The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2435: the depths of the world

Remember for a second【】

As for Venerable Fengqing's mention of the Dark Alliance's background in the Lingkong Immortal Realm, there are probably few forces in the entire Junchen Realm that can compare with it.

Tiangong and the sects of the major holy places were so powerful back then, so they didn't have to be patient with the dark alliance.

The history of Taiyimen is not complicated. The founder of the mountain is just a down-and-out cultivator who failed in the spiritual world.

It is just to find opportunities in the newly opened Junchen world, to start a career, and then to have the Taiyi Gate.

The Taiyimen have been destroyed several times, which shows that the Taiyimen have no deep background.

It is not only human's normal feelings to follow the trend of inflammation, but also the way of survival in the world of self-cultivation.

Of course, the Kou family and the Snow Mountain faction are now actively moving towards the Dark Alliance, but they have not completely joined the Dark Alliance.

After all, the two are also former Holy Land sects, more or less reserved, and the dark alliance needs to take the initiative to pay the price to win them over.

For Taiyimen to rapidly expand its sphere of influence in the Junchen world, it is a shortcut to attract more powerful forces.

Taiyimen will continue to befriend the Snow Mountain faction and the Kou family.

Even if these two families join the Dark Alliance, they will have reservations.

Fengqing Shangzun's proposal has been approved by everyone, and the Dark Alliance has also gained more supporters.

Next, Fengqing Shangzun began to discuss more details with everyone, and also assigned tasks for everyone.

Meng Zhang didn't want to turn his face with the dark alliance, and perfunctory Fengqing Shangzun.

As for the task assigned by the Supreme Master Fengqing to the Taiyi Sect, the middle and senior management of the sect naturally have a way to delay it slowly.

Meng Zhang stayed in the dark alliance for a few days, and when the matter was completely settled, he left the floating city.

When leaving, Meng Zhang walked with Daoist Haiyang and Fairy Guanghan.

Meng Zhang mentioned a few words to them, so that they should not pay too much attention to the rituals mentioned by Venerable Fengqing, and there is no need to invest too much resources.

Although they didn't quite understand Meng Zhang's thoughts, they had known Meng Zhang for many years and had enough trust in him.

Meng Zhang did not make any excessive demands, they decided to follow Meng Zhang's orders.

As for Venerable Fengqing, they would naturally find excuses to perfunctory.

After Meng Zhang and Daoist Haiyang separated, they did not return to Taiyimen directly, but went to another place.

If it wasn't for the reminder of this gathering, Meng Zhang would have almost ignored this matter.

Almost all the great powers of returning to the void in the Junchen world left the Yang God brand in the depths of the world when they broke through.

As the Junchen Realm enters into destruction, these Yang God imprints naturally cannot survive.

If the brand of the Yang God is destroyed, the Void Returning Powers will not only lose the chance to be reborn.

With a deep foundation and good luck, it may just be a little uncomfortable, and at most slightly injured.

But if he is that kind of guy with shallow foundations and bad luck, he might be greatly affected.

Others Meng Zhang can't manage, and he doesn't bother to manage. At least, Taiyi Sect cultivator, and monks who have friendship with Taiyi Sect, he will try his best to protect them.

Meng Zhang is now ready to go to the depths of the heavens and the earth to see if he can do anything to keep the imprint of the Yang God that he wants to protect.

The so-called depths of heaven and earth are actually a very special space within the Junchen world.

It is more hidden and more difficult to reach than Yuanhai.

Most of the returning powers in the Junchen world can only infiltrate the power of the sun **** after they have just broken through the period of returning to the virtual state, and then leave a mark.

In addition, the Void Returning greats can faintly sense it at most, but they cannot enter it.

After Meng Zhang accepted the inheritance from Taiyi Jinxian, he had a deeper understanding of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, and could try to see the secrets of this special space.

When he was in the advanced stage of returning to the void, Meng Zhang also used the power of the Yang God, leaving a mark of the Yang God in that place.

Meng Zhang found a quiet place, sat cross-legged in the sky, closed his eyes and slowly sensed.

In the haze, Meng Zhang clearly felt the location of his Yangshen brand.

This special space called the depths of heaven and earth is not fixed in one place.

This space is deep in the Junchen world, close to the core of the earth, disappearing and reappearing, constantly moving.

Speaking of which, this special space is not native to the Junchen world, but after the establishment of a cultivation civilization in the Junchen world, the rules of heaven and earth were distorted and changed, and this special space was born.

Although the six true immortals are now regarded by all cultivators as madmen and sinners who destroy the world, it cannot be denied that they played a major role in the process of conquering the Junchen world and establishing a cultivating civilization.

They spread the seeds of self-cultivation civilization in the Junchen Realm, and reshape the world according to the laws of the Lingkong Immortal Realm.

The appearance of this special space means that the laws of Lingkong Xianjie cover the Junchen Realm and take effect in this world.

Among all the worlds in the void, it is not just a spiritual world that is prevalent in cultivation civilization.

However, there are only a handful of cultivation civilizations as powerful as Lingkong Xianjie.

The same is the inheritance of Taoism, different worlds, different branches, all have their own characteristics.

The comprehension civilization of Lingkong Xianjie is strong enough and has distinctive features, and is respected and imitated by many great worlds.

Among them, the use of special methods to change a certain big world, the birth of this special space, and the imprint of the Yang God for the Void Returning Great Master, is a major feature of the Lingkong Xianjie inheritance system.

^0^ One second to remember【】

The power of returning to the void can go deep into the void and conduct various explorations.

Due to the various dangers in the void, the risk of returning to the void is very high.

Compared with immortals, the ability to survive in the void is limited.

No matter which big world you are in, the Void Returning Great Master is the backbone of the cultivators.

Let the Void Returning Great Master have a chance to be reborn after the fall, which can greatly retain this group of backbones.

If it weren't for the fact that the six true immortals were too selfish and unwilling to pay too much of the origin of the world, the Void Returning greats who fell in the history of the major holy land sects would have been reborn long ago.

If the major holy land sects have enough Void Return Power to suppress, the cultivation forces in the Junchen world will never be able to come forward.

After the Junchen world entered into destruction, the rules of heaven and earth began to become turbulent and even chaotic.

Competent cultivators can more clearly sense the rules of heaven and such as immortals like Meng Zhang, and can even sort out and manipulate the rules of heaven and earth more easily.

Meng Zhang quickly sensed the traces left by the laws of the Lingkong Xianjie.

Meng Zhang couldn't help but sighed.

The laws of Lingkong Xianjie have penetrated into every corner of Junchen Realm, completely changing the world.

If the consciousness of Heavenly Dao in Junchen Realm did not fall, after a long period of time, it would be influenced and changed by the laws of Lingkong Immortal Realm.

At that time, Junchen Realm will truly be completely incorporated into the system of Lingkong Immortal Realm.

The consciousness of the Heavenly Dao in the Junchen world will become the guardian of the self-cultivation civilization, repelling and suppressing all other cultivation systems, and actively blocking all foreign invaders.

Like the head of the fairy road

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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