The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2361: King of Dragons

The Zhenlong family agreed to the battle, and King Jinlong attended on time, which greatly relieved Meng Zhang.

He guessed the mind of the True Dragon Clan, and the next action should be smoother.

After the two sides met, they both recognized each other's identities without introduction.

King Jinlong didn't pay any attention to the master Meng Zhang, but looked at Taoist Moon Shadow in surprise.

Before coming here, when Meng Zhang was talking with Daoist Yueying, Daoist Yueying said that she and many high-level officials of the True Dragon Clan had several relationships.

Daoist Moon Shadow had advanced to return to the void thousands of years ago and could be on his own.

She used to follow her master, Fairy Yue'e, and she had seen a lot of the world and met experts from all over the world.

Meng Zhang brought Taoist Moon Shadow, firstly, to strengthen the momentum of the human race cultivator, and secondly, to prepare for being besieged by the real dragon family.

The True Dragon Clan did not trust Meng Zhang, and Meng Zhang also did not trust them.

Taoist Moon Shadow saw the old acquaintance of King Jinlong and took the initiative to greet him.

When the True Dragon Clan invaded the Junchen Realm, they had some dealings with Fairy Yue'e's master and apprentice.

Later, Fairy Yue'e fell out with several true immortals who created holy land sects. She was chased and killed all the way, and had to escape from Junchen Realm. Jinlong King and other real dragon clan executives also heard about it.

King Jinlong never thought that he would meet Taoist Moon Shadow here.

And it seemed that Taoist Moon Shadow stood on Meng Zhang's side.

Although Taoist Moon Shadow is a veteran virtual immortal, but if he really wants to get started, King Jinlong has the confidence to defeat him.

What really made King Jinlong fear was Fairy Yue'e behind Taoist Yueying.

The Sea-Swallowing Dragon Emperor of the True Dragon Clan did not appear, even if the Jinlong King had confidence in himself, he would not dare to say that he could compete with the True Immortal.

Moreover, although it is impossible to say that the enemy of the enemy is a friend, Fairy Yue'e and the True Dragon clan have common enemies, and there is no need for the two sides to tear their faces.

King Jinlong chatted with Daoist Moon Shadow for a few words, briefly tested it, and didn't say much.

Now that the arrow is on the string, it has to be sent. The Jinlong King has already come here, so it's not because of Fairy Yue'e's relationship, so let's go home.

The true dragon family will not be afraid of a mere true immortal.

You must know that when several real immortals joined forces to calculate, they forced the Sea-Swallowing Dragon Emperor to a disadvantage, and had to swear to live in seclusion.

In the face of the human race cultivators of the same level, the powerhouses of the true dragon family have a strong sense of superiority.

Meng Zhang never expected that after the Taoist Moon Shadow came forward, he would be able to use Fairy Yue'e's existence to scare the True Dragon clan.

If you want to make the real dragon clan retreat, you still have to defeat the opponent.

Meng Zhang took a step forward and seemed to remind King Jinlong that he was the real master of this battle.

King Jinlong glanced at Meng Zhang, his body was full of momentum, and it swept towards Meng Zhang like a wave.

King Jinlong didn't discuss any conditions with Meng Zhang, let alone talk nonsense.

Everything will be discussed after the two sides have done one.

If Meng Zhang wants to win the respect of King Jinlong, he must show enough strength.

Both parties are well aware of each other's goals.

It is unlikely that Taiyimen and the Zhenlong clan will start a full-scale war.

Next, which side will occupy a greater advantage and gain greater benefits depends on the outcome of this war.

The yin and yang diagram of Tai Chi appeared above Meng Zhang's head.

The Jinlong King has not yet shown his true dragon body, and still retains his human form.

When King Jinlong thought about it, the celestial phenomena changed immediately.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, thunder and lightning flashed, and the wind was blowing...

The sea beneath his feet was turbulent, and the stormy waves rolled endlessly, rushing towards Meng Zhang one after another.

The yin and yang taiji map above Meng Zhang's head turned slightly, and an invisible force immediately swept across, stabilizing the sea under his feet.

The surrounding sea, which had been tumbling with waves, immediately became calm, as if nothing had happened.

Everything in front of him was just an appetizer, Jinlong Wang laughed and began to show his real effort.

I saw the phantom of a golden dragon looming behind him, confronting the Tai Chi Yin-Yang map above Meng Zhang's head.

Every time the dragon phantom roars and stretches its body, it can cause huge pressure on the Taiji Yin-Yang Diagram, making it have to deal with it with all its strength.

King Jinlong danced his hands, red, black, yellow, blue, and green rays of light flashed, and five different powers of gold, wood, water, earth and fire circulated, and dazzling rays of light shot towards Meng Zhang.

The yin and yang taiji map above Meng Zhang's head spurted out the yin and yang two qi, which collided violently with the colorful rays of light shot by the Jinlong King.

King Jinlong has a very deep attainments on the Five Elements Avenue, and he can master all kinds of sophisticated five-element spells at his fingertips.

The forces of the Five Elements with different attributes are under the Jinlong King's hands, without the slightest conflict. Instead, they cooperate with each other and urge each other to form an incomparably tight giant net, which brings the power of the Five Elements Avenue into full play.

There are many monks who practice the Five Elements Avenue in Taiyi Sect, especially Yang Xueyi, who is highly regarded by Meng Zhang.

Regardless of the difference in cultivation realm between Yang Xueyi and Jinlong King, just in the understanding of the Five Elements Avenue and the level of the Five Elements Magic, there is a world of difference between the two sides.

If Yang Xueyi knew that King Jinlong's accomplishments on the Five Elements Avenue were so profound, she would probably come over to watch the battle at all costs.

The Yin-Yang Avenue and the Five Elements Avenue collided violently in the air, and it was temporarily difficult to tell the difference.

When Meng Zhang and King Jinlong started to fight, the Daoist Moon Shadow and the powerhouses of the Zhenlong family dispersed, retreated to the distance, and surrounded the battlefield.

Daoist Moon Shadow and the powerhouses of the True Dragon Clan both tried their best to stop the aftermath of the battle from spreading, and strive to limit the damage of the battle within a certain range.

Meng Zhang and King Jinlong seem to be fighting fiercely, but in fact there are still reservations.

They didn't want to cause too much damage to the surroundings, and they didn't want to make the place crumbling.

King Jinlong has the arrogance that is unique to the real dragon family. Not to mention arrogant, at least few people can get into his eyes.

For a long time, Ban Xue Jianjun, the chief administrator of Tiangong, was recognized as the first and strongest immortal under the true immortals in the Junchen world.

King Jinlong scoffed at this statement.

If it weren't for all kinds of he would have long wanted to be with Jianjun Banxue.

It's just a pity that, as the acting patriarch of the True Dragon Clan, he has to suppress his competitiveness and aggressiveness in order to consider the long-term interests of the True Dragon Clan.

Today, against the famous Meng Zhang, he has to live through the addiction of fighting.

Judging from the collision just now, Meng Zhang really lived up to his reputation and did not disappoint himself.

Since Meng Zhang is not weak, it is worth showing more skills.

King Jinlong hadn't started to exert his strength, but Meng Zhang started the attack ahead of time.

One after another fierce sword qi came and went in the air, rushing towards Jinlong King from all directions.

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