The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2348: 9 day mutation

Although the Dark Alliance has secretly colluded with foreign invaders, on the surface, there is no sign of it.

I don't know if it's to cover up, or if he really thinks so, the attitude of the elder of the dark alliance, Fengqing, is very clear.

As for sending reinforcements to Jiutian, the Dark Alliance will not do so, but it will not stop the actions of its allies.

For thousands of years, although the Dark Alliance is a major force in the Junchen world, it has never directly interfered in the major events of the Junchen world.

In the mess over there in Jiutian, the Dark Alliance has no interest in mixing it up.

Venerable Fengqing's statement is in line with the dark alliance's consistent position.

Although Daoist Haiyang felt a little regretful about the statement of the Supreme Master Fengqing, he didn't say much.

Everyone has their own ideas, and each family has their own interests.

The dark alliance has adhered to its usual style of conduct, and has not interfered with the choice of its allies.

Niu Dawei was full of vigilance against the Dark Alliance, but he still needed the Dark Alliance as an ally.

Niu Dawei's attitude is similar to that of the Hailing School, and both want to ease relations with Tiangong.

If the conditions offered by the Tiangong and the major holy land sects are sufficient, Taiyimen will not refuse to send reinforcements to Jiutian.

Although the three families have some differences, in general, they are all willing to temporarily maintain a peaceful and relaxed relationship with the Tiangong and the major holy land sects.

The three discussed how to coordinate their positions and seek benefits from the Tiangong and the major holy land sects.

After discussing it properly, the three of them left the Dark Alliance together and went to the Heavenly Palace.

The layer of Nine Heavens between Tiangong and Junchen Realm is regarded as the inner layer of Nine Heavens, and it is still in a state of peace for the time being.

The soldiers of the extraterritorial invaders have not yet pointed to this place, and the situation here is normal.

The layer of Nine Heavens between the Heavenly Palace and the Void is the outer region of the Nine Heavens, facing the attacks launched by the invaders from outside the Void.

The offensive and defensive battles between cultivators in the Junchen world and foreign invaders mainly took place there.

The place is now full of war and riddled with holes.

The three arrived at the Tiangong smoothly and were warmly received by the Tiangong.

The three of them went relatively late, and many leaders of the cultivation forces had already arrived at the Tiangong first.

Tiangong clearly prepared this conference with great care and attached great importance to it.

Over time, more and more attendees arrived at the Tiangong.

This is the most grand gathering in the history of the Junchen world. Among the major comprehension forces in the Junchen world, almost all those who are qualified to participate have sent people to attend this meeting.

For a time, many foreign monks gathered in the Tiangong.

Before the start of the conference, everyone in Tiangong negotiated with the messengers of various self-cultivation forces in private, and secretly reached a number of compromise conditions in exchange for everyone's support for Tiangong.

It is rare for Tiangong, who has ruled the Junchen world for many years, to lower his face and negotiate with all comprehension forces with an equal attitude.

The major holy land sects also sent messengers to attend this event, assisting Tiangong to persuade all the forces of self-cultivation.

The major holy land sects also changed their previous domineering and aloof attitudes, and became much more peaceful.

Today's Taiyi Sect is also one of the top comprehension forces in the Junchen world.

Taiyimen not only possesses great strength, but can also influence the choices of many comprehension forces who are watching the wind.

In order to show the importance attached to Taiyimen, in addition to Jianjun Banxue, even Sanshan Zhenxian took time out of their busy schedules to meet Niu Dawei, the messenger of Taiyimen.

Both of them comforted Niu Dawei, and solemnly assured once again that Tiangong would protect the interests of Taiyi Sect, and Taiyi Sect would not have to worry about being infringed by major holy land sects.

Neither Jianjun Banxue nor Sanshan Zhenxian had a detailed discussion with Niu Dawei. They only showed their attitude and goodwill when meeting him.

In front of the two of them, Niu Dawei was very respectful, posing as a junior.

Next, Meng Zhang's old friend, the Taoist from the ancient capital, discussed various details with Niu Dawei.

Niu Dawei has been keeping in touch with Meng Zhang through secret methods, listening to Meng Zhang's instructions and the opinions of other senior leaders in the door.

Of course, due to the isolation of Jiutian and the prohibition of the Tiangong itself, it was difficult for Niu Dawei and Meng Zhang to keep their information synchronized at all times, and their contact was intermittent.

After a series of bargaining between Niu Dawei and the Taoist priests of the ancient capital, good progress has been made.

If nothing else, the two sides are not far from reaching an agreement.

