The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2311: isolated

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The Taiyi Sect has achieved great results this time, but the high-level monks of their own sect have no losses.

Of course, those cultivators who were injured need a period of time to heal before they can slowly recover from their injuries and regain their combat effectiveness.

Although Taiyimen teamed up with the powerhouses of the True Dragon Clan this time, they defeated holy land sects like Ziyang Shengzong on the frontal battlefield, and once killed the opponent's mountain gate.

This made Taiyimen's momentum soar, and its prestige spread throughout the Junchen world.

Next, Taiyimen still has many troubles.

Before this action, Taiyimen did not communicate with allies.

The battle is over, Meng Zhang needs to explain to his allies in person.

According to the covenant with the Dark Alliance and the Sea Spirit Sect, if the Taiyi Sect goes to war with the Holy Land Sect, they all have the obligation to help.

If handled improperly, they will all be involved in the war with the Holy Land Sect.

Neither the Dark Alliance nor the Sea Spirit Sect were willing to fight the Holy Land Sect at this time.

The Taiyi Sect went their own way behind their backs, and it would be very unfavorable to them if the battle with the Holy Land Sect was fully opened.

Meng Zhang wanted to appease his allies and dispel their grievances.

In addition, Ziyang Shengzong suffered such a tragic failure this time, and paid such a huge loss, there will definitely be consequences.

The major holy land sects are now one, even if the Ziyang sect is unable to retaliate against the Taiyi sect, will the other holy land sects just sit back and ignore it?

Meng Zhang spent a lot of energy explaining to the Dark Alliance and the Hailing Sect to calm their dissatisfaction.

According to Meng Zhang, Taiyimen was also accidentally involved in the battle this time, and did not take the initiative to cause trouble.

The powerhouses of the True Dragon Clan tried to seize the mysterious palace and stepped into the trap of the Ziyang Shengzong.

Although the True Dragon Clan did not formally form an alliance with the Taiyi Sect, the two sides had common interests and were natural allies in the fight against the major holy land sects.

Taiyimen had to get involved in the battle in order to help the powerhouses of the True Dragon family.

After this war, the relationship between the Taiyi Sect and the True Dragon Clan became closer, and the True Dragon Clan and the Ziyang Shengzong had a blood feud.

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Whether others believe it or not, Meng Zhang's remarks are still very reasonable.

Although the Dark Alliance and the Hailing Sect have a lot of opinions on Taiyimen, it is impossible for them to turn against Taiyimen because of this.

The sects of the major holy places were originally their biggest enemies, and the Taiyi sect fought the enemy in private, and it was not so sinful.

The biggest reason is that everyone needs each other, and in the future, they will have to face powerful enemies like the major holy land sects.

In particular, the Taiyimen and the Zhenlong clan have joined forces this time, showing that the two sides have a close relationship, so the Taiyimen are more valuable.

After some twists and turns, at least on the surface, neither the Dark Alliance nor the Sea Spirit Sect continued to investigate the matter, and their relationship with Taiyi Sect was still as friendly as before.

After appeasing allies, Taiyimen showed a very tough attitude when it came to the outside world.

The war mobilization began on the Taiyimen territory, and an army of monks was called up, looking like they would fight against the Ziyang Shengzong at any time.

Not to be outdone, Ziyang Shengzong also gathered an army of monks and prepared for battle.

For Ziyang Shengzong, the bad news is almost one after another.

The Ziyang Sect took the initiative to ambush the Taiyi Sect this time, and recruited many monks from other places, which has already aroused the dissatisfaction of other Sacred Land Sects.

Many high-level leaders of the Holy Land Sect thought that the Ziyang Sect was too selfish and ignored the overall situation, sabotaging their grand plan for their own selfishness.

If the Ziyang Shengzong won this time, it would be good to say, but this time the Ziyang Shengzong lost the face of the major sects of the holy land.

Many cultivators despised the Holy Land Sect because of the failure of the Ziyang Sect, thinking that the Holy Land Sect was nothing more than that.

In many places, some self-cultivation forces dissatisfied with the Holy Land Zongmen began to move.

These are still little troubles.

Previously, the Ziyang Shengzong had transferred power from other places, which had already affected the defenses of many places.

Not only has the gap not been filled in time, but in order to defend Taiyi Sect, it is necessary to continue to deploy forces.

Just like the Void Battlefield, every time the Ziyang Holy Sect loses a defensive cultivator, other holy land sects need to add a defensive cultivator in time.

This will not only impose a burden on other holy land sects, but it will also affect the battle situation in the void.

The Ziyang Shengzong is not only escaping their obligations and responsibilities, but also endangering the overall situation.

Although the other holy land sects will not fall for the Ziyang Shengzong at this time, they are constantly accusing and unwilling to help the Ziyang Shengzong.

Of course, this is also because the enemy has evacuated from the gate of the Ziyang Shengzong, and the Ziyang Shengzong is not threatened by being destroyed for the time being.

If the allied forces of Taiyimen and Zhenlong clan are still attacking the mountain gate of Ziyang Shengzong, other holy land sects will definitely not sit idly by due to the consideration of death.

The other holy land sects blamed the Ziyang Shengzong at this time, and it was still a battle of interests, in order to seize more benefits from the Ziyang Shengzong.

Originally suffered heavy losses, and faced the criticism of other holy land sects, the Ziyang Holy Sect was very aggrieved.

The Supreme Xuanle of Jiuxuan Pavilion only cared about his escape, putting Yang and Xuxian in danger.

Afterwards, because of this incident, Ziyang Shengzong and Jiuxuan Pavilion almost fell Ziyang Shengzong accused Xuanle Shangzun of being greedy for life and fear of death, and ran away from the battle, which led to the defeat of the battle and the appearance of his own side. suffered heavy casualties.

How could Shangzun Xuanle admit this kind of accusation?

Although he really only cares about his own escape, he will never feel that he is wrong, he will only think that the Ziyang Shengzong is sorry for him.

He was kind enough to help, but he didn't get the gratitude of Ziyang Shengzong, but he became a scapegoat to cover up Ziyang Shengzong's incompetence.

He satirized Ziyang Shengzong's high-level intelligence was mistaken by wisdom. Originally, he was ambushing Taiyimen, but he failed to steal the chicken, but suffered a disastrous defeat.

Of course, Jiuxuan Pavilion is on the side of its own monks.

Not to mention that the Supreme Lord Xuanle has a very high status in Jiuxuan Pavilion, and is one of the top executives, enough to influence the decision-making of the sect.

The two sides continued to file lawsuits, and the relationship suddenly became very bad.

Seeing Ziyang Shengzong's internal and external troubles, he was in a very unfavorable situation.

In the Xingluo Islands of the West Sea, the Guanghan Palace, the strongest local sect, seized this opportunity.

Guanghan Palace aggressively attacked the stronghold of Ziyang Shengzong in Xingluo Archipelago.

Xiao Jiansheng, the great power of returning to the virtual world, who was seated here by the Ziyang Shengzong, was defeated by Fairy Guanghan, and had to leave everything behind and escape with his severely injured body.

After conquering the stronghold of the Ziyang Shengzong, the entire Xingluo Archipelago completely surrendered to the Guanghan Palace.

Whether it is a former enemy or a friend, seeing that the Ziyang Shengzong is no match for the Guanghan Palace, how can they still have the courage to resist, only kneeling and licking are the way to go.

The Guanghan Palace has unified the Xingluo Islands, and has become a small overlord on the West Sea.

Ziyang Shengzong completely lost control of the Xingluo Archipelago, not only the loss of interests, but also the greater blow to its reputation.

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