The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2319: Qi family

If it was before, Meng Zhang would not necessarily compete head-to-head with the cultivators of the Holy Land Zongmen in the Junchen Realm, and he would not completely tear his face with them.

But after the last war, he not only established enough confidence by defeating the Ziyang Sect, but also knew the truth of the major sects of the Holy Land.

Given the current situation facing Junchen Realm, even the powerful Holy Land sects cannot mobilize too much power to compete for the Hidden Mysterious Mansion.

The Taiyi Sect still stands proudly in the north of the Junchen Realm, which is enough to illustrate the powerlessness of the Holy Land Sect.

Meng Zhang, who has become a virtual immortal, can be regarded as the top combat power in the Junchen world without the real immortal, which is enough to deal with various situations.

He is not afraid that the monks of the Holy Land Sect will compete with him for the hidden secret palace, but he has a vague sense of expectation.

After Luna explained the current situation to Meng Zhang, the two discussed it and started to act.

Meng Zhang and Luna flew towards the direction of the mysterious mansion.

Neither Meng Zhang nor Luna deliberately concealed their deeds, but flew through the sky swaggeringly.

Meng Zhang's spiritual sense even more unscrupulously glanced around, trying to find out his competitors first.

With Meng Zhang's current cultivation level, it would be difficult for ordinary Void Returning Great Experts to escape from his divine sense scan without special means to hide.

Soon, the traces of a famous monk around him entered his spiritual sense one after another.

These monks were all from the Holy Land sect, and they didn't need to hide their heads and tails in the Junchen world.

In their hearts, there is no one in the Junchen world enough to make them dare not show up.

Just not too far from Meng Zhang, a powerful aura rose into the sky, fighting against Meng Zhang, not giving an inch.

Meng Zhang recognized the other party, who was still an old acquaintance, Weiwu Xuxian of Guantian Pavilion.

The last time they attacked the remaining native gods in the Junchen world, only Wu Xuxian and Yang He Xuxian attacked Meng Zhang regardless of their identities, and almost killed Meng Zhang. Meng Zhang has always remembered this old account in his heart.

During the battle of the Ziyang Sect, Meng Zhang used the power of the Ganglong King to severely inflict heavy damage on Yang and Xuxian, which was regarded as half of his revenge.

Now that Wei Wuxian appeared in front of Meng Zhang, it was the opportunity for Meng Zhang to take revenge completely.

Even without the help of the Dragon King today, he will give Weiwu Xuxian a good look.

Next to Weiwu Xuxian is the Xuanle Supreme Venerable of Jiuxuan Pavilion, and Yangbo Daoist, a monk in the middle period of returning to the emptiness of Ziyang Shengzong.

Since the last failure, Ziyang Shengzong has not given up on Hidden Mysterious Mansion.

However, the Ziyang Shengzong, whose vitality was severely damaged in the war, could not draw enough strength to compete for the mysterious palace.

The appearance of Meng Zhang and the Zhenlong clan made Ziyang Shengzong realize that the Anonymous Mansion had been leaked.

In order to prevent the mysterious mansion from falling into the hands of Meng Zhang and the Zhenlong clan, Ziyang Shengzong had to turn to allies for help.

However, the Ziyang Sect did not want to publicize the matter of the Hidden Mysterious Mansion, nor did he want to involve too many Holy Land Sects in this matter.

Weiwu Xuxian of Guantian Pavilion and Yanghe Xuxian of Ziyang Shengzong are brothers and sisters.

Guantian Pavilion is as deep as the sea with Taiyimen.

The last time Ziyang Shengzong used the Hidden Mysterious Mansion to ambush Taiyimen, it was because he asked the Heavenly Secret Master of Guantian Pavilion for help.

Although the ambush was seen through by Meng Zhang, and Ziyang Shengzong was placed in turn, the Ziyang Shengzong was not completely disappointed with the Guantian Pavilion.

