The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2302: trap

If there is no interference from King Ganglong, Yang and Xuxian can fight Meng Zhang in peace.

He was very confident in himself and felt that he would be able to keep Meng Zhang behind.

But when he really got started, he realized that he had underestimated Meng Zhang a bit.

Yang He Xuxian and Meng Zhang threw themselves into the battle wholeheartedly, and basically didn't care about other things.

Just after the Dragon King broke through all the way, no one could stop him, and soon came to a short distance below the huge palace.

The powerhouses of the other true dragon clan blocked the emptiness of the Ziyang Shengzong, so that they could not interfere with the advance of the Ganglong King.

Seeing the target in front of him, with the calm nature of the Dragon King, he couldn't help but feel a little bit of joy.

Suddenly, King Ganglong instinctively felt that something was wrong.

Could the palace above it really be the legendary Hidden Secret Palace?

The Dragon King had never seen the Hidden Mysterious Mansion, but only learned of the existence of the Hidden Mysterious Mansion from the mouths of the remaining native gods.

The aboriginal gods who disclosed the news of the mysterious palace to the real dragon clan also didn't know much about the mysterious palace.

As soon as the Dragon King discovered the huge palace, combined with all kinds of information, he subconsciously thought that it was the Hidden Mysterious Mansion, but he almost never had any doubts.

Ganglong King is not a master of heaven, and he does not know how to calculate heaven's secrets.

But he is a veteran who has experienced many battles and is very experienced.

On the surface, he looked down on the Purple Sun Sect just like the other True Dragon clan. But deep down, he would never underestimate such an opponent.

The Ziyang Shengzong has more information about the hidden mysterious mansion, and is the landlord of this place, so he should have more advantages.

However, when the real action was taken, the Ziyang Shengzong was passive at every step, seeing that the Dragon King was about to rush into the mysterious palace ahead of him.

The Dragon King instinctively stopped and wanted to take a closer look. Even if it took a little time for this, it was totally worth it.

The Dragon King's response was not slow, but he still stepped into the trap of the Purple Sun Sect.

This trap, which was supposed to be prepared for the Taiyi Sect cultivator, is now up to him to endure.

The magic circle that Ziyang Shengzong arranged here was originally used to absorb the mysterious palace.

At this time, the formation changed suddenly, and instead of continuing to attract the mysterious palace, it gave birth to a huge attraction, which firmly attracted the Ganglong King.

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The Dragon King's reaction was not slow, but he took the initiative to step into the shrouded range of the magic circle and endured the sudden changes of the magic circle.

Ganglong Wang struggled to fight, but did not break free from the shackles of the magic circle.

Ziyang Shengzong designed this magic circle to temporarily trap Meng Zhang in the late stage of returning to the virtual world.

The Ganglong King is stronger than the average late stage cultivator, and the real dragon family is born with a strong physical body and infinite divine power.

If he was given a little more time, he would really be able to break free from the shackles of the magic circle.

The traps set by the Ziyang Shengzong are one after another.

What is trapped now is not the originally expected target, but it does not hinder the subsequent series of actions.

The huge palace that everyone thought was the mysterious palace, has now lost the shackles of the magic circle and regained its freedom.

After regaining his freedom, the palace did not escape, but smashed towards the Ganglong King.

This is the real killer move in the trap.

The huge palace exudes a chilling light, and it contains terrifying power.

This is not just an ordinary palace, it is clearly a powerful treasure.

As long as you are not a fool, you should understand at this time that King Ganglong has stepped into a trap.

Ganglong King is facing a dangerous situation, although he is not confused.

He still had time in his heart to think, this time the trap was just the work of the Ziyang Sect, or the Taiyi Sect took refuge in the Ziyang Sect, and the two sides worked together to design themselves.

After all, they are all human cultivators, and naturally have the basis for cooperation.

For the human race, the real dragon clan is not only an alien race, but also a great enemy.

Seeing that King Ganglong was trapped, the other powerhouses of the True Dragon family tried to come and help him.

Previously, it was the powerhouses of the True Dragon Clan that blocked the power of the Ziyang Shengzong's return to the void.

Now, the situation is reversed, and it is Ziyang Shengzong's Void Returning Great Power to entangle them and prevent them from reinforcing the Ganglong King in the past.

King Ganglong held a trident and waved it hard at the palace that had hit it.

The trident in the Dragon King's hand became incomparably huge, and the shadow of the ocean was faintly visible behind him.

The trident brought the surging waves and blocked the huge palace at once.

After an earth-shattering impact, King Ganglong's body trembled slightly, and it seemed very difficult, but he still withstood the blow head-on.

In the center of the palace, a tall monk was sitting cross-legged, pushing the palace forward with all his strength.

It was another earth-shattering impact, and King Ganglong endured even more pressure.

This palace is the sect of the Jiuxuan Pavilion's heavy treasure earth hall, and now it is controlled by the monk Xuanle in its door.

Meng Zhangwei is famous and has a brilliant record, and the major sects in the Holy Land will not underestimate him.

This time, in order to ensure that the Ziyang Shengzong would kill him with one blow and completely destroy the pillars of Taiyimen, he had made sufficient preparations in advance.

Jiuxuan Pavilion and Taiyi Sect had a lot of grievances, and Ziyang Shengzong paid a certain price and finally invited Xuanle Shangzun.

Xuanle Shangzun controls the Tuxing Temple, and even if he faces head-to-head, he is sure to win Meng Zhang.

Yang and Xuxian secretly escaped from the East China and ambushed nearby, even adding double insurance.

In the eyes of Yang He Xuxian, it was not difficult for him to take down Meng Zhang, a defeated general.

Now Meng Zhang and Yang and Xu Xian are fighting hard, which is far beyond their expectations.

The trap trapped the Ganglong King who accidentally stepped in. Of course, the Supreme Lord Xuanle would not be merciful.

The real dragon clan and the sects of the holy places have been fighting against each other for many years. As the high-level dragon king of the real dragon clan, he is the enemy of the cultivators of the sects of the major holy places.

If you can win or even severely damage this enemy here, it will definitely be of great benefit to the situation in the East China Sea.

Xuanle Shangzun tried his best to mobilize the Tuxing Hall to bring out the power of this heavy treasure to the fullest.

The array that originally trapped the Ganglong King could no longer support it in the fierce battle between the two powerhouses.

The magic circle burst with a bang, and the huge force that firmly absorbed the Ganglong King disappeared.

But the Dragon King did not regain his freedom.

The Tuxing Hall controlled by the Supreme Lord Xuan Le firmly suppressed him, making him unable to escape at all.

Among the five elements, soil can overcome water.

Ganglongwang, like most ocean powerhouses, is good at manipulating the power of water movement.

Tuxingdian faced Ganglong King, which happened to have a lot of restraint on him.

From falling into a trap, to the time when Xuanle Shangzun made a sneak attack, in a very short time, the Dragon King fell to the disadvantage, only the power of parrying could not fight back.

Of course, a strong man like Ganglong King is not only cultivating pure water power.

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