The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2318: track

When cultivators become true immortals, there must be extraterrestrial demons coming to block the way.

If you can't stop the extraterritorial demons and can't cross this pass, it will be the end of death.

If you break through the true immortal in the void, you will face the threat of extraterritorial demons, and the chance of success is almost zero.

If it is a breakthrough in a big world, you can also use the power of the world to weaken the power of the extraterritorial demons.

In particular, the cultivator's origin and growth, the great world that left the imprint of the Yang God when breaking through the return to the virtual period, has the strongest protective effect on the cultivator.

A big world at the level of Junchen World can shelter cultivators and help them resist the threat of extraterrestrial demons.

It is a pity that thousands of years ago, several true immortals who conquered the Junchen realm cast spells together before they fell asleep, temporarily changing the laws of heaven and earth in the Junchen realm, so that they no longer shelter the cultivators who have broken through the real immortals. it hinders.

In these thousands of years, countless genius monks have emerged in the Junchen world, and there are also many virtual immortals who are qualified to become true immortals.

However, due to the practices of several true immortals, none of these imaginary immortals could break through to true immortals.

Among them, the virtual immortals of the major holy land sects are included.

Obstructing people's way is a mortal hatred.

The actions of several true immortals have accumulated countless resentments for them.

Even within the major holy land sects, it is estimated that there are many people who hate them.

In the past, Meng Zhang was still far away from breaking through to a true immortal, so he could naturally ignore this issue for the time being.

Now, Meng Zhang is already a virtual immortal, so he must take into account the relevant issues early on.

According to the information that Meng Zhang had already known, when those true immortals woke up from their deep sleep and started to fight for the relics of the heavenly immortals, the changes they made to the rules of the Junchen world in the past would completely disappear.

What Meng Zhang hoped most was that the true immortals must wake up before they break through.

The situation in Junchen Realm is so bad, and facing the massive attack of foreign invaders, there is danger of being occupied at any time, and those true immortals have not yet woken up.

They slept really well.

In the news from Luna, it was said that she had calculated the trajectory of the hidden mysterious mansion.

For Meng Zhang, once he has mastered the Hidden Mysterious Mansion, he will have an extra point of support when the world undergoes great changes in the future.

There were no major events at the Taiyi Gate for the time being. Meng Zhang explained the affairs of the gate and rushed to join the Moon God.

According to the contact information agreed by the two parties, Meng Zhang came to the northern edge of Junchen Realm, which was already close to the mainland of Middle-earth, and only saw the Moon God.

The Moon God is still the same as before, still possessing the body of the Moon Goddess.

On weekdays, dealing with the outside world, etc., are all handed over to the goddess of worshiping the moon.

After the two met, they didn't care about the exchange and quickly got to the point.

It took a lot of effort for Luna to finally calculate the trajectory of Hidden Mysterious Mansion.

Of course, it's not entirely her credit.

Due to the collapse of many leylines in the north of Junchen Realm in the last war, the earth qi disorder appeared in a large area.

Although Taiyimen and Ziyang Shengzong have mobilized a lot of power, they have established magic circles in various places to quell the riots of earth energy.

However, their approach could not cure the root cause, and the effect was not very good, and the scene of the earth-qi riots did not get much improvement.

In the Junchen world, there has not been such a large-scale war of returning to the virtual for many years.

Many monks, including Meng Zhang, inevitably underestimated the consequences of a war of this magnitude.

Hidden Mysterious Mansion is above the Junchen World Continent. It has been lurking underground, driven by the Earth Qi and swimming along the Earth Pulse. Valley

The underground situation is extremely complicated, and the ley lines are buried deep in the ground, so it is difficult to be affected by the outside world on weekdays.

Originally, according to various calculations, the Hidden Mysterious Mansion should have moved to the north of Junchen Realm.

However, due to the great changes in the north of Junchen Realm, the movement of Hidden Mysterious Mansion will definitely be greatly affected.

As for the extent to which the Hidden Mysterious Mansion will be affected, and where it will move next, because there is no precedent to follow, it is difficult for everyone to make accurate calculations.

Luna combined the strengths of the two families, spent a lot of time and energy, went deep into the ground many times, and carried out investigations in person.

The mysterious palace was originally going to swim toward the north of Junchen Realm, so she started at the northern edge of Junchen Realm and waited patiently.

Emperor Tian pays off, and Luna's hard work for so many years has not been in vain.

She not only glimpsed the moving trajectory of the mysterious palace many times, but also made accurate calculations.

On weekdays, the Hidden Mysterious Mansion was swimming along the earth's pulse deep underground.

Every once in a while, the mysterious palace will burrow out of the ground and appear on the ground.

Even if it is the power of returning to the void, if it goes deep into the ground and sneaks into the vicinity of the earth veins, it will be oppressed by the earth energy, and it will be difficult to exert its full strength due to certain restrictions.

Under such circumstances, it would be very difficult to capture the fast-moving Anonymous Mansion, or even capture it directly.

The best time is to wait until the Hidden Mysterious Mansion appears on the ground.

Previously, the Moon God, who had gone deep into the ground, had seen the traces of the Hidden Mysterious Mansion many times.

She tried to capture it, but was disturbed by the power of the leylines, and often returned without success.

On several occasions, she had come very close to the Anonymous Mansion, only to fall short in the end.

However, repeated failures are not without value.

She has locked the Anonymous Mansion and will not lose its trace in a short time.

Now, the mysterious mansion is swimming in the depths of the ground, only a hundred miles away.

According to her calculations, in a month or so at most, the Hidden Mysterious Mansion will burrow out of the ground. Even if it does not appear on the ground, it will enter a relatively shallow underground.

At that time, she and Meng Zhang joined forces, and she was very sure that she could catch his trace and capture him.

Of course, the specific actions are definitely not as simple as she said.

If you want to completely control the mysterious palace, you must enter it and enter its central position.

The Anonymous Mansion's external defense is very strict, and the various warfare tools loaded in it are powerful, and can pose a fatal threat to the Void Returning Power.

In addition, Luna also discovered traces of the monks of the Holy Land Zongmen in the process of chasing the mysterious mansion

Thinking about it, the Sect of the Holy Land also has a coveted heart for the Hidden Mysterious Mansion.

As the ruler of the Junchen world, the Holy Land Zongmen can use more resources and have more means, which can be used to track the traces of the mysterious palace.

The Moon God can discover the traces of the Hidden Mysterious Mansion, and the Holy Land Sect will only do better.

At this time, the monks of the Holy Land Zongmen appeared around them.

Maybe the monks of the Holy Land Zongmen have been keeping an eye on the Hidden Mysterious Mansion.

If the Moon God wants to win the Hidden Secret Palace, he must face the monks of the Holy Land Sect.

It is really a very difficult thing to take food from the tiger's mouth from the hands of the Holy Land Sect.



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