The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2385: disperse

Tai Miao hid in a hidden and independent space, carefully observing the changes in the soul sea.

In the Junchen world at this time, I am afraid that only Taimiao is paying attention to the changes here.

It is not easy for monks in the Yang world to enter the underworld, and the soul sea is located in the depths of the underworld.

No matter what happened in the soul sea, it would be difficult for the outside world to know in a short period of time, and it would be difficult for the impact to spread to the Yang World.

After Meng Zhang learned the news of the Soul Sea Mutation from Tai Miao, he just let Tai Miao hide himself and observe carefully.

If the situation is not right, run away quickly and save your life as the first priority.

The means deployed by the true immortal-level powerhouse are not too wonderful to intervene.

The mutation in the soul sea continues.

There is a sea word in the name of the soul sea, that is because it is full of strong soul power.

The power of the soul is thick enough to condense into a liquid form.

Those remnant souls that were struggling and twisting absorbed a lot of divine soul power and turned into a twisted giant.

Some were not even human, but turned into bizarre beasts.

These giants and giant beasts howled in anger, and driven by some kind of force, they kept pounding the barrier between the soul sea and the source sea.

The barrier between the soul sea and the source sea was quickly broken.

One after another, giants and giant beasts rushed to the source sea crazily.

Tai Miao has eyesight and insight similar to Meng Zhang, and soon saw through the mystery.

These giants and beasts are terrifying and ferocious, and at first glance they are powerful people.

What is even more dreadful is that these giants and giant beasts are almost all infected by demons, and even directly possessed by Yin demons.

Mo Dao's hand stretched so long that he actually set up a situation in the most secret sea of ​​souls in the Junchen world.

Thinking of the existence of demon gods among the high-level foreign invaders, Tai Miao believes that she has seen through the methods of these foreign invaders.

Several true immortals can conquer the Junchen world and establish a system to let their disciples and grandchildren rule the Junchen world for thousands of years. Their minds are meticulous and cautious, and it is impossible for them to be ignorant of these methods.

Tai Miao really wanted to know how these true immortals would deal with these magic methods.

A steady stream of giants and beasts poured out of the sea of ​​souls and rushed towards the sea of ​​origin. Strong Sacrifice Read Sacrifice

Even if Tai Miao has the strength of virtual immortals, he would not dare to face this wave of attacks, and he has no need to block the guns for those true immortals.

It is so wonderful to restrain the breath, and the hidden is more hidden.

Under the current circumstances, he has no chance to enter the source sea to watch the battle for the time being, and can only wait for the opportunity in place.

Meng Zhang and Luna were still waiting far away from the Heavenly Palace.

I don't know how the situation will develop after this strange soldier arranged in the sea of ​​souls takes action.

It's a pity that even the powerhouses who are closer to the black hole don't know what the battle situation is in the source sea.

Meng Zhang and the others waited for more than ten days, and the black hole changed again.

The attraction from the black hole that had been stationary completely disappeared, and after a burst of distortions, it began to be regularly swallowed.

After every time the black hole is swallowed, it will throw a lot of people and things from it.

Whether it is a human race cultivator or an outsider intruder, as long as it is spit out by the black hole, it will immediately escape from the vicinity of the black hole at the fastest speed.

Most of the items spit out by the black hole are the various remaining buildings in the Tiangong, as well as various wreckage and the like.

Before long, countless debris floated around the black hole.

After swallowing for a while, it seemed that there was nothing left to spit out, and the black hole began to shrink violently.

After shrinking to less than a hundred feet in size, the black hole stopped shrinking and became stable.

Originally, around the black hole, the army of foreign invaders almost surrounded it.

I don't know what order was received, the army of foreign invaders quickly dispersed, leaving only a part of the team to continue to observe.

Some of the dispersed armies of foreign invaders continued to garrison within nine days, some began to hunt down the cultivators who stayed within nine days, and some organized to kill Junchen Realm.

Soon, Meng Zhang received the news from Junchen Realm.

An army of invaders from outside the territory smashed into all parts of Junchen Realm, and launched a more ferocious attack on the major cultivation forces.

After Meng Zhang thought for a while, he and Luna took Niu Dawei and left here.

At the same time, he ordered the door to re-send the Void Returning Power to sneak into the Nine Heavens in turn to observe the situation around the black hole secretly.

Meng Zhang's team was very strong, and they quickly dispersed the foreign invaders who were chasing them and returned to Junchen Realm.

After returning to Junchen Realm, Daoist Haiyang did not care about healing, and after thanking Meng Zhang, he rushed back to Hailing School as quickly as possible.

The other Void Returning Great Masters were in a similar situation. They were all sleepy in the Tiangong for so long, and they were very anxious. After saying goodbye to Meng Zhang and the others, they all went back to their respective homes.

After Meng Zhang took Niu Dawei back to the mountain gate, he asked Niu Dawei to retreat to heal his wounds.

As one of the top forces in the Junchen world, Taiyimen has arranged spies and spies in many places in the Junchen world.

Whenever something major happens in various places, regardless of whether it is directly related to Taiyi Sect or not, they will report to the sect in The situation from all over the Junchen world is gathered to Mengzhang one after another. hands.

The current situation in the Junchen world is not optimistic.

Previously, the main force of foreign invaders was used to besiege the Tiangong, and it was just a branch of divisions, or a team that took a rotation and rested to enter the Junchen world.

Even so, it has brought a huge threat to the major cultivation forces in the Junchen world.

The major holy land sects had to shrink in an all-round way and concentrate their efforts to respond.

Now, Tiangong has completely fallen.

Even if there are some remaining cultivators, they may not have time to leave Jiutian, and they will not be able to contain too many foreign invaders.

The main force of the army of foreign invaders has begun to launch a full-scale attack on Junchen Realm.

Without the containment of Tiangong, who can stop the main army of foreign invaders in the Junchen world?

As the rulers of the Junchen world, the major holy land sects have long given up their responsibilities and only know how to sweep the snow before their doors. This time* Zhang Si

Many high-level Taiyimen have taken the opportunity to come forward and lead the cultivation world to fight against foreign invaders.

But people who are really sober know that under the current situation, this kind of limelight cannot come out.

The Taiyi Sect seems to be in good shape at present, and the primary targets of those invaders from outside the territory are the major holy land sects. control the big lord

If Taiyimen really climbed high and became a first-time bird, it would definitely be attacked by foreign invaders.

The current situation of the Junchen world is a piece of scattered sand, each fighting for each other, which is not good for all cultivation forces.

If the situation does not change, including the major holy land sects, all the cultivation forces in the Junchen world will be defeated sooner or later.

Meng Zhang and the senior officials of Taiyimen knew this result, but they didn't have a good countermeasure.

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