The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2362: dogfight

Remember [New] for a second,! Meng Zhang displayed his supernatural swordsmanship by displaying his supernatural powers of Taoism.

Visible and invisible sword qi split the space, leaping out from various unexpected angles.

A sharp black and white sword slashed towards King Jinlong with an indomitable momentum.


King Jinlong used to know a lot of swordsmanship, and experienced all kinds of brilliant swordsmanship.

Meng Zhang's superb kendo cultivation still amazes him.

Compared with those specialized swordsmen, Meng Zhang's swordsmanship was not bad at all.

Since Meng Zhang is so strong, King Jinlong has to come up with more means.

King Jinlong let out a long roar, and the phantom of the giant dragon behind him swelled suddenly, bursting out with stronger power.

King Jinlong waved his fists, and huge fist prints appeared out of nowhere in the sky, crushing towards Meng Zhang like mountains.

A sharp black and white sword shot out from Meng Zhang's hand and lashed towards these fist marks.

While the sharp sword was crushed by the fist mark, it also temporarily blocked its whereabouts.

Meng Zhang urged the sun and moon to cover the area where King Jinlong's body was located.

Giant waves surged from King Jinlong's body, smashing the mask turned into pieces by the divine light of the sun and the moon.

All of a sudden, Meng Zhang and King Jinlong each showed their magical powers, displayed what they had learned, and fought extremely fiercely.

King Jinlong has not experienced such a battle for a long time, and he feels that he is really hearty and very happy.

In the past, when we were discussing with the powerful people in the clan on a daily basis, everyone was too familiar with each other's methods.

Especially with the improvement of King Jinlong's cultivation, it has become increasingly difficult for him to find an opponent who can resist him.

Like him, the other immortals in the clan are in high positions, and it is often difficult to find enough time to fight well.

Regardless of the outcome of this battle with Meng Zhang, King Jinlong had a good time.

The Jinlong King, who was in high spirits, began to show more trump cards, fully showing the heritage of the true dragon family.

At this time, it was difficult for Meng Zhang to continue to hold back.

He also had all his cards in order to block the maddening Jinlong King.

Meng Zhang sacrificed the wind and fire yin and yang fan in his hand and began to stimulate the power of wind and fire.

The wind helped the fire, the fire borrowed the wind, and the wind and fire filled the air between the two sides.

The golden dragon king's hands flickered with five-colored rays of light, displaying a rare supernatural power such as the Great Five Elements Extermination Divine Light, forcibly dispelling the power of wind and fire in the air.


In the blink of an eye, Meng Zhang had been fighting King Jinlong for more than ten days.

Despite everyone's efforts to control it, the surrounding sky is still changing drastically, and the sea is even more stormy.

One after another violent tsunami rose from the battlefield, surpassed the obstacles of the surrounding spectators, and expanded in all directions.

If Meng Zhang and King Jinlong continued to fight, the aftermath of the battle would probably affect the entire West Sea.

The fierce battle between the two great immortals in the Junchen world has rarely happened in these thousands of years.

Even if Tiangong is not besieged, the Tianwei Thunder Punishment Formation remains intact, I am afraid that it will not be able to stop the battle between them.

The power of the virtual immortals is almost endless, and the battles between them will last for decades or even hundreds of years, which is commonplace.

But in the past ten days, Meng Zhang felt a little tired because of the pressure he felt.

Meng Zhang had to admit that the talents of the True Dragon Clan, especially the fighting talents, were really enviable.

King Jinlong is the strongest person Meng Zhang has ever encountered in terms of combat experience and combat skills.

King Jinlong lived for nearly 10,000 years, and his accumulation was extremely rich.

Such a fierce battle not only did not make him feel the slightest tiredness, but instead inspired him to have a stronger fighting spirit.

In comparison, Meng Zhang's years of cultivating Taoism are still too short, and even if he has a strong foundation, his accumulated strength is still insufficient.

King Jinlong brought Meng Zhang a lot of pressure and made Meng Zhang deal with it very hard.

Meng Zhang insisted hard without showing the slightest expression on his face.

He didn't give in the slightest, and tried his best to compete with King Jinlong without losing the slightest.

Meng Zhang knew that the outcome of this battle was related to many important interests in the future, and he must not be easily defeated by his opponent.

The two were evenly matched, and for the time being neither could do anything to the other.

No matter what kind of supernatural powers one side uses, the other side can come up with a way to parry in time, and even launch a counterattack.

If there is no accident, the two sides will not be able to distinguish the winner in a short period of time.

The battle became more and more intense, and Meng Zhang's strength was rapidly depleting.

Meng Zhang, who originally had a long qi pulse and was good at protracted battles, felt a bit exhausted after the battle had only started for more than half a month.

During the fierce battle, Meng Zhang had no chance to breathe, let alone swallow pills and the like.

If the battle lasted too long, Meng Zhang might be exhausted and unable to hold on.

Fortunately, Meng Zhang has accumulated a lot of trump cards after practicing for so many years.

When Meng Zhang and King Jinlong were fighting fiercely, Taimiao in the underworld also put aside other things and always paid attention to the battle.

After Meng Zhang felt exhausted and a little exhausted, he began to ask Tai Miao for help.

Tai Miao is Meng Zhang's external incarnation, and as the two's cultivation realm improves, the connection between them continues to strengthen, and more methods are available.

Even in the underworld, Tai Miao could still silently pass through the gap between Yin and Yang and transmit it to the deity Meng Zhang.

With the help of strength that Tai Miao secretly conveyed, Meng Zhang finally had a little breathing room and could hold on for a longer time.

Tai Miao now only has the cultivation of the late stage of returning to the virtual, and it is not as good as the cultivation of the immortal level of Meng Zhang.

And the power is transmitted from the underworld to the Yang world, no matter how ingenious the methods and means are, there will always be huge losses.

Taimiao's own cannot support Mengzhang for a long time.

Even if Tai Miao was not in a fighting state now and could use all kinds of methods to recover, the power he passed on to Meng Zhang was far less than what Meng Zhang consumed.

Meng Zhang knew that this battle could not continue like this.

He must fight quickly and end the fight as soon as possible.

After delaying for a long time, when his strength is exhausted, he will lose his coping ability and become a lamb to be slaughtered.

Even if you take a huge risk, you must launch a winning hand.

Meng Zhang and King Jinlong fought for more than half a month.

Since its inception, the battle between the two sides has been going on for more than a month, and it is almost two months.

Both sides watching the battle watched with relish and enthusiasm.

In particular, the powerhouses of the True Dragon Clan feel that this battle has benefited them a lot, and they can learn a lot from it.

They even wished that the battle would go on like this, and it was better not to end it so easily.

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