The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2292: Today is different

The reason why Tiangong was able to order the entire Junchen Realm to recruit the major comprehension forces in the Junchen Realm to serve it, in addition to the righteous name of the ruler of the Lingkong Immortal Realm, there are two most important points.

First, the strength of Tiangong is strong enough to easily crush the cultivation forces outside any holy land sect in the Junchen world, and no one dares to resist easily.

The second is that Tiangong acts justly, at least on the surface it will treat everyone equally, will maintain the minimum order of the Junchen world, and will guarantee the minimum interests of the major cultivation forces.

In recent years, in addition to the great strength of the head Meng Zhang, Taiyi Sect also has a number of back-to-virtual combat powers.

In the eyes of the top leaders of Taiyimen, Taiyimen's combat power at this time is enough to compete with any holy land sect.

Although Meng Zhang was not so optimistic, he also had a certain degree of confidence in the strength of the sect, and at least he was no longer afraid of the possible punishment from Tiangong.

Tiangong had already made a choice, disregarding the least fairness and justice, and chose the major holy land sects, allowing them to target the Taiyi sect.

The Taiyimen had to give up the good relationship they had established with Tiangong before.

The high-level Taiyimen are not so lowly and will not obey the Tiangong as before.

With Taiyimen as an example, its allies Hailing Sect also chose to reject Tiangong's recruitment.

Although some other big sects and big families did not dare to be as rigid as the Taiyi sect and the Hailing sect, they still began to find various excuses to delay the time and refused to easily obey the summoning orders of the Tiangong.

Everyone knows that the current Void battlefield situation is tense, and it is a meat grinder for both offensive and defensive sides.

As long as there is even the slightest possibility, there is no cultivation force that is willing to send its disciples to the void battlefield to sacrifice in vain.

The situation that Tiangong was facing was something that Tiangong had never faced before, and was simply unheard of.

Ever since Tiangong became the ruler of the Junchen world, has no self-cultivation force dared to give Tiangong face like this?

Taiyimen has a bad head. If everyone follows suit, how will Tiangong order the entire Junchen world in the future.

The most correct choice for Tiangong at this time is to immediately deal with Taiyimen by means of thunder, kill chickens to warn monkeys, and use the heads of Taiyimen to stand up.

The head of Tiangong, Ban Xuejianjun, is still in retreat and has not inquired about the affairs of Tiangong.

The deputy director of the ancient capital, Taoist, was also ordered to retreat by Jianjun Banxue and was not allowed to go out.

Ma Qiangou Xuxian and Wang Puchen Xuxian, the two deputy directors in charge of Tiangong affairs, had a lot of arguments on how to deal with the Taiyi Gate.

The last deputy director, Tianlei Xuxian, was sitting on the battlefield in the void and could not return to Tiangong to participate in this matter.

What Ma Qiangou Xuxian and Wang Puchen Xuxian were arguing about was not whether to deal with Taiyimen decisively, but worried that if Tiangong made a rash move and missed a hit, it would only make Tiangong's reputation discredited.

Everyone can see the ever-increasing strength of Taiyi Sect.

The Taiyimen and the Hailing faction did not talk about the alliance, and the Taiyimen also openly moved closer to the dark alliance. It is said that the two sides have already formed an alliance.

As the most mysterious secret organization in the Junchen world, the Dark Alliance is so powerful that Tiangong and the major sects of the Holy Land are terrified.

If Tiangong rashly crusades Taiyimen, and if Hailing faction and dark alliance join the war one after another, the scale of the war will be uncontrollable, and it will turn into a tragic civil war in the Junchen world.

At that time, outside the Junchen Realm, there will be foreign invaders pressing step by step, and a large-scale civil war will break out inside.

Under the internal and external difficulties, Tiangong's situation will only become more difficult.

The major holy land sects are very supportive of Tiangong's use of thunder in dealing with the Taiyi Sect.

However, the major holy land sects, like the Tiangong, have been restrained by too much power, and there is not enough power to use on the Taiyi sect for the time being.

In fact, some high-level officials in Tiangong who are more secure in their affairs also suggested that Tiangong should appease the Taiyi Sect and not let the Taiyi Sect cause trouble at this juncture.

Now the Junchen world with internal and external troubles really can't be in chaos first.

The senior officials of Tiangong could not reach an agreement, and the matter of how to deal with Taiyimen was naturally put on hold for the time being.

Seeing this, many comprehension forces in the Junchen world seem to have been inspired by some kind of inspiration, and they are even more reluctant to be recruited by the Tiangong.

The Taiyimen openly rejected Tiangong's summoning order this time, and their attitude was so tough. In fact, it was also a test of Tiangong.

No matter what the reason, Tiangong didn't do anything to Taiyimen under this situation, which is enough to show Tiangong's incompetence.

The major holy land sects did not seize this opportunity to attack Taiyimen, not because they didn't want to, but because they couldn't.

Looking at the reactions of the Heavenly Palace and the sects of the major holy places, Meng Zhang couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Today is different from the past, and the Taiyi Sect is no longer the one that can be manipulated in the past.

Taiyimen no longer needs the protection of Tiangong, and is no longer afraid of confronting the major holy land sects.

Today's situation in the Junchen world is also very different from the past.

Under the circumstance of internal and external troubles, the control of the Junchen Realm by the Tiangong and the major sects of the Holy Land is no longer as tight as before.

Their dominion over the Junchen world began to falter, and they, like everyone else, found it.

After the Taiyimen openly rejected Tiangong's summoning order, there was no further action.

It seems that nothing has happened in the Tiangong, as if the Taiyi Gate does not exist at all.

The senior leaders of Taiyimen, including Meng Zhang, could not see clearly the future of Junchen Realm.

Judging from the information obtained by the Dark Alliance, the coalition of foreign invaders this time is unprecedentedly powerful, and it looks like it will not stop until it breaks through the Junchen Realm.

If the alliance of foreign invaders really broke the Junchen Realm, what should the self-cultivation forces in the Junchen Realm such as Taiyimen do?

The top leaders of the Dark Alliance have challenged the Tiangong and the major holy land sects and subverted their plan to rule the Junchen world.

The Dark Alliance wants to replace it and replace Tiangong as the new ruler of Junchen Realm.

But if the army of foreign invaders broke through the Junchen world, then what's the point of all this?

Logically speaking, at this time, the major cultivation forces within the Junchen world should unite and unite to the outside world.

However, many contradictions within the Junchen world can no longer be reconciled, and various conflicts are on the verge of breaking out.

Taiyimen and other sects lost their trust in Tiangong and were unwilling to continue to obey Tiangong's orders.

The fate of the human race, the future of the cultivation world...

These big slogans have long been unable to confuse people.

At this time, the only people who can completely change the situation of Junchen Realm are probably a few sleeping true immortals.

In addition to the major holy land sects, many comprehension forces in the Junchen world are more afraid of these true immortals than expected, and do not want them to appear in the Junchen world again.

Taiyimen does not have the combat power of a true immortal.

Meng Zhang contacted Xianyun Zhenxian many times through the restraint in his body.

Xianyun Zhenxian was reluctant to show up easily before the situation in Junchen Realm became clearer, let alone enter Junchen Realm rashly.

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