The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2363: Contract

Remember [New] for a second,! Between the deity Meng Zhang and the incarnation Tai Miao outside the body, not only can they transmit power to each other, but they can also share their insights on the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, and use each other's Taoist magical powers.

The Golden Dragon King's major is obviously the Five Elements Avenue.

Like many physically powerful races, he is also proficient in the Way of Power.

As the natural masters of the ocean, the true dragon family naturally has a strong talent in the waterway and related avenues.

Meng Zhang majored in Yin-Yang Avenue, proficient in Space Avenue and Sun-Moon Avenue.

The battle between the Void Returners is largely to see who has a deeper Dao comprehension and can mobilize more Dao power.

The power of various avenues was mobilized, colliding and impacting everywhere on the battlefield, causing the whole world to appear unstable.

Meng Zhang saw the opportunity, the communication in the underworld was too good, and he suddenly exerted his strength.

Tai Miao mobilized the two powers of life and death and reincarnation, and passed the corresponding power to Meng Zhang in the Yang world.

Meng Zhang, who was in the midst of a fierce fight, pointed at the Jinlong King with one hand, and the Jinlong King was immediately enveloped in waves of death.

King Jinlong felt that his vitality was rapidly passing, and there was a huge attraction somewhere in the underworld, and he was about to forcibly pull his soul to the underworld.

The two dragon horns above Jinlong King's head shook violently, and bursts of golden light shone out, interrupting Meng Zhang's further attacks and blocking the power of the Avenue of Life and Death and Samsara.

King Jinlong, who blocked Meng Zhang's attack, was about to fight back, and suddenly looked up into the sky.

Several strange-shaped flying boats flew out of the nine heavens and rushed towards the West Sea.

Although King Jinlong has lived deep in the ocean for a long time, he has always been very concerned about the intelligence of foreign invaders.

Judging from the shape of the flying boats, the group of monsters who went to the West Sea should be from the Myriad Monster Realm.

Many demon clans believe that the real dragon clan is a member of the demon clan, but they broke away from the demon clan many years ago.

Many high-level members of the demon clan often use this as an excuse to win over the real dragon clan.

The earliest true dragons born in the universe were congenital divine beasts, and the current true dragon family is their descendants.

How noble is the innate divine beast, how can it be compared with a group of vulgar and despicable monsters.

The vast majority of members of the True Dragon Clan took the demon clan's statement as an insult.

The demon clan of the Wan Yaojie had previously attracted the true dragon clan of the Junchen Realm, and tried to join forces with them to deal with the human race cultivators who ruled the Junchen Realm.

The real dragon clan unceremoniously rejected the demon clan's wooing, and looked down on them very much.

Now, the foreign invaders have broken through the Nine Heavens and entered the Junchen Realm, occupying a great advantage.

In the eyes of most foreign invaders, they are not far from completely conquering the Junchen world.

Perhaps, this group of extraterritorial monsters just randomly chose a direction.

But at this sensitive moment, the senior officials of the True Dragon Clan had to think more.

A group of demon clan slaughtered towards the West Sea, not necessarily without the intention of protesting to the real dragon clan.

They may have thought that if the True Dragon Clan knew each other, they should have surrendered to the camp of foreign invaders as soon as possible.

Seeing the flying boat of the foreign demon clan slaying towards the West Sea, many of the real dragon clan powerhouses present were furious.

The ocean is the territory of the true dragon clan, so what qualifications does the lowly demon clan have to meddle in?

Without waiting for the Jinlong King's order, several impatient true dragon clan powerhouses rushed towards the demon clan flying boat in the air.

King Jinlong, who was about to launch a counterattack, stopped his original action.

The sudden foreign invader made him break away from the excitement of the battle.

As the acting patriarch of the True Dragon Clan, he should put the interests of the True Dragon Clan first, and not just take care of himself.

King Jinlong made several moves in succession and broke away from the battle with Meng Zhang.

Seeing that King Jinlong did not continue to shoot, Meng Zhang also took advantage of the situation to stop.

Meng Zhang knew that, on the surface, they had been fighting for so long, and the two sides were dead.

But King Jinlong must have reservations and did not show all his cards.

Not to mention, the Zhenlong family is rich in the world and has collected countless treasures.

When King Jinlong and Meng Zhang fought against each other, they never used any external objects, and fought against each other by their own strength.

However, Meng Zhang had even used the treasure of the Wind Fire Yin Yang Fan, but he was still unable to defeat the Jinlong King.

Of course, even if King Jinlong had all his cards, he would never have defeated Meng Zhang easily.

If the two sides give up everything and do not make any reservations, they will fight for life and death.

The biggest possibility is that Meng Zhang was killed, and King Jinlong was irreparably damaged.

Now that King Jinlong took the initiative to stop, Meng Zhang naturally couldn't ask for it.

But on the surface, Meng Zhang didn't mean to relax at all, and he was still eager to try.

The few demon flying boats that flew to the West Sea were quickly shot down and crashed under the attack of the real dragon clan powerhouse.

King Jinlong did not continue to pay attention to that side, but looked at Meng Zhang.

King Jinlong couldn't easily defeat Meng Zhang, and there was no point in continuing to fight.

Sulong King and other bystanders stared at him, and Meng Zhang also had Taoist Moon Shadow as cover.

If the two sides start a melee, even if the two human race virtual immortals die in the final battle, they will have the ability to drag a group of real dragon family powerhouses to be buried with them.

Even if the true dragon clan finally wins, it is a tragic victory, which is really worth the loss.

Judging from the current situation in Junchen Realm, the True Dragon Clan must retain enough strength to adapt, and cannot easily damage the middle and senior members of the Clan.

Judging from the previous battles, Meng Zhang has the strength to live with him on an equal footing and is qualified to have a fair dialogue with him.

That being the case, King Jinlong couldn't persecute Taiyi Sect too much.

Next, King Jinlong took the initiative to ask the forces of Taiyimen to withdraw from the West Sea, and the True Dragons would not take advantage of the situation to chase and kill them.

Now that King Jinlong has the will to negotiate, Meng Zhang will have a good talk with him.

The Taoist Moon Shadow next to him also opened his mouth to help from time to time.

Daoist Moon Shadow, as the back-up supporter of Guanghan Palace, this identity is very hidden, and even the True Dragon Clan does not know it.

King Jinlong regards Daoist Moon Shadow as Meng Zhang's companion, and thinks that they are supported by Fairy Yue'e behind No matter how arrogant and arrogant the real dragon clan is, they don't dare to have the slightest bit about a real fairy like Fairy Yue'e. the effect.

After some quarrels and haggling, the two sides finally reached a rough agreement.

The True Dragon Clan will not take action directly, but will only drive the army of the Sea Clan under their command to continue to expand in the West China Sea and South China Sea.

The Taiyimen under the leadership of Meng Zhang, as well as the Taoist Moon Shadow, could not be involved in the war in the West Sea and the South China Sea either.

The monks of Taiyimen in the West Sea and South China Sea must leave as soon as possible.


The two sides did not fuss over the details, but only agreed verbally.

This agreement is based on the strength of both parties.

As long as the balance of power between the two sides does not change, neither side will easily breach the contract.

For this agreement, both sides are still reluctantly satisfied.

After the negotiation, neither of the two parties was interested in staying here for a long time, and they each left soon.

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