The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2384: Soul Sea Mutation

The battle of the true immortals that is about to unfold in the source sea can be said to be related to the fate of the entire Junchen world.

Previously, in order to avoid the attraction of the black hole, the army of foreign invaders who surrounded Tiangong took the initiative to retreat.

After retreating to a certain distance, the army stopped to observe the movement in the black hole.

Especially those high-level people, who looked nervous, didn't dare to blink, and looked more carefully than anyone else.

The speed at which the black hole devoured Tiangong was very fast, but those guys who were quick enough to react still escaped in time.

In the nine days at the moment, especially not far from the black hole, there are still many human race cultivators standing and watching.

At this time, neither the foreign invaders nor the human race cultivators had much will to fight, and they were all waiting for the result of the battle in the source sea.

What really decides this big victory is the battle between the top powerhouses.

If a few true immortals win, then the army of foreign invaders should consider how to escape.

If it's the other way around, then it's time for Meng Zhang and his group of human cultivators to think about the future.

The huge black hole seemed to set off a storm, and the situation inside was extremely chaotic.

Even the powerhouse closest to the black hole could not see too clearly, but only saw some vague scenes inside.

How the true immortal-level extraterritorial invaders and the true immortals of the human race fought, no one could tell.

Meng Zhang did not watch, but directly contacted Xianyun Zhenxian through the restraint in his body.

After receiving the latest information from Meng Zhang, Xianyun Zhenxian, who had been wandering near Junchen Realm, immediately came to the outskirts of Jiutian with Fairy Yue'e.

They were very concerned about this war, but they did not rush into Jiutian.

This time Zhang Si. Those true immortals are so forbearing, they have been dragging it on until now.

They introduced the true immortals and powerhouses among the extraterritorial invaders into the source sea.

I don't know what kind of means they have, what kind of preparations they have, both Xianyun Zhenxian and Yue'e Fairy are full of caution.

They were afraid of stepping into a trap, so they did not panic and entered Jiutian, but let Meng Zhang observe carefully.

Not knowing whether to call them cautious or timid, Meng Zhang was speechless.

Since they want to allow themselves to observe carefully, they should observe carefully here.

It's a pity that Meng Zhang, like other powerhouses, didn't see the situation in the black hole very clearly.

Before Meng Zhang came to support Niu Dawei this time, he made an appointment with Taimiao and kept in touch at any time.

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. Anyway, within the Junchen world, it is very convenient for them to synchronize information or transmit power to each other.

Meng Zhang's original intention was that when he was intercepted by foreign invaders, he could fight with too wonderful power.

Tai Miao learned about the latest change in Tiangong from Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang did not dare to get too close, worried that he would be involved in the battle, and wanted to know the development of the battle.

Tai Miao's heart moved, and she was about to enter the source sea from the soul sea in the depths of the underworld, and take a good look at the battle.

Tai Miao had a similar experience, but Meng Zhang did not stop him.

Tai Miao has advanced to the virtual immortal level, and after the control of the underworld is deepened, it becomes more convenient and faster to transfer within the underworld.

Tai Miao performed space teleportation a few times, and then followed the route of the last time and rushed to the soul sea.

In many cases, the battle between true immortals will last for a long time.

For decades or even hundreds of years, the winner may not be determined.

Meng Zhang and Luna were not in a hurry at all and continued to wait patiently there.

Tai Miao, who is familiar with the way, did not spend too much time, and entered the sea of ​​​​souls.

Despite having had a successful experience, crossing the Soul Sea was a huge drain on Tai Miao.

There is a special channel connection between the soul sea in the depths of the underworld and the source sea in the Junchen world.

Among the connected passages, there are also some independent small spaces, which can be used as places for Tai Miao to hide and rest.

It's too wonderful to enter such an independent small space and take a break for a while.

With his ability, through the space barrier, he can clearly see some situations in the soul sea and the source sea.

Suddenly, the originally calm sea of ​​souls boiled.

On weekdays, the soul sea looks basically dead silent from the outside.

In the soul sea, sometimes there are some remnant souls whose obsessions have not disappeared and are unwilling to pass away, making waves, and the movement will not be too big.

At this time, a turbulent sea broke out over the Soul Sea, and the interior was constantly rolling and surging.

Driven by inexplicable power, many remnant souls who had long lost consciousness seemed to regain their vitality.

These remnant souls let out a roar of unwillingness, absorbed a large number of remnant soul fragments, and began to fly around in the soul sea.

During these thousands of years, foreign invaders have invaded the Junchen world many times.

In the case of the Junchen Realm's intentional release of water, a large number of foreign invaders found a loophole to enter the Junchen Realm.

The strength of these extraterritorial invaders is limited, and there is no powerhouse at the level of returning to the virtual world.

Under the pursuit of cultivators from all sides, these extraterritorial invaders who entered the Junchen world were basically unable to escape the fate of defeat.

Accumulated over a long period of time, no one knows how many foreign invaders have died in Junchen Realm.

After the death of these foreign invaders of different origins and, their souls will enter the underworld of Junchen Realm, and then enter the sea of ​​​​souls. An important force in the origin of the Junchen world.

The reason why these extraterritorial invaders were able to infiltrate the Junchen Realm was apparently due to the fact that the various forces in the Junchen Realm were competing for power and profits and framed each other, resulting in loopholes in the defense.

In fact, this is an arrangement from the highest level of the Junchen world.

And the high-level invaders from outside the territory are also very happy, and they keep sending low-level members to Junchen Realm to die.

The high-level foreign invaders are naturally not fools, and what they do must have a purpose.

When Tai Miao entered the soul sea, she discovered the abnormality in the soul sea.

After careful observation, Tai Miao made a bold guess and guessed part of the truth.

Now, the backhand deployed by the high-level foreign invaders has been launched.

For thousands of years, all the extraterritorial invaders who died in the Junchen Realm have been infected by mysterious and hidden forces almost long ago.

After they died, these powers also entered the soul sea.

Even after thousands of years of constant wear and tear in the soul sea, these powers have not completely disappeared.

Several true immortals set up an ambush, introducing the true immortal-level powerhouse among the extraterritorial invaders into the source sea.

They have been operating in Yuanhai for many years and regard it as their home ground, thinking that they will have an absolute advantage.

This group of true immortal-level extraterritorial invaders dared to go deep into the source sea, and they also relied on it.

They started the layout thousands of years ago, and it was really far-sighted.

They are now launching the arrangement, making waves in the soul sea, and directly attacking the source sea.

Make a big tyrant. This is a plan to draw wages from the bottom of the pot. It is necessary to directly eliminate the geographical advantages of several true immortals and remove their major reliance.

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