The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2379: abroad

With the help of more colleagues at the same level, the Sword God General and the other four slave gods greatly strengthened Taimiao's power and strengthened Taimiao's rule over the underworld.

After the Sun and Moon Blessed Land is projected onto Youdu, Taiyi Sect cultivators can directly enter Youdu through Sun and Moon Blessed Land.

In some areas of Youdu, the rules of heaven and earth have also changed, and living people can live here for more time.

Taiyimen also has a small world of ghosts.

The small world of the ghost gate was originally a small world attached to the yang world, but later fell into the underworld and became a part of the underworld.

A long time ago, the Taiyimen monks used the small world of the ghost gate as a transit between the underworld and the yang world.

After many years of operation of Taiyimen, Ghost Gate Small World has become a very important resource producing area.

The small world of ghost gate is affected by the rules of heaven and earth in both the yang world and the underworld, and the environment is very special.

The elixir garden opened inside can grow many special elixir; it also produces many mineral materials with special properties...

After Taimiao established Youducheng, Taiyimen monks tried every means to move the ghost gate small world, so that it was anchored on Youducheng.

In the end, the small world of the ghost gate will become a barrier for the secluded capital city.

The current Taiyimen monks can travel between the underworld and the yang world very conveniently.

If there is the blessing of the talisman from Taimiao, the lord of the underworld, they can stay in the underworld for a long time.

Although the Taiyi Sect was busy and desperately needed manpower, it still tried its best to recruit disciples and let them enter the underworld to obey Taimiao's instructions and arrangements.

It can be said that Taiyimen's support to Taimiao has never been cut off.

These Taiyi Sect disciples played an important role in the process of establishing Youdu City.

Up to now, Youdu City has not been completely completed, and there has always been a steady stream of Taiyi Sect disciples entering the underworld to take turns on the construction site to carry out various construction work.

Due to the difference in the rules of heaven and earth, many mechanical creations from the Yang world, such as flying boats, have been used in the underworld for a long time, and they will be eroded by the power of death and then completely scrapped.

With the help of Taiyimen, various workshops were built in Youdu City, and various organs were created with the materials of the underworld.

The underworld is vast, and there are many key areas that need to be tightly controlled.

Such as some important minerals, the origin of elixir and so on.

Taiyimen Array Hall sent many monks to help Taimiao's subordinates to build long-distance teleportation circles in some places in the underworld, so that Taimiao could mobilize troops and strengthen the control of the underworld.

In a word, with the help of Taiyimen, the top sect of Yangshi, it saves Taimiao a lot of effort.

The entire underworld is developing in the direction he designed.

Of course, the underworld is extremely vast, and the area that Tai Miao can completely control is limited.

The area where various constructions are going on is even more insignificant.

The wonderful cultivation realm is only at the level of immortals, but Shouyuan far exceeds that of ordinary human immortals.

The limit lifespan of immortals among human cultivators will not exceed 10,000 years.

Tai Miao is similar to natural ghosts and gods, and she is also the lord of the underworld, and her lifespan should be at least 20,000 to 30,000 years old.

Too wonderful is still very young.

If you look at it by the standard of born ghosts and gods, he has even just reached adulthood.

Tai Miao, who has a long lifespan, is not in a hurry at all, and is very patient and slowly manages and builds the underworld.

After Tai Miao was promoted to Void Immortal level, the benefits it brought were too great.

If nothing else, Meng Zhang would be able to borrow more power from Tai Miao when he fought against powerful enemies in the future.

In recent years, the number of harassment of the Taiyimen territory by foreign invaders has decreased, and the Taiyimen territory has become calm as a whole.

In the West Sea, Guanghan Palace led many cultivators, relying on the indestructible defense line established by the Xingluo Archipelago, which firmly blocked the attack of the sea clan army.

There was a tragic battle between the sea army and the human cultivators, and both sides suffered huge casualties.

As the defender, the human race comprehension has a convenient location.

Various protective formations are arranged on the islands.

The islands are connected to form an island chain, and various protective formations cooperate and echo each other.

The sea clan army attacked many times, but they all smashed their heads into blood.

Now, the sea clan army can only hope for a protracted war of attrition, slowly consuming the human race cultivators.

From the scene, the sea clan army as the attacker has the upper hand and has a lot of initiative.

The Xingluo Archipelago has accepted many cultivators who escaped from the West Sea, and with its own strength, it is enough to consume a long period of time.

Taiyimen almost spared no effort to support the Xingluo Islands.

Although Taiyimen cannot directly participate in the war, they can hire other monks to support them.

Now the Middle-earth continent is full of flames, and countless monks have been displaced.

As long as the Taiyi Sect is willing to pay enough price, it is not difficult to recruit a large number of monks.

Although Taiyimen felt financial difficulties and lack of various resources, they gritted their teeth and continued to send various resources to the Xingluo Islands.

Various instruments, medicinal herbs, talismans, array materials...

It is precisely because of the continuous support of Taiyi Sect that Guanghan Palace has the confidence to carry out a protracted war with the army of the sea clan.

In the South China Sea, the situation is better than Meng Zhang imagined.

Daoist Haiyang, the head of the Hailing Sect, is still trapped in the Heavenly Palace.

Meng Zhang's old friend, Daoist Lu Tianshu, temporarily took over as the head of the and performed extremely well.

The South China Sea Alliance under the leadership of the Hailing faction is united and goes all out to fight against the invading sea clan army.

Many years ago, it was the South China Sea Alliance under the leadership of the Sea Spirit Sect that eliminated and expelled the Sea Clan in the South China Sea, and brought the South China Sea under the control of the Human Clan, establishing the current order.

In the face of the sea clan army that is making a comeback, the human clan cultivators know very well that the other party is an eternal enemy, and they must not have the slightest chance of luck.

Originally, due to the provocation and small actions of the major holy land sects, there were many problems within the South China Sea Alliance.

However, in the face of a huge crisis, the South China Sea Alliance finally united completely, and all problems were temporarily suppressed or put on hold.

The major holy land sects have to give up even the outer territories, and naturally they don't care about other places.

Last time, due to the betrayal of the major holy land sects, the South China Sea Alliance had to give up a large area of ​​territory.

For the sea clan, and for the major holy land sects, the South China Sea Alliance is full of dissatisfaction and even hatred.

Now the South China Sea Alliance has no way out.

In order to defend their homeland, the South China Sea Alliance erupted with extremely strong fighting power.

The Hailing faction led an army of monks and launched a series of battles with the invading army of the sea clan.

The Hailing faction not only blocked the attack of the sea clan army, but also attacked and defended, back and forth, and launched counterattacks many times.

Several times, after the army of human cultivators had repelled the army of the sea clan, they took advantage of the situation and regained a lot of territory they lost last time.

For the territory of the South China Sea, the army of the sea clan and the army of the human clan cultivators saw each other, you come and go.

On the whole, the two sides have a winner and loser, and the Terran side has the upper hand.

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