The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2383: Source Sea Appearance

Encountered by a number of powerhouses, including many opponents who were at the level of immortals, Meng Zhang was not at all flustered.

Even if the true immortal-level powerhouses among the extraterritorial invaders did not enter the Tiangong, they were still paying attention to the true immortals of Sanshan from a distance, and temporarily ignored Meng Zhang and the others.

Meng Zhang waved the wind and fire yin and yang fan, and the power of wind and fire rolled around, temporarily forcing many opponents back.

With the help of the Moon God, Meng Zhang was about to break out of the siege when a sudden shock came from the Heavenly Palace.

This violent tremor was so strong that the huge heavenly palace trembled a few times. Wherever Meng Zhang and the others were, they felt the earth tremble, and the whole space was about to crack open.

The **** battle between them had to be temporarily interrupted.

In the deepest part of the Heavenly Palace, a huge black hole suddenly cracked open.

In the black hole, it is filled with the origin of heaven and earth that is thick enough to be like substance.

This is the opening of the passage to the source sea of ​​Junchen Realm, and behind the black hole is the source sea of ​​Junchen Realm.

In the nine days, there were originally many passages that could connect to the source sea.

When Meng Zhang was stationed in Jiutian, he also encountered foreign invaders to break into the source sea of ​​Junchen Realm.

Later, the major holy land sects not only strengthened their defenses against the source sea, but also strictly controlled these passages.

When the battle situation began to fail and the army of foreign invaders approached Junchen Realm, the monks of the sects in the major holy places took precautions and completely closed all passages leading to the source sea within nine days.

After nine days of control by the invaders from outside the domain, they spent a lot of effort, but they were unable to find these completely blocked passages, and naturally they could not enter the source sea.

No one thought that when the Heavenly Palace was about to fall completely, the depths of the Heavenly Palace actually took the initiative to reveal the origin of the sea.

Several true immortals who conquered the Junchen world have slept in the depths of the source sea for many years. This is no longer a big secret. Both the enemy and the enemy should have known it long ago.

Now that Yuanhai suddenly appeared, the first reaction in everyone's mind was that the real immortals finally took action.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

Once the huge black hole appeared, it expanded rapidly, swallowing everything around it.

This black hole appears in the deepest part of the Tiangong. According to this expansion rate, it won't be long before the entire Tiangong will be swallowed into it.

In the black hole, a huge suction force was born. Whether it was an extraterritorial intruder or a human race cultivator, they couldn't resist this attraction, and they were sucked into it one after another.

The extraterritorial invaders are not unprepared for the shots of several true immortals.

In fact, the powerhouses of the true immortal level among the extraterritorial invaders have always reserved in the battle, and put a large part of their energy on guarding against those true immortals.

Now, the few true immortals finally woke up and started to take action, but the strong ones among these foreign invaders breathed a sigh of relief, and there was a feeling that the stone finally fell to the ground.

Many people with more flexible minds already think they have seen through the enemy's calculations.

The few true immortals had been holding back and did not make a move before, that is, using the Tiangong as a bait to lure the enemy deep, attract the enemy to the Tiangong, and then use the means to pull everything in the Tiangong into the source sea.

Several true immortals have slept in Yuanhai for many years, and they must have made Yuanhai their home ground long ago.

Even with these sleeping true immortals, the true immortal-level powerhouses among the extraterritorial invaders still have a numerical advantage.

When the high-level invaders from outside the territory were still hesitating, Tiangong had already quickly fallen into the source sea.

Whether it is a human race cultivator or a foreign invader, whether they are willing or not, whether they resist or obey, they cannot resist the attraction of the black hole, and they are pulled into the source sea one after another.

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. A sword light circled in the source sea, surrounding those low-level cultivators with insufficient cultivation.

This is Jianjun Banxue's shot, she wants to prevent low-level cultivators from being swallowed by the source sea.

There is a special erosive power in the source sea, even if the return to the virtual power stays in it for a long time, it will be digested and swallowed by the source sea.

Without sufficient protection, foreign invaders and human cultivators with insufficient cultivation will soon become part of the source sea.

In addition to some Void Return-level powerhouses who continue to fight, many foreign invaders and human race cultivators are looking for a way out and seeking shelter from their own powerhouses.

The three lions and the ancestor Xuanxuan had been chased and killed by powerful enemies before, and they were about to have nowhere to go.

Seeing the great change, they hardly hesitated, and they took the initiative to comply with the attraction of the black hole and dived into the source sea.

Sanshan Zhenxian, who was being besieged by many powerful enemies, hesitated for a while, and after sensing the attraction of the black hole, he also flew to the source sea.

A group of true immortal-level invaders from outside the territory discussed and swaggered into the source sea.

This time Zhang Si. Before the massive invasion of Junchen Realm, they had a plan to study how to fight against those true immortals.

After all, as long as they are not too stupid, they all know that those true immortals are the biggest trump cards in the Junchen world, and they are also the powerful enemies they must face.

In order to deal with these powerful enemies, they began to deploy thousands of years ago, and the preparation work has continued until now.

Now that a powerful enemy has appeared, it is naturally impossible for them to retreat without a This large-scale invasion of the Junchen world is relatively smooth, and has achieved major results that have not been achieved in the past thousands of years.

If you want to consolidate the victory and completely conquer the Junchen world, those true immortals are the threshold that cannot be bypassed.

The group of true immortal-level powerhouses among the extraterritorial invaders did not hesitate for too long, and they all went to Yuanhai together.

Not everyone is willing to be sucked into the source sea.

Yuanhai is a very dangerous place for Void Returning Great Expert.

Moreover, looking at the current posture, Yuanhai is about to become the battlefield of the True Immortal War.

But those who have a little brain are not willing to be affected by the battle of the true immortals.

The team of foreign invaders that had originally surrounded Meng Zhang and the others was also in chaos.

Some froze in place; some scattered and fled to the distance...

Although this great change came too suddenly, Meng Zhang has remained calm enough.

Although he was very curious about the battle situation in the source sea, he didn't want to venture into it.

Meng Zhang greeted everyone and fought hard together to break through.

Taking advantage of the chaos in the foreign invader team, this small team did not spend too much effort, they broke through the encirclement and fled to a safer place.

Feeling that they were far enough away from the Tiangong, Meng Zhang and the others stopped temporarily, each showed their magical powers, and observed the movement in the distance.

Make a big tyrant. There are many foreign invaders and human race cultivators who escaped from inside and outside the Tiangong.

Some never look back, and do not know where they have escaped.

Some fled to a certain distance, then looked back and watched.


After the huge black hole devoured the entire Tiangong, it soon stopped expanding, and its powerful attraction was greatly weakened.

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