The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2434: 1 agree

In his early years, Meng Zhang possessed the innate supernatural powers like his Xintong, which could easily read people's hearts.

With the improvement of the cultivation level and status, the monks he has come into contact with are also getting higher and higher.

Generally speaking, the higher the cultivation level of a cultivator, the better the concealment of their own thoughts, their own thoughts, etc., and the less likely they will be seen through.

Many cultivators also practice some secret techniques to restrain their thoughts, prevent their thoughts from leaking out, and avoid being searched by others.

In a word, although Meng Zhang's cultivation and supernatural powers are constantly improving, it is becoming more and more difficult to see through the minds of high-level monks just like the minds of low-level monks.

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. Of course, those monks who are simple-minded, arrogant, and even have the heart of a child are not the case.

Now, in order to judge other people's inner thoughts, Meng Zhang relies more and more on experience and experience, as well as careful analysis.

It is not difficult to guess the thoughts of the people present, and they did not hide themselves much.

Meng Zhang easily guessed their minds closely.

Everyone tends to support Fengqing Shangzun and let Fengqing Shangzun hold that so-called ceremony.

Anyway, there is no better way for everyone, and Fengqing Shangzun's approach will not bring great losses to everyone, why not let Fengqing Shangzun try.

If Fengqing Shangzun really succeeds, then everyone will be happy.

Even if it fails in the end, the biggest loss is definitely the dark alliance, the initiator with the most investment.

As for trivial matters such as blood sacrifices, they certainly cannot affect the overall situation of saving Junchen World.

Seeing that everyone was like this, Meng Zhang swallowed the words he wanted to say.

Fengqing Shangzun has received everyone's support. If he publicly questions and opposes his actions, he may become a loner.

Although Daoist Haiyang of Hailing Sect and Fairy Guanghan of Guanghan Palace are allies, they will not openly oppose them, but deep down, they may be dissatisfied with themselves.

Besides, even if he objected, so what? Could it be that he could stop the actions of Venerable Fengqing?

The more he thought about it, the more Meng Zhang felt that Venerable Fengqing's proposal was suspicious. This so-called ritual was a ghost.

From the looks of it, Venerable Fengqing had clearly been planning for a long time.

Now that he has the support of everyone, it means that he has the support of most of the Junchen world.

The major holy land sects and various foreign invaders are entangled, and there is no other powerful force to stop the dark alliance.

At least on the surface, Fengqing Shangzun's approach is for everyone, for the Junchen world, and for the overall situation.

He stood on the side of righteousness, with a high-sounding and vigorous momentum.

Meng Zhang didn't have any actual evidence. Based on some speculation, he accused Feng Qing Shang Zun of colluding with the devil's way. He had ulterior motives. Who would believe it?

I am afraid that everyone present thought that they were entangled in the past grievances and grievances with the dark alliance, and deliberately opposed Fengqing Shangzun, disregarding the overall situation.

Meng Zhang didn't need to care about the thoughts of the people present, and he didn't care about offending people, but he was unwilling to do useless work and get into unnecessary disputes with everyone.

The Dark Alliance itself is so powerful, and now it has the support of everyone, it is not appropriate for Taiyimen to openly confront it.

What's more, Meng Zhang already had a series of plans, pointing out the development direction of Taiyi Sect, and really didn't want to get entangled with the dark alliance, thus wasting time and delaying precious time.

Meng Zhang thought and thought in his heart, but in the end he remained silent and said nothing.

Seeing to persuade everyone present and get everyone's verbal consent, Venerable Fengqing quickly entered the next step.

To hold this grand ceremony, the Dark Alliance will naturally go all out, and of course it needs everyone's support.

Before this ceremony is held, circles and altars need to be arranged in many places in the Junchen world.

It is necessary to send enough cultivators to build these altars and circles, and there must be enough strength to station them.

Many precious materials are consumed in this process.

When the ceremony is held, to prevent interference from external forces, everyone needs to help guard.

Before the ceremony, to collect all kinds of creatures from all over the Junchen world and transport them to the ceremony site, everyone's help is needed.


Fengqing Shangzun put forward a series of requirements, hoping to get everyone's help.

The request of the Supreme Master Fengqing does not seem to be excessive, and it does not consume the background of the forces of all parties.

It is totally worth paying a small price to help Venerable Fengqing hold a ceremony and try to slow down the destruction process of Junchen Realm.

All the people present here are the principals of the cultivation forces of various parties, and they can completely agree on these trivial matters.

This time 1* Chapter Si. On behalf of the True Dragon Clan, King Ganglong said that he would strongly support the Venerable Fengqing.

Among the people present, Daoist Gulu, who represented the Ascension Society, remained silent.

Everyone knows that the Ascension Immortal Society has fully invested in the remnants of the Heavenly Palace.

Everyone is even more aware of the inconsistency between Tiangong and the Dark Alliance.

Everyone also understands the attitude of the Daoist Gulu.

There may be a few people who complain in their hearts that Tiangong ignores the overall situation and only knows about the grievances and grievances with the Dark Alliance, but they will not say anything openly.

After all, no one wants to offend Daoist Gu Lu and the Tiangong behind her easily.

As long as Daoist Gulu doesn't openly cause trouble, everyone can let her go.

After Venerable Fengqing talked about the business, Meng Zhang kept his face straight from beginning to said nothing.

As one of the few virtual immortals in the audience, when it comes to combat power, he may still be the strongest in the audience. Meng Zhang's lofty and airy attitude is not surprising.

Between the words, Fengqing Shangzun also vaguely mentioned the backstage of the Dark Alliance in Lingkong Xianjie.

The Dark Alliance is a big force throughout the entire Lingkong Immortal Realm, and even the top leaders of the Lingkong Immortal Realm must give it three points.

As long as the connection between Junchen Realm and Lingkong Xianjie is restored, the power from Lingkong Xianjie Dark Alliance headquarters is enough to provide shelter to the Junchen Realm Dark Alliance branch.

The Snow Mountain Sect and the Kou Family, as members of the Holy Land Sect, were not trusted by other Holy Land Sects and were excluded from the core decision-making circle.

Now that the situation in Junchen World has changed drastically, they saw that the situation of other holy land sects was not good, and they had the intention to draw a clear line with them.

The extraterritorial invaders knew the inside story of Junchen Realm, and did not kill the two of them.

They escaped the catastrophe because of this, but they were worried that they would be retaliated by other holy land sects afterwards.

Knowing that the dark alliance is powerful, they secretly moved closer to the dark alliance, and they originally meant to use the power of the dark alliance.

In the past, Taiyimen also actively contacted these two families, tried their best to win over them, and tried to form an alliance with them.

They did not refuse the Taiyimen's win, and they were willing to make friends with the Taiyimen.

But looking at the current situation, they are obviously more optimistic about the dark alliance and more willing to approach the dark alliance.

In the eyes of the vast majority of cultivators, the Taiyi Sect is indeed prestigious and dominant, enough to rival the Holy Land Sect.

Compared with the dark alliance with a deep background and a long history, the Taiyi Sect, which has a limited rise in time, is much worse in all aspects.

Make a big tyrant. Especially in terms of historical background, there is a huge gap between the young Taiyimen and the dark alliance.

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