The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2347: position

With Meng Zhang's promise, the Taoist of the ancient capital left Taiyimen with satisfaction.

After he left, Meng Zhang summoned the middle and senior leaders of the door to discuss everything the Taoist said in the ancient capital.

After listening to Meng Zhang's remarks, there were a lot of disputes among the senior management, but on the main issues, a consensus was quickly reached.

All the senior officials of Taiyimen objected to Meng Zhang going to the Tiangong to attend the meeting.

Meng Zhang is the mainstay of Taiyi Sect, and there is absolutely no room for failure.

Meng Zhang himself was very reluctant to go to the Heavenly Palace in person.

Sanshan Zhenxian has an excellent reputation, but after all, he has never had any dealings with Meng Zhang, so Meng Zhang can't be completely relieved.

Even with his promise, Meng Zhang's safety could not be fully guaranteed.

At this time, the Taiyi Sect and the major holy land sects have completely torn their faces, and they are enemies from the front, and they must not be careless.

Although there are many great powers of returning to the virtual world in Taiyi Sect, most of them are great powers in the early stage of returning to the virtual world, and Meng Zhang, the virtual immortal in the gate, mainly fills the scene.

Since Meng Zhang did not go to the Heavenly Palace in person, he needed to send an envoy who could represent him.

Niu Dawei took the initiative to ask for his life, and everyone had no objection.

As Meng Zhang's eldest disciple and the acting head of Taiyimen's daily affairs, Niu Dawei can fully represent Mengzhang and Taiyimen.

Moreover, Niu Dawei's cultivation base is also completely capable.

Although he only has the cultivation base of the early stage of returning to the virtual world, but with the wind and thunder giant axe, coupled with a good Taoist magic power, he can fight even against the monks in the middle stage of returning to the virtual world.

As long as Meng Zhang and Taiyimen are still there, it is impossible for Tiangong to embarrass Niu Dawei.

Detaining or even killing Niu Dawei is meaningless, it will only arouse the anger of Taiyimen.

In this way, Niu Dawei's safety is still guaranteed.

Meng Zhang and Niu Dawei can use secret techniques to keep in touch with each other.

Everyone also offered a lot of opinions on Niu Dawei's policy after he arrived in Tiangong.

There is no need for Niu Dawei not to give Sanshan Zhenxian face at all, let alone make the relationship too stiff.

Although Taiyimen has long been on the opposite side of Tiangong, but Tiangong is now actively extending an olive branch to show goodwill to Taiyimen, and to ease relations with Taiyimen, then Taiyimen cannot ignore it.

In any case, the Tiangong is still different from the sects of the major holy places, and it is far from the end of the Taiyi sect.

It is in the interests of Taiyimen to maintain the status quo in the Junchen world.

Taiyimen also did not want to see foreign invaders break through the Nine Heavens and enter the Junchen Realm.

If the conditions proposed by Tiangong are suitable, Sanshan Zhenxian can provide sufficient protection, and Taiyimen can consider sending some reinforcements to Jiutian.

How to negotiate specifically and how to fight for the interests of Taiyimen depends on Niu Dawei's adaptability.

Although there are some differences in the attitude of the middle and high-level people from Meng Zhang, Meng Zhang still complied with everyone's opinions.

Meng Zhang is not the kind of person who can't listen to good advice, and there is no need to make a statement in the sect.

His authority is not manifested by arbitrariness.

It was probably because Jianjun Banxue's attitude changed, and he completely fell to the major sects of the Holy Land, causing great harm to Meng Zhang.

He has always been brooding about this matter and is unwilling to let it go easily.

Now Tiangong has begun to take the initiative to ease their attitudes and show goodwill to Taiyimen, but Meng Zhang has always been unwilling to accept Tiangong's kindness because of his paranoia.

Seeing the discussions between the middle and senior management, Meng Zhang also accepted everyone's opinions and changed his previous attitude.

Again, there are no permanent enemies or permanent friends in the world of comprehension.

Tiangong and Taiyimen have never faced each other head-on, let alone any blood feud.

It is in the interests of Taiyimen to ease relations with the Heavenly Palace.

What's more, this time, the Heavenly Palace and the major sects in the Holy Land are obviously asking for the major cultivation forces in the cultivation world, and even the high-ranking Sanshan Zhenxian has pulled his face to come forward.

Taiyimen can take advantage of this great opportunity to strive for more benefits for their own family.

There is really no need for Meng Zhang to put his own likes and dislikes above the interests of the sect.

Since Meng Zhang is the head of the Taiyi Sect, he should not only care about his own happiness, but should focus on the interests of the sect.

After Meng Zhang and the high-level officials in the door discussed it properly, Niu Dawei was ready to leave.

Because of the urgency of the situation, Tiangong's urging is still relatively strong.

Before Niu Dawei set off, Taiyimen still communicated with allies.

Due to the limited strength of the Hailing faction, their external attitude has not been tough enough.

During the rise of the Sea Spirit Sect, he also received a lot of help from Tiangong.

For Tiangong's invitation, the Hailing faction never thought of rejecting it.

The Dark Alliance, which has never sold the face of Tiangong and the major holy places, was persuaded by Tiangong for some reason this time, and wanted to send middle and high-level officials to Tiangong.

Seeing that the two allies had such an attitude, Meng Zhang felt more and more that the senior members of the sect were justified, and that he had been too emotional before.

Since everyone is invited to go to the Heavenly Palace, it is better to go together.

A lot of people can be strong.

If there is anything, we can discuss it in time.

After the three families exchanged news, both Niu Dawei and Haiyang Daoist, the head of the Hailing Sect, went to the Dark Alliance, and they joined the Great Elder Fengqing of the Dark Alliance to prepare to go to the Heavenly Palace together.

Daoist Jueying reminded Meng Zhang that Meng Zhang did not publicize it, but only told some high-level officials in the door.

Gu Lao's clever attack on the underworld proved that Taoist Jueying's reminder was not groundless.

Since the Dark Alliance has colluded with foreign invaders, it has become not only a mortal enemy with Tiangong, but also a public enemy of Junchen Realm.

Even the allies of the Dark Alliance would definitely not want to see outsiders invade the Junchen Realm.

Meng Zhang had previously spread some news anonymously through some channels, spreading rumors that the Dark Alliance colluded with foreign invaders, but so far it has not had any effect.

Meng Zhang and Taiyimen only secretly strengthened their vigilance against the Dark Alliance.

Niu Dawei was warned by Meng Zhang long ago that he did not have the slightest trust in the Dark Alliance.

This time, the Dark Alliance agreed to the invitation of Sanshan Zhenxian and Banxue Jianjun, and sent the Great Elder Fengqing to the Tiangong.

After Niu Dawei, Daoist Haiyang, and Venerable Fengqing met, they soon began to discuss this trip to Tiangong, and prepared to coordinate their respective positions in advance.

Daoist Haiyang has a more positive attitude and is very supportive of sending reinforcements to Jiutian.

Previously, the Hailing faction and Taiyimen stood on the same front, and on the surface they drew a clear line with Tiangong.

Due to historical origins, the Hailing faction has always secretly maintained a certain connection with Tiangong.

Taiyimen and the Dark Alliance knew this well and didn't say much.

This time, the invitation of Sanshan Zhenxian and Banxue Jianjun was regarded as a rare opportunity by Daoist Haiyang.

The Hailing faction can use this to openly restore the relationship with the Tiangong, which is more conducive to improving their own situation.

The weakest Hailing faction is the least willing to be the enemy of Tiangong.


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