The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2372: encounter

The things Luna said were exactly what Meng Zhang dreamed of.

Meng Zhang brought the Moon God from Shenchang Realm to Junchen Realm, and has been working hard to make friends with him. Isn't that what he asked for this precious information?

劆愭帹孫孫哓噷涓員歭叩屽歭鍜槄陰勔徔︾湡镄勫ソ吢溴杩欓噷涓嬭徭辶屽歭叩鍙mutually mixed?/

The current situation in the Junchen world is very turbulent, making Meng Zhang unable to see through it.

Especially the movements of the sleeping real immortals are of great importance. Not only Meng Zhang, but also Xianyun Zhenxian and Fairy Yue'e are extremely concerned.

If you understand some of the deepest secrets of the Junchen world, it may be helpful to guess their movements.

Meng Zhang is also very interested in the relic left by the top angel who created the Junchen world.

Among the many monks who coveted the relics of the gods, Meng Zhang's cultivation was not ranked at all.

He didn't even have the cultivation level of a true immortal, so he was completely unqualified to participate in the competition.

If he could grasp the detailed information about the treasures of the immortals, Meng Zhang could take the initiative even if his cultivation was insufficient.

The indigenous gods of the Junchen world have ruled the Junchen world for many years, and they must have left many secrets.

Maybe there is a way to help Taiyimen get out of the predicament.

The information that Luna can provide is too important, and it is totally worth Meng Zhang's risk.

As for whether Luna has this information, Meng Zhang has no doubts.

According to Meng Zhang's guess, the Moon God is not only a member of the indigenous gods in the Junchen world, but also a very ancient true **** who has survived for a long time.

The origin of the moon **** is not simple, and it even has a certain relationship with the treasure of the gods.

As for the risk of accepting the mysterious palace into the Sun Moon Blessed Land, it is not completely uncontrollable.

After all, Meng Zhang had some arrangements in the blessed land of the sun and the moon.

There are Void Battleships in the Sun Moon Blessed Land, there are Void Returners who were hidden by Meng Zhang from the barbarians and Mermaids, and there are Void Returners who have been practicing here all year round.

If there is a change in the Sun Moon Blessed Land, these forces can react in time.

There is one more thing that even many senior officials of Taiyi Sect don't know about.

Ever since the blessed land of the sun and the moon was projected onto the underworld capital city, a mysterious connection has been established between the two places.

Due to the infiltration of the power of the underworld, the current state of the Sun Moon Blessed Land has become very special.

Just like the source sea of ​​the Junchen world, its location is very special, and it has many unique characteristics.

There is a channel in the Yang world to enter the source sea, and the soul sea in the deepest underworld is also connected to the source sea.

Void-returning powerhouses in the Yang world can move freely in the source sea, and the underworld powerhouses can also enter the source sea for activities.

In these respects, the current Sun and Moon Blessed Land is somewhat similar to the Sea of ​​​​Origin.

Sun Moon Blessed Land is located in Yang Shi, and can accommodate Yang Shi creatures to live in it for a long time.

And because the blessed land obscures part of the power of the rules of heaven and earth in the Junchen world, the strong from the underworld can also move freely in the blessed land of the sun and the moon.

If needed, Tai Miao can even directly enter the Sun and Moon Blessed Land and retain most of its strength.

As a trump card, too wonderful should be enough to protect the safety of the Sun and Moon Blessed Land in most situations.

Meng Zhang thought for a while and finally agreed to help.

Meng Zhang and the goddess of worshiping the moon left the Taiyi Gate Mountain Gate together and hurried towards the Middle-earth mainland.

The Goddess of Worship of the Moon pointed out the route, and the two avoided a lot of trouble along the way. After many spatial teleportations, they finally arrived at their destination.

This is a wasteland in the western part of Middle-earth, full of unfathomable grand canyons.

This area was originally the outer territory of the Kou family.

A few days ago, the Kou family, like other holy land sects, shrank their sphere of influence and gave up this area.

Right now, there are only a few unknown cultivation forces around this wasteland.

Like the Snow Mountain Sect, the Kou family is the most low-key among the major holy land sects and families.

The true immortal ancestor of the Kou family died early in the process of conquering the Junchen world.

The reason why the Kou family can have the status of the Holy Land family is entirely due to the pity and care of several other true immortals.

Without the backstage, the Kou family is not domineering, and does not have a strong sense of presence in the Holy Land sect and family.

Taiyimen and the Kou family have never had any contacts, and there is no grievance.

Like the Snow Mountain faction, the Kou family follows closely with other holy land sects on weekdays, and doesn't seem to have much opinion.

Meng Zhang habitually observed his surroundings and confirmed that there was nothing unusual, and under the guidance of the Goddess of Worship of the Moon, he came to the sky above a grand canyon.

According to the introduction of the Moon Goddess, a few months ago, the Moon God forcibly controlled the mysterious palace to come here, temporarily hiding at the bottom of the Grand Canyon.

The Goddess of the Moon Worship has been closely following the operation of the Hidden Mysterious Mansion, and has resumed contact with the Moon God a long time ago.

Luna couldn't continue to move the Hidden Mysterious Mansion, and had to stay here temporarily.

The goddess of worship of the moon has set up a ban above the grand canyon, hiding the whereabouts and breath of the mysterious palace.

Then she followed the instructions of the Moon God and went to Taiyi Gate to seek help from Meng Zhang.

The strength of the Moon Worship Goddess in the mid-term of returning to the virtual world is also regarded as the number one figure in the Junchen world.

She is very skilled in illusion.

The restriction she set above the Grand Canyon obviously took a lot of thought.

Even at the realm of Meng Zhang's cultivation, if he swept past from a high altitude, if he didn't pay much attention, there was a great possibility of ignoring the abnormality below.

Now that Meng Zhang and the Goddess of the Moon Worship flew close together, he naturally discovered the restrictions set by the Goddess of the Moon Worship at a Due to the existence of the restrictions, the surrounding looks like other places, and there is nothing unusual. breath.

Meng Zhang was about to enter the restricted area with the Moon Goddess when he suddenly raised his head and glanced into the distance.

"Is there anyone else who knows about this place and the whereabouts of the mysterious palace?"

The Moon Goddess first shook her head blankly, and then said in an uncertain tone: "Perhaps, before I cast a spell to cover the situation here, someone sensed the aura of the Hidden Mysterious Mansion?"

"However, if someone had already sensed the aura of the Hidden Mysterious Mansion, why did it take so long to come here?"

At this time, Meng Zhang had already seen clearly the visitor from afar, and quickly had a guess in his heart.

"If you want to control the mysterious palace, ordinary Void Returners are far from being able to do it."

"Perhaps, the other party needs to take some time to draw strength."

"Do these ignorant guys think that these few people can control the mysterious palace?"

While speaking, the four figures had already flown to a place not far from Meng Zhang and the others.

Neither of them had any intention of avoiding, and they quickly recognized each other.

The four guests were the Wei Po Shang Zun from the Guantian Pavilion and the Dao Wei Neng Daoist in the middle stage of returning to the virtual world, as well as the Kou family's brothers Kou Deming and Kou Dexun.

Brothers Kou Deming and Kou Dexun are both elders of the Kou family, and both have cultivation in the middle stage of returning to the virtual world.

Although the Kou family had long since abandoned the nearby site and started shrinking with all their strength, they were always the landlords here, and the family headquarters was not too far from here.

As before, the cultivator Guantian Pavilion naturally caught the strong men of the Kou family when he was doing business. (To be continued)

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