The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2433: blood sacrifice

Under the order of the Sea-Swallowing Dragon Emperor, the True Dragon Clan did not participate in a series of events in the Junchen Realm some time ago, but watched the invaders from outside the territory victorious.

The powerful people of the True Dragon Clan are well-known, and their prestige spreads throughout the void.

Neither the local cultivators of Junchen Realm nor the foreign invaders took the initiative to provoke the True Dragon Clan.

A small group of foreign invaders invaded the sea, which was basically an accident. At most, it was to test the reactions of the True Dragon Clan and the Sea Clan.

Before the major holy land sects were resolved, the foreign invaders had no intention of breaking out a full-scale war with the True Dragon Clan.

So far, the strength of the True Dragon Clan has been maintained very well, and they have the ability to interfere in the affairs of Junchen World on a large scale at any time.

The Sea Swallowing Dragon Emperor, who had regained his full strength, was even staring at him in the dark.

The six true immortals acted recklessly in the source sea, and after the news spread that the Junchen world had entered into destruction, the top officials of the true dragon clan were furious.

The real dragon family was originally a powerful race from the void. This branch took a fancy to the Junchen Realm thousands of years ago and tried to capture the Junchen Realm before entering the Junchen Realm on a large scale.

Although they have not been able to successfully dominate the Junchen world, they have already established a foundation in the ocean.

If the Junchen Realm is destroyed, the true dragon clan of this branch will have to give up everything in the Junchen Realm and return to the void.

The Sea-Swallowing Dragon Emperor didn't want to see Junchen Realm destroyed, but there was no good way to change this result.

This time, the reason why the True Dragon Clan was willing to send Ganglong King to attend the meeting was not only to sell the Dark Alliance a bit of face, but also to see if the Dark Alliance could save the fate of Junchen Realm from destruction.

Fengqing Shangzun said that the destruction of the Junchen world can be greatly extended.

If his method is feasible, King Ganglong is also willing to support the True Dragon family.

Fengqing Shangzun said that Lingkong Xianjie was about to restore contact with Junchen Realm, which made Ganglong Wang very vigilant.

At this time, he has already started to think about whether there is any way to prevent the restoration of the connection between Junchen Realm and Lingkong Immortal Realm.

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. Of course, for such a major event, he must report it to the Sea Swallowing Dragon King before he can act.

Based on Meng Zhang's knowledge, he felt that the Junchen world had entered into ruin, and it was very unreliable to slow down the process by relying on a certain ritual.

Of course, maybe the dark alliance really has an extraordinary heritage, and the classics record the clever methods that they don't even know about.

Although he felt that the possibility of Fengqing's success was unlikely, Meng Zhang would not oppose him.

If the ritual of the Dark Alliance really worked and slowed down the destruction process of Junchen Realm, it would also be a good thing for Taiyimen.

Meng Zhang was even willing to pay some price for this to support the Supreme Venerable Fengqing.

Fengqing's previous remarks caused a lot of discussion among the people below, and then everyone asked about the details of the ceremony.

This time 17bXWX.*com Zhang Si. Obviously, everyone has expectations for the Dark Alliance.

Seeing this, Venerable Fengqing had a smug smile on his face.

His tone was slow and slow, and he introduced the crowd carefully.

How to arrange the ceremony, how to consume all kinds of heaven and earth treasures and other words, Meng Zhang did not take it to heart.

A detail mentioned by Venerable Fengqing lightly made Meng Zhang very concerned and aroused his vigilance.

A major key point in holding this ceremony is to sacrifice blood to many living beings, including living people, spirit beasts, monster beasts and so on.

Among them, man is the master of all things, blood sacrifice of living people is indispensable, and a large number of living people are needed.

Whether it was the moral values ​​he adhered to as a cultivator of the righteous way, or his vigilance against demons, Meng Zhang had always been very sensitive to blood sacrifices.

Blood sacrifice itself is one of the methods commonly used in the magic way.

The Dark Alliance has a history of large-scale collusion with magic.

Even though the Dark Alliance seems to be clear of its relationship with the Demon Dao, Meng Zhang firmly believes that the connection between the Dark Alliance and the Demon Dao has never been severed.

Maybe, there are a lot of magic powers hidden in the dark alliance at this time.

Meng Zhang had no choice but to wonder if the blood sacrifice proposed by Venerable Fengqing had ulterior motives, and was it related to the magic way?

Although Fengqing Shangzun explained many details of the ceremony, it is impossible to have no reservations.

He himself has clearly stated that it is impossible for him to tell everyone about the secrets of the dark alliance and the inheritance of the dark alliance.

Judging from the part he disclosed, this ceremony is still a bit reliable.

This ceremony can mobilize the power of heaven and earth in the Junchen world, go deep into the leylines, stabilize the leylines, and fix the earth that is slowly collapsing.

The people present here are all great powers of returning to the virtual world, and their eyesight and knowledge are not too bad.

They made a preliminary judgment through the remarks of Venerable Fengqing, and this ceremony should be useful.

As for how useful it is, it's hard to say.

Whether this ceremony can really stabilize the crumbling Junchen Realm and slow down the process of Junchen Realm's destruction, as Venerable Fengqing said, will require everyone to slowly judge after the ceremony.

Venerable Fengqing took the matter of blood sacrifices lightly, and other people didn't care much.

At this time when the Junchen Realm is entering into destruction, for the vast majority of cultivators, the Supreme Master Fengqing is like throwing out a life-saving straw.

No matter whether this life-saving straw is completely reliable, and whether it will bring some bad aftermath, everyone will firmly grasp As for the lives of some creatures, no one cares.

In the world of self-cultivation, it is a common phenomenon to take care of human life, and not many people care about the life and death of mortals.

Even a benevolent cultivator would not think that mortals are more important than cultivators.

If the sacrifice of the lives of some mortals and even low-level cultivators can save the Junchen Realm, no one will refuse.

It is true that mortals are the foundation of the cultivation world. In the final analysis, mortals exist for the continuation of the cultivation world.

If the Junchen Realm is completely destroyed, how many mortals in the Junchen Realm will survive?

Some cultivators of the right way may feel unbearable, but in the end they will not say anything.

Sacrificing some souls for the sake of the overall situation is a matter of course.

Meng Zhang listened to the words of Venerable Fengqing, did not rush to question, but looked around.

Most of the people present were moved by Venerable Fengqing.

Even if there are a few keen people who guessed that the Dark Alliance might use magic methods, they will pretend not to know at this time.

As long as it can temporarily stabilize the Junchen Realm and slow down the destruction of the Junchen Realm, everyone will recognize it even if it is a magic way.

Everyone consciously or unintentionally ignored the blood sacrifice mentioned by Venerable Fengqing, and expressed their interest in this ceremony.

The Ganglong King of the True Dragon Clan was also very tempted by the words of Venerable Fengqing.

There are countless sea clans under the real dragon clan.

Make a big tyrant. These sea tribes are not only the servants of the True Dragon Clan, but also the food of the True Dragon Clan.

As long as the goal can be achieved, even if all the blood of the sea clan is sacrificed, the Ganglong King will not frown.

Anyway, except for the real dragon clan, all creatures can be consumed at will.

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