The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2310: lost heavily

If the law of heaven and earth is completely destroyed, the monk will suffer irreparable damage.

Not only is the cultivation realm falling, but even the lifespan will be greatly reduced.

Although Yang and Xuxian's heaven and earth dharma were severely damaged, they still retained some vitality and were not completely destroyed.

After all, Yang He Xuxian has experienced countless winds and waves, and all kinds of experience are extremely rich.

At the moment when the dharma of heaven and earth was hit hard, he knew that a critical moment had come.

If one responds improperly, he will probably fall here today.

The crisis he never encountered, but stimulated his potential.

At the most dangerous time, although he was not panicked, he made the right choice.

Yang and Xuxian unleash their final potential, and do not hesitate to cause more damage to themselves and the law of heaven and earth.

That round of purple sun turned into several rays of light and fell into his body, and his entire body turned into a rainbow light and escaped into the sky, quickly disappearing into the sky.

The Dragon King had already been knocked out, and he had no time to react.

Meng Zhang had the will to do something, but he was powerless.

Just now with Yang and Xuxian's heaven and earth law, he was also seriously injured.

After the green bamboo collided with the law of heaven and earth, it was already on the verge of collapse.

This treasure can no longer be saved, and it can only be thrown into the Sun and Moon Blessed Land so that the Blessed Land can absorb it and use it.

It is worthwhile to inflict heavy damage on Yang and Xuxian at the cost of scrapping a treasure.

With Yang and Xuxian's injuries, even if he managed to escape, he would most likely fall into the realm of cultivation.

If he can't get treatment in time, he may even die.

Even if the Ziyang Shengzong has a rich heritage, there are ways and resources to save him.

In many years, he will not be able to restore his cultivation base, let alone become an enemy of Taiyi Sect.

Temporarily losing a powerhouse at the immortal level, Ziyang Shengzong's strength was greatly reduced, and the pressure on Taiyimen's head was greatly reduced.

Meng Zhang and King Ganglong after adjusting their breaths for a while, forcibly suppressed their injuries and joined the pursuit of the Ziyang Sect cultivator.

Ziyang Shengzong cultivator, who was retreating, finally started to panic when he saw Meng Zhang and Ganglong King kill.

Their presence here means that they have solved Yang and Xuxian.

When they thought that Yang and Xuxian couldn't stop them, they couldn't help but feel chills in their hearts.

Fortunately, due to their injuries, Meng Zhang and King Ganglong were unable to exert their full fighting power, and the pressure on them was limited.

Even so, this road of retreat, for them, has become a road of death with heavy casualties.

These cultivators of Ziyang Shengzong exhausted all their cards before finally retreating back to the mountain gate.

In the process, they paid the price of three Void Returning Great Experts who died in battle, and almost all the rest were seriously injured.

Even if these seriously injured Ziyang Sect cultivators escaped safely, they would not be in trouble for a long time.

The powerhouses of the True Dragon Clan and Taiyi Sect cultivators chased and killed them all the way to the outside of the Ziyang Shengzong Mountain Gate.

In the face of such a team of strong men approaching the city, the Ziyang Shengzong fell into a huge panic.

They tried to attack Ziyang Shengzong's mountain gate, but soon gave up.

As a result, although none of the strong fell, most of them were injured, and some were seriously injured, which seriously affected their combat effectiveness.

Second, Ziyang Shengzong Mountain Gate is guarded by a fifth-order mountain protection formation, which is not so easy to break.

Especially after the defeated Ziyang Shengzong monks fled back to the mountain gate, the defense of the mountain gate was greatly enhanced.

Thirdly, other holy land sects will never sit back and watch Ziyang Shengzong Mountain Sect fall.

If they continue to entangle here and wait for other Holy Land sects to mobilize their forces for reinforcements, the situation will not be good.

Meng Zhang and King Ganglong each led their subordinates and quickly evacuated the mountain gate of Ziyang Shengzong.

On the way back, Meng Zhang explained a few words to the Ganglong King, expressed his apology, and said that he had not noticed it for a while, and had fallen into the wrongs of the Ziyang Shengzong.

Ganglong Wang did not dwell on this matter.

This is the end of the matter, how the truth of the matter is no longer important.

Anyway, this time, the powerhouses of the True Dragon Clan and the Taiyi Sect cultivators joined forces to fight against the Purple Sun Sect, causing huge casualties to the other side.

This is the result everyone sees.

From now on, can the two sides still reconcile with Ziyang Shengzong?

After this battle, although no members of King Ganglong's men died in the battle, almost all of them were injured, and many members were seriously injured.

Next, most of the two will face retaliation from the Holy Land Zongmen, which is the time when they need to cooperate with each other and join forces to fight the enemy.

A wise man like King Ganglong will not pursue those details, let alone hold on to something that is not right. Instead, he will take a long-term view and focus on the future.

After he and Meng Zhang agreed to watch and help each other in the future, he hurriedly left here with his men and returned overseas.

The current state of his team is extremely bad. If they encounter the interception of the monks of the Holy Land Zongmen, there will be casualties.

Meng Zhang also brought his men back to the Taiyi Gate Mountain Gate, so that everyone could seize the time to heal their wounds and restore their combat power as soon as possible to meet the next actions of the major holy land sects.

Shortly after they returned to the mountain gate, the goddess of worshiping the moon returned with the Daoist Yanglin who was captured alive.

After a while, An Moran also came back safely.

After a period of time, King Gray Peng fled into the Taiyimen territory and officially joined the Taiyimen.

This time, Taiyimen successfully achieved its goal.

Ziyang Shengzong arranged traps and tried to ambush Taiyimen.

Because the trap was seen through, Taiyimen counter-calculated Ziyang Shengzong, using the powerhouse of the True Dragon Clan to break the game.

The Ziyang Shengzong was the biggest loser this time. No matter in terms of lining or face, they all lost cleanly.

Such a heavy loss is almost unprecedented since the founding of the Ziyang Sect.

The mountain gate was intimidated by the made the mountain gate a mess.

The traitor in the mountain gate managed to escape, which was an unprecedented shame and humiliation.

Taiyimen and the powerhouses of the Zhenlong clan joined forces to kill Ziyang Shengzong Mountain Gate and openly attacked. This is simply putting the face of Ziyang Shengzong on the ground and trampling.

If the Ziyang Shengzong did not take revenge as soon as possible and wash away the shame, how would he gain a foothold in the Junchen world in the future, and how would the cultivators meet people in the sect?

It is a pity that even the most radical and reckless cultivator of the Ziyang Holy Sect did not dare to ask the sect to take revenge at will at this time.

The result of this battle was too tragic for the Purple Sun Sect.

Not to mention the lost Void Returning Great Power, the remaining Void Returning Great Powers are basically seriously injured, and the combat effectiveness is difficult to guarantee.

If the true dragon clan and the Taiyimen powerhouses work together and launch a fierce attack regardless of the cost, it is really possible to conquer the mountain gate of the Ziyang Shengzong.

At that time, Ziyang Shengzong will face the disaster of annihilation.

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