palace, so he didn't get involved too much in related matters.

After being seriously injured, the Moon God possessed the goddess of worshiping the moon and fled to the Shenchang Realm early.

As for why the aboriginal gods in the Junchen world did not launch the Hidden Mystery Mansion to carry out the final counterattack against the cultivators, the Moon God is unknown.

Returning to Junchen Realm this time, the remaining indigenous gods that Luna had contacted with had never heard of this from their mouths.

As for the followers of the Moon God, they don't even know the top secrets of this indigenous god.

If Meng Zhang hadn't mentioned about the Hidden Mysterious Mansion, Luna wouldn't even know that this tool of war had been preserved from thousands of years ago.

The reason why Luna wanted to enter the Hidden Mysterious Mansion was not only to satisfy her own curiosity, but also because there might be some divine treasures stored in it, which would help her recover her cultivation.

The Hidden Mysterious Mansion moves along the leylines, and there are certain rules, not random movements.

Luna knew a little about this, and as long as she spent enough time, she could calculate the approximate whereabouts of the Hidden Mysterious Mansion.

The Moon God said all the information he knew, and Meng Zhang was quite satisfied.

The mysterious palace may not have the power to destroy the Junchen world, but it is still a powerful tool of war.

Especially in the battle between major forces, this tool of war can play a miraculous effect as long as it is used properly.

The big change in the Junchen world is imminent, and it is about to usher in a fierce battle for all the previous actions.

Whether it is the True Dragon clan who are ambitious and want to seize the **** of Junchen Realm from the cultivators, or the holy land sects like the Ziyang Shengzong, they all need war tools like the Hidden Secret Palace.

As for how the Ziyang Shengzong and the True Dragon Clan learned of the existence of the Hidden Secret Palace, there are simply too many possibilities.

For so many years, the major holy land sects have been tirelessly chasing down indigenous gods and gods.

If the Ziyang Shengzong captured prisoners who knew the relevant secrets, they would naturally have the means to pry their mouths open.

The remaining indigenous gods in the Junchen world entrusted the protection of the real dragon family, but the real dragon family are not good men and women, and there are ways to clean them up.

Although the moon **** does not know

All the secrets of the mysterious palace, but what she said alone is enough to prove its great value.

If Hidden Mysterious Mansion really came into being, Ziyang Shengzong and the True Dragon Clan would definitely fight vigorously at all costs.

For Meng Zhang's idea of ​​trying to use the hidden secret palace to trigger a war between the Zhenlong clan and the Ziyang Shengzong, Luna agrees very much.

Regardless of his relationship with other native gods, as a member of the native gods, Luna's hatred of the major holy land sects is not weak at all.

The two sides do not say that they are incompatible, at least they are mortal enemies.

As for how to use the secrets of the Anonymous Mansion, Meng Zhang still needs to think carefully.

After talking about the mysterious mansion, Meng Zhang thought about the Daling River Of course, he would not easily reveal that he had captured the Daling River God, but said that he had obtained information, the major holy land sects The door is under the order of the real immortal, and he is trying his best to hunt down the Daling River God who is carrying the heavy treasure.

For this reason, he even did not hesitate to confront and conflict with the True Dragon Clan.

Meng Zhang looked very curious, and asked the Moon God if he knew anything about the Daling River God and the treasure he carried.

Luna shook her head and said that she didn't know about it.

Although Dalinghe God is also an old-fashioned indigenous god, in the age when the moon **** was active, he was only a small role among the indigenous gods, not even a true god, and could not enter the eyes of the moon **** at all.

In his capacity, what great treasure can he possess?

The biggest possibility is that before the surviving indigenous gods were completely wiped out by the cultivators, everyone entrusted him with a heavy treasure.

As for what kind of heavy treasure, because there are too few clues, it is difficult for Luna to guess for the time being.

In the final analysis, although Luna is a member of the Junchen world's indigenous gods, he is not a member of the inner circle, and he left the Junchen world early. He has limited knowledge about the secrets of many indigenous gods.

Without being able to get the information he wanted from Luna, Meng Zhang was inevitably a little disappointed.

However, Meng Zhang believes that as long as he frees up his hands, has enough time to kill, and slowly concocts the Daling River God, he will eventually get everything he wants.

Meng Zhang and Luna were not in a good situation in Junchen Realm. The two sides had a basis for cooperation and they still trusted each other.

After they had an in-depth chat for a while, they reached a covenant to help each other.

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