Although Guantian Pavilion, like Ziyang Shengzong, was restrained by too much power in the void battlefield, it was unable to send enough people to compete for the mysterious palace.

But Wei Wuxian still tried his best to rush over and try not to let Meng Zhang succeed.

The Supreme Xuanle of Jiuxuan Pavilion also knew about the hidden secret palace, but he fell out with the Ziyang Shengzong after the last war.

It was only my Xuxian who made peace, and Xuanle Shangzun participated in this operation, ready to take revenge and wash away the shame of the last defeat.

In addition to the three of them as the main force, there are also several monks who were in the early stage of returning to the virtual world.

Last time, under the leadership of King Ganglong, the masters of the True Dragon family went deep into the mainland and joined forces with Taiyimen to defeat the Ziyang Sect.

Although the other holy land sects were dissatisfied with the Ziyang Shengzong, they still increased the pressure on the Zhenlong family out of the same hatred.

At present, in the East China Sea, the main strength of the True Dragon clan is used to confront the major holy land sects, and it is temporarily difficult to recruit people to go to the mainland.

In the Taiyi Sect, except for Meng Zhang, the rest of the Void Returning Great Experts have been promoted for too short a time, and their cultivation bases are very ordinary, so they are not too big a threat.

Although the Ziyang Shengzong has now fully contracted and has taken a defensive approach to the outside world, there is still a strong force in the mountain gate.

As a close neighbor, Taiyimen must retain enough power to defend against the raid of the Ziyang Shengzong.

The current situation in the Junchen world is very different from before, and it is not taboo to break out a large-scale war of returning to the virtual world.

If the Taiyimen's defense is insufficient and a flaw is revealed, the Ziyang Shengzong will send a team composed of returning to the virtual to carry out a rapid raid, which is likely to turn the Taiyimen territory upside down and cause the Taiyimen to suffer unprecedented huge losses.

Only the Void Returning Great Power can fight against the Void Returning Great Power, and the Taiyi Gate Mountain Gate must have enough Void Returning Great Power to sit in the seat.

In Ziyang Shengzong, there is a similar situation.

Under the mutual restraint of Taiyimen and Ziyang Shengzong, they both have mutual scruples.

Because the Ziyang Shengzong has a fifth-order mountain protection formation to guard the mountain gate, the pressure on defense is slightly lighter.

Of course, because Yang and Xuxian were too seriously injured, it was difficult for the Ziyang Sect to find a strong enough to resist Meng Zhang for the time being.

Only Wu Xuxian and the others participated in this operation, and they all regarded Meng Zhang as the biggest threat.

They still don't know that Meng Zhang has been promoted to Xuxian, but I think that Xuxian still has an advantage over Meng Zhang.

But Wu Xuxian and the others have been busy for a long time, and they have achieved similar results as Luna.

Their secret calculation method may not be as good as that of the Moon God, who combined the two elders, but they have a lot more people, and they also have the help of the landlord Qi family.

It is located in the northern part of the Junchen World Middle-earth Continent, bordering the northern region.

The Qi family, as an old-fashioned self-cultivation family, has strong strength and deep heritage.

Many years ago, in order to prevent the Ziyang Sect, which dominates the northern part of the Junchen world, from infiltrating the Middle-earth continent, those holy land sects that did not deal with the Ziyang Sect chose to support the Qi family and let the Qi family As a barrier, it separates Ziyang Shengzong from Middle-earth.

The Qi family and the Situ family in the Holy Land family have been married all the time.

The Qi family is of course not the opponent of the Ziyang Shengzong, but it has a certain restraint effect.

After the major holy land sects have divided their spheres of influence, it is impossible for a war to break out between each other, but it is inevitable that some infiltration and small-scale expansion will be carried out.

Over the years, the Qi family has fulfilled their responsibilities well and prevented the Ziyang Sect from going south.

The Qi family's external position basically follows the Situ family closely.

For other holy land sects, the Qi family will naturally not offend.



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