As for Daoist Haiyang, although Niu Dawei didn't know the details, he also knew that he had a very smooth talk with Tiangong.

On the contrary, the Supreme Venerable Fengqing of the Dark Alliance has been posing all the time, and is still figuring out the Heavenly Palace.

Tiangong also knows the behavior of the dark alliance, and does not expect the dark alliance to send reinforcements to Jiutian.

Tiangong just hopes that the dark alliance will not interfere with it, affecting other comprehension forces to reach an agreement with Tiangong, let alone taking the opportunity to make trouble within the Junchen world.

Since the three are allies advancing and retreating together, they need a final coordination before reaching an agreement with Tiangong.

Although the Dark Alliance has been taking care of the Heavenly Palace, they have not interfered with the thoughts of Taiyimen and Hailing Sect.

Fengqing Shangzun seems to be embarrassing Tiangong, but his attitude is not very fierce, and it is clear that he wants to seek more benefits.

Niu Dawei passed his knowledge back to the Taiyi Sect, and the senior members of the sect were more relieved about this situation.

It seems that Tiangong is really paying the price with sincerity this time, attracting all parties to comprehend the forces, and fight against the menacing foreign invaders together.

As for the major holy land sects, there may be some dissatisfaction.

However, the prestige of Sanshan Zhenxian is enough to convince them.

Several true immortals are still sleeping in the depths of the source sea, and Sanshan Zhenxian is the number one person in the Junchen world.

Although Sanshan Zhenxian never interfered in the internal affairs of Junchen Realm, no one dared to disobey him.

In fact, Sanshan Zhenxian did not participate in various specific affairs this time, but only expressed his attitude.

The battle situation in Jiutian is already very critical, and the Tiangong and the major holy land sects must make changes.

Not to mention the sects of the major holy places, even the few sleeping true immortals have great respect for the Sanshan True Immortals.

In order to invite Sanshan True Immortals to guard Junchen Realm, several True Immortals paid enough price before falling asleep, and they were very humble.

According to Daoist Niu Dawei, a Taoist in the ancient capital, several true immortals who were sleeping in the source sea have all expressed their will, demanding that the sects of the major holy places must unconditionally obey the instructions of the true immortals of Sanshan, and cooperate with him fully.

With the guarantees of Sanshan Zhenxian and Banxue Jianjun, Taiyimen should not have to worry about the frame-up of the major holy land sects in the future.

Seeing that Niu Dawei was about to reach an agreement with the Taoists of the ancient capital, the senior officials of Taiyi Sect began to consider that they should prepare in advance and arrange reinforcements to be sent to Jiutian.

It is probably that the invaders from outside the domain stepped up their attacks on Jiutian. Many formations and restrictions within Jiutian were fully activated, and the entire Jiutian also experienced major shocks from time to time.

The connection between Meng Zhang and Niu Dawei has been greatly disrupted, and the two sides are often out of touch.

After Meng Zhang understood the reason, he was not too nervous.

Since Tiangong has no malicious intentions, and the two sides are about to reach an agreement, there is nothing to worry about.

In the blink of an eye, Meng Zhang and Niu Dawei had lost contact for three consecutive days.

The soul lamp that Niu Dawei enshrined in Taiyimen remained intact, and there was nothing unusual about Niu Dawei's side in Meng Zhang's sense of the secret method.

However, in order to ensure that he knew the details of the final negotiation between Niu Dawei and the Taoist people of the ancient capital as soon as possible, Meng Zhang began to consider whether he should send another master of returning to the virtual palace to have a face-to-face conversation with Niu Dawei and bring the latest news back to Taiyi Gate. .

On this day, when Meng Zhang called Yang Xueyi and several other great experts who returned to the virtual world, and was about to discuss the candidates to be sent to the Tiangong, there was a continuous roar in the sky.

Several people's faces changed slightly, and they flew into the sky and looked up.

With their eyesight, they can penetrate all kinds of mists and directly see the interior of Jiutian.

I saw that the roar in the sky became more and more intense, it was deafening and shocked, and the eardrums of ordinary people were aching.

In the nine days that was originally a whole, gaps of different sizes were broken.

Within nine days, the buildings were constantly collapsing, and the magic circle and the ban were collapsing rapidly.

Over time, the number of gaps in the nine-day period continued to increase and became larger.

In the eyes of Meng Zhang and the others, this is simply a hole in the sky.

As the defense layer of Junchen Realm, Jiutian is integrated, and has a special connection with Junchen Realm.

