The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2317: problem

Meng Zhang knew the details behind the Guanghan Palace.

Not to mention Fairy Yue'e who is still in the void, the Taoist Moon Shadow who is hiding in Guanghan Palace is not an easy generation.

Fairy Yue'e and True Immortal Xianyun formed an alliance to capture the relic of the Heavenly Immortal together.

Meng Zhang could not regard Guanghan Palace as a vassal force as before.

Although Meng Zhang did not publicize the foundation of Guanghan Palace in the door, he had already explained to the middle and high-level officials of the door.

Taiyimen regarded Guanghan Palace as an equal ally long ago.

For this ally, Taiyimen voluntarily gave up many interests in the Xingluo Islands.

The Xuanxinguan and other forces on the Xingluo Archipelago have always surrendered to the Taiyi Sect before, and they are regarded as the peripheral vassals of the Taiyi Sect.

Fairy Guanghan is in the advanced stage of returning to the virtual stage, and after the rise of Guanghan Palace, of course they have to bow their heads to the strong people around them.

Taiyimen is far away from the Xingluo Islands, but Guanghan Palace is close at hand.

They also explained to Taiyimen their last resort in secret.

They also faintly hinted that Taiyi Sect could send more powerful forces to Xingluo Archipelago to contain Guanghan Palace.

These peripheral vassal forces were half-hearted towards Taiyi Sect, and could not say how loyal they were. How could Meng Zhang offend the Guanghan Palace, which was backed by immortals, for them.

The attitude of Taiyimen towards these cultivation forces is getting colder and colder.

On the contrary, Taiyimen and Guanghan Palace fought hotly, and gave Guanghan Palace full respect.

Although Fairy Guanghan is a female class, she is also ambitious, and has enough ability and skill to realize her own ambitions.

In the past, due to the constraints of the situation, Fairy Guanghan seemed unable to achieve her ambitions and could not perform.

Now that she has the opportunity and space to fully display her fists, Fairy Guanghan is doing very well.

She gave both kindness and strength, both soft and hard, and quickly controlled the situation in the Xingluo Archipelago.

Especially after she defeated Xiao Jiansheng of the Purple Sun Sect head-on and completely expelled the forces of the Purple Sun Sect from the Xingluo Archipelago, all the self-cultivation forces in the Xingluo Archipelago had no choice but to surrender completely, whether they wanted to or not.

Fairy Guanghan united all the cultivation forces in the Xingluo Archipelago and began to expand wildly around.

Ziyang Shengzong and other holy land sects do not go out, and no one around can stop their expansion for the time being.

Compared to the era when the Qiu brothers ruled, the Xingluo Archipelago now has an absolute advantage in high-level combat power, and it also appears to be more powerful and difficult to resist.

For the expansion of Guanghan Palace, as long as it does not harm its own interests, Taiyimen hold a welcome attitude.

Someone jumped out to attract the attention of the major sects in the Holy Land, and Meng Zhang naturally couldn't ask for it.

If it weren't for the current situation in the Junchen world, the major holy land sects would have already taken action to suppress the Guanghan Palace.

Taiyimen regarded Guanghan Palace as an equal ally, and even introduced it to the Dark Alliance and Sea Spirit Sect, introducing a small alliance between them.

Although the real foundation of Guanghan Palace is not clear, the potential of Guanghan Palace is not weak, which is in the rising stage.

Guanghan Palace has gained a lot of benefits by joining this small league and has more room for development.

After Meng Zhang became a virtual immortal, refining the wind fire yin yang fan went very smoothly.

In his spare time, he also began to interrogate the Daling River God who was captured by him back then. He wanted to find out the secrets of the Daling River God and why the sects of the Holy Land were so interested in him.

The cultivation base has improved, and he can use more means.

Meng Zhang tried twice and made some progress.

At this time, he received a message from the Moon God.

After becoming allies with Luna, the two sides agreed on contact information to keep in touch at any time and prevent them from losing contact again.

During the last war, Luna seized the opportunity to capture the Yanglin Taoist from the Ziyang Sect.

Daoist Yang Lin, who was in the middle stage of returning to the virtual world, was a high-ranking member of the Ziyang Sect and had mastered many secrets of the Ziyang Sect.

The Moon God and the senior officials of the Taiyi Sect together severely interrogated this.

An ancient **** like the Moon God has mastered many high-end methods and is also very experienced in dealing with cultivators.

The senior leaders of Taiyi Sect, including Meng Zhang, are the best among cultivators and are familiar with the weaknesses of cultivators.

They joined forces many times, took turns to fight, and finally peeled off the soul of Daoist Yanglin, and learned a lot of important information from it.

Of course, as a master of returning to the void, even if he is captured, Daoist Yanglin has many means to keep secrets.

In particular, some of the top secrets about the sect that he knew were protected by special prohibitions.

Daoist Yanglin did not give in until his soul was scattered, and he brought many secrets into the coffin.

But even the information that was forcibly obtained by Meng Zhang and Luna had already benefited them a lot.

For Taiyimen, mastering these high-end secrets about Ziyang Shengzong will help them to be targeted, and make many targeted arrangements for Ziyang Shengzong in the future.

For Luna, the biggest gain was to master the secret method and related materials of Ziyang Shengzong to calculate the trajectory of the mysterious palace.

Combining it with the means she has mastered, she has a new understanding in this regard.

The Luna's desire for the Hidden Mysterious Mansion is still far beyond Meng Zhang's.

She left Taiyi Gate and went to the northern border of Junchen Realm. She wandered around, surveyed the leylines, made careful calculations, tried to find out the latest trajectory of the mysterious palace, and found its whereabouts.

Daoist Yanglin's bones were harder than Meng Zhang had imagined. After killing him, Meng Zhang was very disappointed.

This is not because Meng Zhang cherished his life. The relationship between Taiyimen and Ziyang Shengzong has long been immortal and inexorable.

It is a pity that Meng Zhang did not get much information from the soul of Taoist Yanglin.

Meng Zhang had guessed before that, with the identity and status of Daoist Yanglin, he should have some understanding of the situation of several sleeping true immortals.

But I don't know if he really didn't know the relevant information, or if the relevant information was completely hidden by him, Meng Zhang didn't gain anything in this regard.

There is no Want to know this information, Meng Zhang can only hope that it is too good.

Although Meng Zhang has only advanced to the virtual immortal realm not long now, from a long-term perspective, he should start to consider the matter of advancing to the true immortal.

From imaginary immortal to true immortal, one imaginary and one real, it seems that there is only one step away, but there is a world of difference.

The old-fashioned immortals, such as Tiangong's chief executive Fan Xuejianjun and the deputy chief Gudu Taoist, have advanced to the virtual immortal realm for thousands of years, but they have not yet been able to become true immortals.

It can be seen how difficult it is to become an immortal and become a true immortal.

There are very detailed records in Meng Zhang's inheritance of Taiyimen.

He has no shortage of cultivation techniques, and the cultivation base can be accumulated slowly, and the required resources can also be collected slowly.

But there is a huge problem that cannot be circumvented by any means.


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