The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2303: Great War

For the True Dragon Clan, the Ganglong King is not only a general who charges into battle, but also a handsome man who devises strategies.

Not to mention his own cultivation base, he also carried some treasures of the True Dragon Clan.

Now Xuan Le Shang Zun relied on the power of the Tuxing Hall to temporarily suppress him, and he quickly responded.

A huge red coral appeared behind Ganglongwang.

This coral grows in the wind, and soon it has a certain momentum, and it suddenly withstood the earth-hing hall that fell from the sky.

Countless branches grew out of the coral, and they kept entangling from all directions to the Earth Hing Hall.

The Earth Hing Hall shook slightly, and most of these branches were shattered.

But there are still many branches under the control of King Ganglong, entangled in the Tuxing Hall, and infiltrated into the interior of the Tuxing Hall.

Due to the relationship of Xuanxuan's ancestors, the monks of Jiuxuan Pavilion are basically arrogant and arrogant people.

The monks of Jiuxuange are used to being domineering in the world of self-cultivation. Except for the monks of other holy land sects, they don't look down on others at all.

Many times, even the monks of other holy land sects would dislike the arrogant and domineering monks of Jiuxuan Pavilion.

Jiuxuan Pavilion had suffered losses in Meng Zhang's hands before, and since then he hated Meng Zhang to death, wishing to swallow him alive.

This time, Jiuxuan Pavilion's participation in the actions of Ziyang Shengzong was largely for revenge.

You must know that with the current situation faced by the major holy land sects, it is not an easy thing to arbitrarily select a late Void Returning Supreme.

The target of the ambush was changed from Mengzhang to King Ganglong, which was very unexpected, but did not delay the shot.

However, the sneak attack came first, and he also used the sect's heavy treasure. He has not been able to win the Ganglong King, and the other party has the potential to fight back, which suddenly aroused the spirit of Xuanle Shangzun.

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When it comes to the bottom line, he doesn't believe that Jiu Xuan Pavilion is inferior to the True Dragon Clan.

In the final analysis, cultivators are the rulers of the Junchen world.

No matter how powerful your true dragon family is in the void, you have to lie down honestly when you reach the Junchen world.

Lord Xuanle began to cast various high-level talismans, and various attacks kept falling on King Ganglong.

Ganglong King also has many methods, not only blocking the attack, but also returning one or two.

The battle between the Dragon King and the Supreme Lord Xuanle was extremely fierce, and it seemed that it would be difficult to decide the winner in a short period of time.

The two fought in an earth-shattering manner, and the aftermath of the battle continued to spread around.

In a farther place, the other powerhouses of the True Dragon Clan and the monks of the Ziyang Sect were also fighting endlessly.

Meng Zhang fought Yang and Xuxian head-on this time, and he did not lose at all, and fought with each other vigorously.

There are so many Void Returning Great Experts fighting here, which has a great impact.

The sky is trembling, the earth is shaking violently...

The surrounding mountains were shattered, rivers were levelled...

The area of ​​thousands of miles was originally the territory of the Dali Dynasty, but it was later divided between Taiyimen and Ziyang Shengzong.

Before the war, neither the Ziyang Shengzong nor the Taiyimen moved the monks and mortals on the territory for the sake of confidentiality.

For ordinary monks and mortals, this battle is a catastrophe.

If the cultivator was a little smarter, he might have escaped from here early in the war.

But for the mortals living here, it was a real disaster.

This was a real catastrophe. Not long after the battle started, countless huge craters appeared on the ground, and everything around was turned to dust.

Countless towns and cities around it were flattened, and countless creatures lost their lives...

Even Meng Zhang and other senior leaders of Taiyi Sect, who have always been sympathetic to the common people, are powerless to prevent all this from happening at this time, and they do not have much spare energy to take care of other things.

Tiangong's Tianwei Thunder Punishment Array has long discovered the situation of many returning to the virtual great powers.

The thunder rumbled in the sky, and the thunderclouds condensed, but there was no further movement.

The power of the Tianwei Thunder Punishment Array has an upper limit, and for a single Void Returning Great Power, it may be an existence that is difficult to resist.

However, in such a battle involving many virtuosity returning greats, it can play a limited role.

Instead of launching the Tianwei Thunder Punishment Array at will, it is better to wait for the opportunity and consume its power at the critical moment.

The powerhouses of the real dragon clan and the cultivators of the Ziyang Shengzong who were present all made a real fire, and neither of the two sides no longer cared about other things, and almost all shot with all their strength.

Meng Zhang's combat power was almost no weaker than Yang and Xuxian, and he was firmly entangled.

The battle intensified, and the aftermath of the battle caused more and more damage.

This is now the junction of Ziyang Shengzong and Taiyimen. Both sides have suffered huge losses in this disaster.

In a farther place, Taiyimen monks began to organize mortals from various villages and towns to evacuate, and evacuated to the depths of Taiyimen territory at the fastest speed.

Although he had already made certain psychological preparations, Meng Zhang felt a little heavy after the tragic situation below entered his eyes.

It is no wonder that Tiangong and the major sects of the Holy Land have always strictly prohibited the outbreak of the Void Return War in the Junchen Realm.

There are nearly 20 Void Return-level powerhouses in the field now, and the surrounding area has become completely unrecognizable.

The battle has lasted for a long time, and I am afraid that the surrounding world will become riddled with holes.

Of course, no matter how much damage is caused by the battle, all parties involved in the battle are already in a difficult This time, no one is willing to let it go if they don't come up with a result.

The Ganglong King and other true dragon powerhouses have realized that this time is a trap.

Meng Zhang is still fighting with Yang and Xuxian, so he should also be deceived.

The powerhouses of the real dragon clan couldn't help but scold all the human races as unreliable, Meng Zhang was really a waste.

Not to mention stepping into the trap by himself, he also implicated the True Dragon Clan.

Of course, since the end of the battle has been opened, not to mention the question of whether it can be easily evacuated, the strong people of the True Dragon Clan also have the idea of ​​not admitting defeat.

In the confrontation over the East China Sea, there are also many high-level leaders in the True Dragon Clan who are unwilling.

If you can defeat these damned human monks on the site of the Ziyang Shengzong, it will definitely benefit the situation in the East China Sea.

Including the Ganglong King, all the powerhouses of the True Dragon clan use all means to use their supernatural powers to defeat the opposite Human Race cultivator.

The two sides fought for a while, and it seemed that they were evenly matched, and the winner could not be determined for the time being.

At this time, the Tianwei Thunder Punishment Formation in the sky seemed to have found an opportunity.

Several fierce lightning bolts fell from the sky, directly hitting the cultivator and Meng Zhang of the True Dragon Clan.

Since Tiangong's chief executive, accompanied by Xuejianjun, completely fell to the major holy land sects, the Tiangong and the major holy land sects have basically merged.

Although many cultivators of the Tiangong lineage were still unwilling, they would still go all out when it came time to cooperate with the major sects of the Holy Land.

The powerhouses of the real dragon family who were targeted by lightning either dodged or parried, and they all survived this round of attacks.

Of course, they will inevitably suffer a small loss in the process. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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