The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2371: ask for help

Niu Dawei gained some of their freedom, not without a price.

They must obey the arrangement of Jianjun Banxue and actively serve the Tiangong.

At first, they only helped rescue the wounded, repair the broken prohibition inside the temple, etc.

Later, they will go to some key points in the Tiangong for defense, and try to resist the attack of foreign invaders.

If foreign invaders break through the Tiangong defense from certain places and enter the interior of the Tiangong, they will also actively participate in the war and strive to repel the foreign invaders.

The current battle situation in Tiangong is not optimistic for the human race cultivators.

The extraterritorial invaders took the absolute initiative, surrounded the Tiangong, kept attacking, and achieved good results.

The Tiangong side was not only unable to fight back, but also retreated steadily and kept retreating.

The Tiangong is a huge building complex, with a large number of magic circles and restrictions laid out both inside and outside.

After this period of fierce fighting, many buildings around the Tiangong have fallen or been damaged.

Numerous circles and bans were destroyed beyond repair.

The army of extraterritorial invaders is steadily advancing into the interior of the Heavenly Palace.

There are more and more gaps in Tiangong's defense line, and they can't be filled at all.

The two most powerful formations in Tiangong, the Heaven and Earth Lore Array and the Tianwei Lei Punishment Array, have already been put into use.

Losing all the nodes within nine days, the power of the two great formations cannot extend too far, and can only be exerted on the periphery of the Tiangong complex.

The Heaven and Earth Lore Array launched several attacks, all of which were taken over by the enemy's true immortal-level powerhouse.

The Heaven and Earth Lore Array not only did not cause much damage to the enemy, but was damaged by the enemy's counterattack.

The attack power of the Tianwei Thunder Punishment Array is only at the level of returning to the virtual, and there is no threat to the powerhouse at the level of true immortals.

Among the army of foreign invaders, there are many powerhouses at the level of returning to the virtual world, and the Tianwei Thunder Punishment Array can't resist it at all.

Although the human race cultivator's biggest reliance is Sanshan Zhenxian, although the combat power is strong, but it is difficult to support alone and unable to reverse the war situation.

Niu Dawei and Haiyang Daoist were both injured several times during the defensive battle.

Niu Dawei felt that the future of Tiangong was not optimistic.

If there is no accident, the fall of Tiangong is only a matter of time.

And judging from the development of the war situation, Tiangong couldn't last long.

People with good eyesight such as Niu Dawei in the Tiangong have already begun to think about how to break through and escape after the Tiangong has been completely captured.

The news from Niu Dawei made Meng Zhang feel very sad.

Although there have been many conflicts between Taiyimen and Tiangong, he has a lot of dissatisfaction with Tiangong.

But as a member of the human race cultivator, I absolutely do not want to see the Tiangong fall like this.

This is not just a kind of sadness, but also from the interests of Taiyimen.

If it wasn't for Tiangongding attracting the main force of the army of foreign invaders in front, the army of foreign invaders would have already invaded the Junchen world in large numbers, turning the Junchen world upside down.

If that time comes, Taiyimen will not be spared.

Although Meng Zhang is already a virtual immortal at the top of most cultivators, he is powerless to the battle situation in Tiangong. This time X*inDinGDianX**m Zhang Si

Even if he is desperate to mobilize all the forces of Taiyi Sect to go to reinforcements, it is just a death in vain, and it does not help the overall situation.

Once the Heavenly Palace fell, Meng Zhang would not sit back and watch his eldest disciple Niu Dawei take risks alone.

He also had to take a huge risk and go to the Tiangong to cover Niu Dawei's breakthrough.

Thinking of these difficulties, Meng Zhang felt a headache.

If Meng Zhang had enough cultivation and strength, he could sweep the Quartet and suppress all dissatisfaction, then there would be no such troubles.

In the final analysis, Meng Zhang's current strength is insufficient.

But Meng Zhang's cultivation speed was fast enough, it could be called fast. It's just that the growth rate of his cultivation base still can't keep up with his needs.

Meng Zhang still had deep doubts in his heart.

The situation in the Junchen world is so critical, why haven't the sleeping true immortals woke up and tried their best to save the overall situation.

Once the Tiangong falls, the next target to be destroyed by foreign invaders will be the major holy land sects. Strong Sacrifice Read Sacrifice

Do those few sleeping true immortals really want to sit back and watch the Heavenly Palace be destroyed?

Meng Zhang thought about it, but he couldn't figure out the mystery.

Perhaps, his current level is not enough, and he really can't guess the minds of the true immortals.

When Meng Zhang was having a headache, the goddess of worshiping the moon who had not seen him for a long time came to the door again.

Back then, the Moon God broke into the Ani Mysterious Mansion, and after disappearing with the Ani Mysterious Mansion, the Goddess of Worship of the Moon closely followed the trail of the Ani Mysterious Mansion.

Hearing that the goddess of worshiping the moon asked to see him, Meng Zhang guessed that there was something wrong with the goddess of the moon.

After the goddess of worshiping the moon saw Meng Zhang, things were as he guessed.

There is a distraction left by a true **** hidden in the hidden mystery mansion.

After a long battle, Luna overcame this distraction and gained control of the mysterious palace.

During this process, Luna had some accidents, which caused the current state to be very bad.

In the current state of the Moon God, it is difficult to control the movement of the hidden mysterious mansion, and the hidden mysterious mansion temporarily stayed somewhere in the middle-earth continent of the Junchen world.

According to Luna's statement The mysterious palace cannot stay in a fixed place for a long time.

Either keep moving deep underground, or find a reliable hiding place.

The Moon God spent a long time in Taiyimen, and knew something about the blessed land of the sun and the moon in Taiyimen.

If you can use the Sun and Moon Blessed Land to hide the mysterious mansion, it is a good choice.

The Moon God wanted Meng Zhang to help him hide the Sun and Moon Blessed Land, which was brought to the Taiyi Gate by the Hidden Mysterious Mansion.

The moon **** was inconvenient to move, so the goddess of worshiping the moon came over to report to Meng Zhang.

Hearing the request of the Moon Goddess, Meng Zhang, who has always been generous, couldn't help but hesitate for a moment.

The Sun and Moon Blessed Land is the fundamental place of Taiyi Sect, and it is of great importance. If the Moon God brings the Hidden Mysterious Mansion into it, once there is a change, the consequences will be disastrous.

If nothing else, without the support of the Sun and Moon Blessed Land, the great masters of Taiyi Sect cannot even guarantee their daily cultivation.

Meng Zhang and Luna have a very good relationship, have had a pleasant cooperation, and trust him very much.

However, the blessed land of the sun and the moon is so important that it cannot be lost. Meng Zhang really couldn't agree to it all at once.

Seeing Meng Zhang's hesitant expression, the goddess of worshiping the moon spoke again.

It turned out that Luna had also considered that Meng Zhang might not necessarily agree to her request out of concern for the Sun Moon Blessed Land. control the big lord

Before the Moon Goddess left, the Moon God had a special explanation for her.

The goddess of worshipping the moon told Meng Zhang that if Meng Zhang would lend a helping hand this time, the goddess of the moon would be grateful.

In return, Luna will reveal more secrets about the indigenous gods of Junchen.

If Meng Zhang is willing to continue to cooperate with her, she will also tell Meng Zhang all the deep secrets she knows about the Junchen world, as well as the information she knows about the treasures of the gods.

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