The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2381: fall

Text Chapter 2381 Occupied

Luna offered to help, and Meng Zhang naturally couldn't ask for it.

After Meng Zhang was promoted to Xuxian, he asked himself if the world could go.

However, among the foreign invaders who are besieging the Tiangong now, there are many powerhouses at the level of true immortals.

Although these True Immortal-level powerhouses must focus their attention on opponents like Sanshan True Immortal, they can't take care of others for the time being, but if Meng Zhang is unlucky and runs into these guys, the trouble will be big .

Although Meng Zhang couldn't see how the Moon God's current strength had recovered, from the perspective of induction, her strength should not be lower than his own.

Moreover, Moon God used to be a true **** that could rival true immortals. Even if his cultivation realm fell, his knowledge and experience were still there.

There were too many things about her that Meng Zhang couldn't see through.

If something really happened, Luna would definitely be able to play a big role.

The situation is urgent, and no one can tell how long Tiangong can last.

Meng Zhang and Luna briefly discussed, then left Taiyi Gate and flew to Jiutian.

After the two entered for nine days, the caster hid his tracks and secretly rushed towards the location of the Tiangong.

It was probably at a critical moment in the attack on Tiangong, and most of the foreign invaders focused their attention on Tiangong.

Around the Tiangong, the main army of foreign invaders was concentrated.

The strength of stationing and patrolling scattered in the nine days is limited, and these extraterritorial invaders are obviously absent-minded, all waiting for news from Tiangong.

Meng Zhang and Luna didn't spend much energy and flew to a place not too far from the Tiangong.

The two did not continue to approach, but found a hidden place to hide, waiting for the Tiangong to be breached.

The current Tiangong is the focus of attention of foreign invaders, and many true immortal-level powerhouses are staring there.

Meng Zhang and the Moon God's hiding skills could not be concealed from these true immortal-level powerhouses.

Once they get too close, they can easily be exposed.

They waited for the moment when the Heavenly Palace was completely breached.

Only when that moment arrives and there is chaos on the scene is their opportunity.

Meng Zhang used a secret method to contact Niu Dawei long ago, and told the other party where he was responding.

Niu Dawei, who was in the Heavenly Palace, had already begun to prepare for his life.

He and Haiyang Daoren and others advanced and retreated together, trying to find a way to leave the front line of the battle.

During this period, Niu Dawei also made some friends and found some reliable companions.

Everyone is not a fool, they all saw the situation in front of them clearly and knew that the fall of the Heavenly Palace was imminent.

They were all unwilling to be buried with Tiangong, and they all had the intention of running away in the chaos.

Although the existence of Meng Zhang was not told to these people, Niu Dawei worked hard to organize these people and agreed that when the time comes, everyone will break through together.

Many people are powerful, and only by gathering the power of many Void Returners can it be possible to break through the siege of foreign invaders.

In the process, someone will surely fall.

In the end how many people can break through the siege, no one can say.

Although Meng Zhang came to meet Niu Dawei, he would not go too deep into the vicinity of the Heavenly Palace.

Niu Dawei and the others had to rely on their own strength to leave the Heavenly Palace for a distance before they could get Meng Zhang's response.

If Meng Zhang and Yueshen took the initiative to enter the Heavenly Palace from the outside, it would attract too much attention from foreign invaders, which would be a bad thing.

After Meng Zhang and Luna were hidden, they did not forget to observe the surrounding situation carefully.

With the development of the war situation, the situation on the Tiangong side became worse and worse.

Meng Zhang couldn't help but wonder, why didn't the sleeping real immortals wake up at this time?

Could it be that they have completely abandoned Tiangong?

Tiangong and the sects of the major holy places stand together most of the time, but they are not a family after all.

Sacrificing the Heavenly Palace is not unacceptable to the major holy land sects.

However, don't the major sects of the Holy Land know the truth of the death of the lips and the teeth?

After the Tiangong was destroyed, the next target was the sects of the major holy places.

Without the Heavenly Palace on the front line in the Nine Heavens, the major holy land sects scattered all over the Junchen Realm will only be defeated by foreign invaders one by one.

In other words, did the sleeping real immortals really have a problem and couldn't wake up to fight?

If those true immortals hadn't participated in the battle, Meng Zhang really couldn't think of any way to save the current situation.

Regardless of his cultivation and status, Meng Zhang is already a top figure in the Junchen world.

However, they really don't know anything about the high-level secrets of the major holy land sects, especially the situation of the sleeping real immortals, and naturally they cannot make accurate judgments.

The protective formation of the Tiangong was broken one after another, and teams of foreign invaders entered the Tiangong and continued to penetrate.

Sanshan Zhenxian and the three lions, with the help of the power of the heaven and earth lore array, barely blocked the onslaught of many real immortal-level powerhouses.

At the level of true immortals, extraterritorial invaders have an absolute numerical advantage.

The human race cultivators stepped back, leaving more and more key areas.

Heaven and Earth Killing Array and Tianwei Lei Punishment Array are both very large arrays, and their components are almost all over the entire Most of the Tiangong has been occupied, and most of the restrictions on the two large arrays have been destroyed. .

The Tianwei Thunder Punishment Array was the first to misfire and could not continue to attack.

Not long after, the more important formation of the Heaven and Earth Lore Array finally completely lost its function.

Without the help of these two great formations, Tiangong lost all the cards against foreign invaders.

No matter how powerful Sanshan Zhenxian's supernatural powers are, they can't maintain the situation.

Immortals of longevity have a long lifespan and naturally refuse to be buried with the Heavenly Palace.

Sanshan Zhenxian has persisted until now, all means have been exhausted, and he has done his best to be righteous, completely worthy of several sleeping real immortals.

Sanshan Zhenxian tried to repel the enemy, and then took advantage of the situation to break through.

This time, the foreign invader had a lot of feud with Sanshan Zhenxian, how could he dare to let him go easily.

It is impossible for these true immortal-level powerhouses among the extraterritorial invaders to stay together forever.

Once they are dispersed, no one can stop Sanshan Zhenxian.

Whether it is a demon **** or a demon god, even a powerful true **** like the Hunling Zunshen is unwilling to face Sanshan Zhenxian alone.

If you don't take this opportunity to take down Sanshan Zhenxian, you will have endless troubles in the future.

A number of true immortal-level powerhouses focused on Sanshan True Immortal and surrounded him, so that he had no chance to break through.

Seeing that the situation was not right, the three lions and the ancestor Xuanxuan kept retreating towards the interior of the Tiangong.

However, as foreign invaders continue to deepen, there is less and less room for them to maneuver.

The Tiangong has basically fallen, and most of the human race cultivators have also lost their organization.

There are only a few buildings nearby in the Tiangong, and there are still cultivators who are insisting on resisting.

The rest of the cultivators almost scattered in a hurry, breaking out in all directions, trying to escape this **** battlefield.

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