The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2436: Enter

Remember [New] for a second,! It's a pity, it's a pity that the six true immortals destroyed a great potential world for their own selfishness, and even prevented the further expansion of the forces of the Lingkong fairyland.

Meng Zhang did not stop moving while feeling sorry.

Meng Zhang has extraordinary talent, excellent aptitude, no shortage of resources, and the inheritance he accepts is even more brilliant.

He has not been promoted to Void Immortal for a long time, and his cultivation base is already far above the ordinary Void Immortal.

After Tai Miao was promoted to True God, she had a deeper understanding of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, the rules of origin, etc.

It is so wonderful now that it is possible to observe everything in the world with the eyes of a true God.

Meng Zhang can share everything with Tai Miao, including his understanding of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

The cultivation realm of the incarnation outside the body exceeds that of the deity for a long time, which is actually not a good thing.

The wonderful vision and realm surpassed Meng Zhang, and many things he instilled brought great pressure to Meng Zhang.

Although Meng Zhang couldn't fully understand everything about Taiwei comprehension, he could already start to make use of Taimei comprehension.

In a short period of time, Meng Zhang can use the eyesight of a true **** to observe and analyze the testimonies from the spiritual world.

After spending a lot of effort, Meng Zhang has achieved great results.

Although there are still some doubts, and there is no complete certainty, Meng Zhang didn't want to continue wasting time, and immediately started to act.

Meng Zhang stepped into the sky, very close to Jiutian.

Meng Zhang, such a strong man, made no secret of his aura, and swaggered to a place that was almost close to Jiutian. At this time, the foreign invaders who controlled Jiutian were quickly alerted and responded immediately.

A group of foreign invaders flew over from a distance, and they had to check the situation here.

It didn't take long for the foreign invaders to break through and occupy Jiutian, and they actually controlled Jiutian so tightly, which made Meng Zhang a little sigh.

Meng Zhang didn't bother to entangle with them, so he fiddled with the rules of heaven and earth in the Junchen world to stimulate the power of the Dao.

There was a violent shock in the space, and Meng Zhang's figure disappeared on the spot.

When Meng Zhang appeared again, he had come to the depths of the ground.

At the foot of Meng Zhang, there is the scorching hot core.

In this kind of place, the temperature is extremely high enough to melt all kinds of instruments; the pressure is so strong that it can even collapse a normal space.

There are faint spatial fluctuations everywhere, which are caused by the birth of small spaces out of thin air and crushed.

Most of the emptiness-returning powers in the Junchen world cannot stay here for a long time.

Even with Meng Zhangzhi's strength, he felt very tired after staying a little longer.

He didn't dare to neglect, and continued to follow the rules of heaven and earth according to the calculated rules.

Here, all the rules of heaven and earth in the Junchen world have changed, and Meng Zhang's actions are not easy.

After a while, Meng Zhang finally found the entrance to that special space and was able to enter it.

After a while, Meng Zhang came to a special space.

Under Meng Zhang's feet was solid earth and rock, and countless stars twinkled in the sky.

As soon as he entered this space, Meng Zhang felt an extremely powerful restraining force, restraining everything in him.

His body became extremely heavy, as if he was carrying a mountain on his back.

Meng Zhang moved his footsteps slightly on the ground, feeling extremely exhausted.

His spiritual sense and true essence were both pressed back inside his body and could not be released for the time being.

The rules of heaven and earth here are extremely stable, and the power of the avenue seems to be completely imprisoned.

Meng Zhang, let alone mobilizing the power of heaven and earth, even casting spells became impossible.

With the calmness of Meng Zhang's mind, he was greatly surprised in the face of this unprecedented special situation.

This place is simply a cage, enough to imprison the Void Returning Power.

Although he couldn't display his cultivation for the time being, Meng Zhang was not in a hurry.

He calmly analyzed the situation here and sensed everything carefully.

He tried hard to get acquainted with everything here, trying to find a way to display his cultivation.

After a long time, Meng Zhang's condition was slightly better.

His cultivation is still suppressed, but he can move slowly on the ground freely.

Meng Zhang moved his footsteps gently, observing the surrounding situation.

As time goes on, his condition will only get better.

Meng Zhang moved forward a certain distance, and his cultivation had recovered somewhat.

He stopped suddenly, his face condensed.

In the distance, there is a shadow ****, moving fast.

Could it be that you are not the first to enter this special space, there are already first-comers here?

The vigilance in Meng Zhang's heart continued to increase.

Who in the end was the one who took the lead?

What is the purpose of the first comer to enter here?

If, like Meng Zhang, he tried to keep the imprint of the Yang God left by some of the Void Returning Great Experts, it would be nothing.

The two sides should be able to live in peace, and there may be opportunities for cooperation between the two sides.

With Meng Zhang's cultivation, it is not easy to enter here.

If it weren't for the help of the eyesight of a true **** too wonderful, Meng Zhang might still be wandering outside.

Even if those who enter here are not the powerhouses of the true immortal level, they also use the power of the true immortal level.

Meng Zhang did not act rashly, but stopped moving forward and allowed his cultivation to continue to recover.

He kept peeping and analyzing the rules of heaven and earth here, looking for places that could be used.

As he became more and more familiar with the rules of heaven and earth here, he had more power to get rid of the shackles, and could slowly develop his original cultivation.

The shadow in the distance didn't seem to notice Meng Zhang's side, and continued to move on the ground.

Judging from the other party's performance, the other party is obviously very familiar with the rules here and has begun to restore the original cultivation base.

Meng Zhang is already the top figure in the immortals, and the opponent is stronger than him.

The other party is either a true immortal-level powerhouse, or he entered here much earlier than Meng Zhang.

Based on Meng Zhang's observations and guesses, it should be the latter, and the other party doesn't seem to be a real immortal-level powerhouse.

In this special space the connection between Meng Zhang and Tai Miao has been greatly affected.

When they first came in, the connection between Meng Zhang and Tai Miao was temporarily interrupted.

Tai Miao, who was in the underworld, immediately tried to sense Meng Zhang's existence.

He first sensed the imprint of the Yang God left by Meng Zhang, and then slowly sensed Meng Zhang's body and resumed contact with Meng Zhang.

After regaining contact with Taimiao, Meng Zhang immediately invoked Taimiao's eyesight to observe and analyze the rules of heaven and earth here.

The eyesight of a true **** is really extraordinary, and the speed of parsing the rules of heaven and earth is many times faster than Meng Zhang.

As the analysis of the rules of heaven and earth deepens, Meng Zhang can slowly use the power of the rules of heaven and earth to mobilize more and more of his own cultivation.

A bunch of flames appeared in Meng Zhang's palm, and then turned into a grass...

Meng Zhang has regained some spellcasting abilities.

With a flick of his figure, he appeared not far away.

He was able to swim around quickly.

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