The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2380: meet up

The Hailing School has a long history and profound heritage, and in many respects it surpasses Taiyimen.

The South China Sea Alliance under the leadership of the Hailing faction, if it is not considered the top combat power of the Void Returning Power level, its basic strength is actually above the Taiyi Sect.

The South China Sea Alliance has more members than the Vast Ocean Alliance, and the number of cultivators far exceeds that of the Vast Ocean Alliance.

The territory of the South China Sea Alliance under the control of the South China Sea is far wider than the territory controlled by the Hanhai Dao Alliance.

Even after repeated incidents, the South China Sea Alliance still has strong potential and can cope with various challenges.

Although it is not as good as the West Sea, Taiyimen's support for the South China Sea is equally strong.

In every respect, Taiyimen fulfilled their obligations as allies.

Although Taiyimen did not directly participate in the war, they contained their biggest enemy, the True Dragon Clan.

The Sea Clan is only the servants of the True Dragon Clan, and it is not worth mentioning in front of the True Dragon Clan.

The Hailing faction was able to dominate the South China Sea, firstly because of external help, and secondly because the True Dragon Clan did not directly block it.

The Sea Spirit Sect is well aware of the power of the True Dragon Clan, and they are terrified of them.

The Hailing faction has not gone all out so far, just worried that the True Dragon clan will end up disregarding the agreement with Taiyimen.

If the True Dragon Clan made a move, the South China Sea Alliance under the leadership of the Sea Spirit Sect would not be able to resist it.

Meng Zhang was quite sure that the True Dragon Clan would not take it lightly.

However, he did not interfere with the decision-making of the Sea Spirit Sect.

Taiyimen's support to the West China Sea and the South China Sea is not just about going out.

The Xingluo Islands and the South China Sea Alliance, even in the midst of war, are still working hard to collect various resources at sea.

Most of these resources were sent to Taiyimen through a fleet of ships.

The situation in the West China Sea and the South China Sea was maintained well, so Meng Zhang didn't need to pay too much attention.

Kong Kongzi led the Taiyimen cultivator army, set out from the west coast, made a big circle above the West Sea, and reached the Middle-earth continent.

Now that the sects of the major holy places are shrinking, this huge army is a formidable force.

Even if Middle-earth is the most prosperous region in the cultivation world, there are not many forces that dare to compete with this army of monks.

The behavior of this cultivator army is not excessive, it is just a clever way to collect some protection fees.

In addition, it is to take the opportunity to loot and loot those unowned mines and elixir gardens.

Most of those comprehension forces who suffered from the looting of foreign invaders honestly paid protection fees.

Although the Taiyimen cultivator army will not take the initiative to fight against foreign invaders, its existence itself is a threat, enough to deter those teams of foreign invaders with insufficient strength.

Kong Kongzi, an old senior in the sect, is not pedantic, and he is very skillful in dealing with things.

Under his means, this army of monks quickly gained a good income.

The cultivation resources collected through various means are not only sufficient to support the army, but can also be transported back to the sect.

This cultivator army was like a wedge that penetrated into Middle-earth, and soon gained a firm foothold in Middle-earth and began to play a major role.

Some cultivators in the Middle-earth mainland, as well as many scattered cultivators, have turned to this army of cultivators in an attempt to obtain shelter.

Void Son almost always refuses anyone who comes, and uses these refugees as peripheral forces.

With the help of the local leading party, Kong Kongzi's actions became smoother.

Meng Zhang was very satisfied with the regular reports of Kongkongzi.

The Middle-earth continent is the most prosperous area in the Junchen world, and the Taiyimen have long coveted it.

If it weren't for the big change that Junchen World has never encountered this time, Taiyimen might not have the opportunity to intervene.

The attention of the foreign invaders has always been on the major holy land sects, and they do not pay much attention to the army of monks led by Kongkong.

This cultivator army is powerful, and as long as it is not attacked by foreign invaders, it will be difficult to meet opponents.

Especially after accepting many refugees, the strength of this army of monks has greatly increased.

Encouraged by the news from Kongkongzi, Mengzhang and the senior officials of Taiyi Sect have greatly increased their confidence.

They began to secretly contact the vassal forces of the Ziyang Shengzong, and selected some people to accept them.

At this time, Meng Zhang received Niu Dawei's latest report.

After these years of continuous attacks, the periphery of Tiangong has basically fallen, and the army of foreign invaders has already entered the inner part of Tiangong, and even began to approach the core area.

Large formations were destroyed, countless restrictions were invalidated, and a large number of monks died in battle...

Since many branches were partially destroyed, the two great formations, the Tianwei Lei Punishment Array and the Heaven and Earth Lore Array, were greatly affected.

Not only is the power not as strong as before, but the frequency of launching attacks is getting lower and lower.

The Tianwei Lei Punishment Array is nothing but the Heaven and Earth Killing Array is the biggest pillar of the Tiangong.

Without the help of Heaven and Earth's lore formation, Sanshan True Immortal, no matter how powerful it is, can't resist so many powerful enemies at the level of True Immortal.

The war has been going on for so long, Tiangong has not received any support from the outside world, and it is all supported by its own strength.

With the war going on to such an extent, the Tiangong is about to run out of fuel and can no longer support it.

Niu Dawei and the other monks who stayed in the Heavenly Palace were forced to get involved in the **** battle.

Although Niu Dawei and Daoist Haiyang did not die in the war, they were wounded many times, and they have not received enough There is no chance to cultivate, and their condition is already very bad.

According to Niu Dawei's inference, if there is no accident, the fall of Tiangong will be in the past few days.

Once the Tiangong was completely breached, Niu Dawei and the others would seize the opportunity of the chaos to break through and escape.

At that time, the remaining monks in the Tiangong fled everywhere, and foreign invaders would also besiege, block, and kill ruthless enemies.

Not to mention the poor state now, even in their heyday, Niu Dawei and Daoist Haiyang were not sure that they would be able to break through and escape successfully.

As a last resort, Niu Dawei had to ask his master Meng Zhang for help.

Naturally, Meng Zhang couldn't ignore his great disciple.

Even with Meng Zhang's strength, going deep into the battlefield and cooperating with Niu Dawei and the others to escape is a very risky thing.

No matter how big the risk is, it can't stop Meng Zhang.

Initially, Meng Zhang was going to pick out some of the great powers in the door to return to the void, form an elite assault team, and go to the Tiangong to save people.

However, after some consideration, he still gave up this plan.

The more people, the bigger the goal.

This time, he went to meet Niu Dawei to escape, trying to avoid attracting the attention of foreign invaders.

If you are targeted by the true immortal-level powerhouses among the extraterritorial invaders, no amount of Void Returning Powers will just die in vain.

Meng Zhang acted alone, with the smallest goals and flexibility.

Before leaving, Meng Zhang had originally gone to see the situation in the Anonymous Mansion.

Luna knew Meng Zhang's plan from the conversation, and offered to act together.

During this period of time, the Moon God had basically settled the matter of the Anonymous Mysterious Mansion, and could completely leave the Anonymous Mysterious Mansion behind and leave the Anonymous Mysterious Mansion for action.

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