Great changes occurred in the nine days, and even the entire Junchen world was greatly affected.

The continuous roar that came within nine days spread almost to every corner of the Junchen world.

The non-stop vibration of the nine days has driven the vibration of the entire Junchen world.

Standing high in the sky, Meng Zhang and others felt the heaven and the earth shake, and the originally stable space was shaking.

The ground below also began to shake violently.

Pieces of the vast land, like the surface of the water, fluctuated rapidly and fluctuated.

Mountains above the earth began to collapse, towns began to cave in, and panicked people were everywhere.

Even many cultivators began to feel frightened.

As the barrier of Junchen Realm, Jiutian has guarded Junchen Realm for thousands of years. It has always been very stable, and there has never been a major change.

With such a sudden change in the nine days, Meng Zhang and the others felt a lot of unease, but they also had some guesses.

Could it be that foreign invaders have broken through for nine days?

Previously, Meng Zhang and the others had obtained information from various sources, saying that the attacks of foreign invaders were getting more and more violent, and Jiutian was under enormous pressure, and it was almost impossible to support it.

In the hearts of Meng Zhang and the others, the tremendous pressure brought by the foreign invaders was true, but Jiutian should not be so easily broken.

Tiangong and the sects of the major holy places declared so, nothing more than to urge the comprehension forces in the Junchen world to send reinforcements to Jiutian.

In Meng Zhang, they wanted to come, no matter how tense and critical the situation in Jiutian was, they should be able to persist for a long time.

Meng Zhang and the others never thought that Jiutian would be broken so quickly.

The nine heavens that have been guarding the Junchen world for thousands of years have always been indestructible. How could it have collapsed in front of their eyes?

More and more Taiyimen monks flew high into the sky and carefully observed everything that happened in the nine days.

Those monks with insufficient cultivation may not be able to see everything that is happening in the nine days, but the changes from the direction of the nine days have already made them guess.

With the collapse of Nine Heavens, all kinds of things inside began to break away from the scope of Nine Heavens and fell downwards.

Corpses of different shapes, cloud beasts that are constantly struggling and twisting, all kinds of fragments...

Like raindrops, they slanted downward.

These things seem inconspicuous, but when they fall to the ground, they will definitely bring huge damage and casualties.

Those large fragments are like meteorites.

Those cloud beasts who are constantly struggling will definitely not be able to survive for a long time if they leave the special environment of Jiutian.

However, with their strength, the struggle before dying will most likely cause huge damage to the surroundings.

Meng Zhang can't control other places, at least the territory of Taiyimen is not allowed to suffer huge damage, let alone huge casualties.

Following his order, the entire Taiyi Sect immediately took action.

Those cultivators who were watching the fun in the sky were all busy.

Taiyimen, which has been facing strong enemies and is in a dangerous state all the year round, has already arranged many plans to deal with various accidents.

According to the plan, the senior leaders of Taiyimen mobilized many Taiyimen monks to go to various places as soon as possible to resist various threats from high altitudes and strive to ensure the safety of the territory.

The well-trained Taiyi Sect cultivator quickly launched into action.

Meng Zhang and the others did not act, and were still watching the changes.

Judging from the situation of Jiutian, the barrier of Jiutian was mostly broken by foreign invaders.

Without the protection of Nine Heavens, Junchen Realm will face the threat in the void, and it is very likely that it will be directly attacked by invaders from outside the domain.

Meng Zhang and other great powers returning to the virtual need to be prepared to deal with various changes at any time.

Meng Zhang and others have all been to the void through nine days, and many of them have the experience of stationing in nine days.

They still know a lot about Jiutian's situation.

As a special barrier that wraps the Junchen world, Jiutian has a very wide internal range.

Thousands of years ago, before falling asleep, several true immortals spent a lot of money to use the original heaven and earth fetal membranes of Junchen Realm to construct a special defense facility called Jiutian.

Even if Jiutian was breached by foreign, it would not completely collapse so quickly.

Judging from the huge movements from certain areas of Jiutian, there are still cultivators fighting and resisting foreign invaders in Jiutian.

Out of the same hatred, Meng Zhang and the others wanted to rise into the sky, enter the Nine Heavens, join the battle, and help the cultivators resist foreign invaders.

But they all suppressed their eager thoughts and did not act rashly.

The enemy's situation is unknown, and they will not act rashly.

With Jiutian being breached, the entire Junchen world will face severe challenges next.

As the backbone of the sect, they must remain calm and retain enough combat power to face the next challenges.

Their primary guardian target is Taiyimen, not the entire Junchen world.


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