The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2293: Return of the Void

Xianyun Zhenxian was so cautious that Meng Zhang was helpless.

It seems that in a short period of time, he will not be able to use the combat power of this true immortal.

The menacing foreign invaders are aliens, enemies of the human race, and not fellow travelers with the Taoist cultivators.

Buddhism and Taoism compete in many ways.

Mo Dao is one of the mortal enemies of Daomen.

The gods of Shinto and Taoist cultivators are not used to each other.

It is common practice for Taoist cultivators to cut down mountains and temples and crusade against indigenous gods.

Demons, barbarians, and spirits are not friends of Taoist cultivators.

Sometimes Meng Zhang couldn't help but sigh that the cultivators in the Junchen world were too pitiful to have so many enemies of different races and cultivation systems.

He used to wonder why these foreign invaders with different origins and races invaded the Junchen world on a large scale.

Ever since it was known that Junchen Realm was created by an angel who was trying to break through to the realm of Jinxian, who left a treasure in Junchen Realm, this question seems to have been answered.

Although the cultivation systems are different, the treasures left by the Taoist Heavenly Immortals are still of great value to these foreign invaders.

Daomen is one of the most compatible among many cultivation systems.

A cultivation method left by a Taoist deity can be enlightened by practitioners of other cultivation systems.

The treasures he left behind can also be used by other races and practitioners.

Meng Zhang also once thought that the Taiyi Sect has the inheritance left by the Taiyi Jinxian, and there is no need to covet the treasure left by a certain angel.

Meng Zhang only needs to practice step by step, and it is not impossible to break through to the realm of immortals.

There is no conflict of interest between Taiyimen and others, and there is absolutely no need to be involved in such disputes.

Unfortunately, many things are involuntary.

Those disputes are not to say that you can get out of it.

As a sect of human beings, Taiyimen cannot have the slightest trust between them and foreign invaders.

If foreign invaders really enter the Junchen world, there is no reason to show mercy to Taiyimen.

Since disputes could not be avoided anyway, Meng Zhang could only take the initiative.

Meng Zhang clearly realized that in order to have enough self-protection power in the future chaos, the combat power of the true immortal level is necessary.

According to his current cultivation speed, he is still a long way from breaking through the realm of true immortals.

If he can seize the opportunity, win the treasure of the gods, and get the opportunity to quickly advance to the real immortal realm, then the situation he and Taiyimen will face will be very different.

As for the information about the treasures left by the angels, the sleeping true immortals undoubtedly have the most knowledge, and they are also the closest.

Luna seems to know a lot about this information.

Luna and Meng Zhang are now allies, and there is a lot of mutual trust between the two sides, but she has revealed very limited information to Meng Zhang about the treasure left by Tian Xian.

Luna was a very important ally, and Meng Zhang was reluctant to destroy the relationship between the two sides.

If Luna didn't take the initiative to reveal more information, Meng Zhang wouldn't be able to persecute the other party.

The solution Meng Zhang thought of now was to keep putting pressure on the sects of the major holy places. It was best to directly threaten a few sleeping true immortals, so that they had to deal with it and destroy their original plans.

Tai Miao has not yet found a passage into the source sea, and has almost no knowledge of the situation inside.

Xianyun Zhenxian is unwilling to break into the Junchen world rashly, and without the participation of the true immortal-level combat power, how can he pose a threat to several sleeping real immortals?

From this point of view, it seems that the large-scale invasion of foreign invaders is not a bad thing.

Although there are frequent changes in the Ziyang Shengzong, it seems that there is still some time before the birth of the mysterious palace.

Luna sneaked into the depths of the ground in that area, and even went directly into the leylines, but did not observe any useful information.

On this day, Meng Zhang, who was in retreat, was startled at first, and then he couldn't help showing ecstasy.

Many years ago, after Kongkongzi broke through to the period of returning to the virtual world, Meng Zhang sent him to the foreign star area, and revealed the treasure left by the gods in Junchen Realm, which contained the secret of breaking through the chance of the gods, and revealed it to the foreign star area. Help Zhenxian know.

At that time, Meng Zhang wanted to attract more powerhouses into the game, create chaos, and create opportunities for himself.

At that time, the Taiyi Sect was under heavy pressure from the major sects of the Holy Land, and Meng Zhang urgently needed some external variables.

Now, Meng Zhang doesn't really need this kind of variable anymore.

Of course, he has no regrets about his decision.

From time to time, at different times, facing different situations, it is inevitable that there will be different needs and different decisions have to be made.

In any case, he will not regret having sent the Void Son.

Besides, Xianyun Zhenxian planted a restriction in his body and forced him to work for him, how could he have no resentment.

Although Xianyun Zhenxian had given him a lot of help, and the immortal talisman he had given was even more useful, it was because of his usefulness and the need for him to serve him.

No cultivator would be willing to be controlled by others.

Meng Zhang still needs Xianyun Zhenxian, and he has no ability to take revenge on Xianyun Zhenxian.

Xianyun Zhenxian came to the vicinity of Junchen Realm, concealed the secret about Junchen Realm, and did not report it to Zongmen, which was equivalent to betraying Zongmen.

Liuyun Zhenxian, the ancestor of the Floating Cloud Sect, knows what he thinks and what he will do. It will definitely be interesting.

Meng Zhang was happy to see Xianyun Zhenxian unlucky.

Now, the Voidchild who completed the mission has returned safely from the foreign sector.

In the outer void of Junchen Realm now, it has completely turned into a tragic battlefield.

Almost everywhere are invaders from outside the territory and comprehension of Junchen world.

Void son is secretly going to the foreign star area, and Xingzang must not be exposed.

After he came to the void at the periphery of Junchen Realm, he knew that it would be difficult for him to secretly return to Junchen Realm without disturbing others.

Fortunately, Meng Zhang had considered this situation before he left.

Void Child found a hidden to temporarily hide his tracks.

Then he used a secret technique and contacted Meng Zhang in Junchen Realm according to the agreed method.

After Meng Zhang received his news, he would naturally find a way to bring him back to the Junchen Realm.

Since Void Child has returned, it is not advisable to stay outside for a long time.

If Xianyun Zhenxian discovered her secret activities, she would probably hate herself to the core.

Although Meng Zhang has now been able to lift Xianyun Zhenxian's restraint in his body, he has not done anything because he is worried that Xianyun Zhenxian will be disturbed.

Meng Zhang's top priority now is to bring Kongkongzi back to Taiyimen Mountain Gate in a concealed and safe way.

If it was before, although this was a bit difficult, it was still not difficult for Meng Zhang.

However, the Taiyi Gate has almost fallen out with Tiangong now, and it becomes very inconvenient for Meng Zhang to enter and leave the Junchen Realm.

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