The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2455: go to war

In the eyes of the high-level foreign invaders, this restart of the all-round attack on the gates of the major holy places is a very important test.

If the rumors are true, the altars inside the sects of the major holy places are related to the opening of the relics of the heavenly immortals, and the six true immortals will never sit idly by.

If they leave the source sea to attack, these immortal-level extraterritorial invaders can ambush them outside the source sea.

If the six true immortals leave the source sea, I wonder if they can still mobilize the power of the heavenly immortal relics?

Even if the rumors are untrue and the six true immortals are indifferent, then take advantage of the situation to completely eliminate the major sects of the Holy Land and cut off the great help of the six true immortals.

After some discussion, the high-level foreign invaders were also willing to pay the price for this action, and each family shared the loss.

The differences that existed in the high-level executives of the extraterritorial invaders, the various careful thoughts of each person, and the way to preserve their strength were all thrown aside at this time.

After all, the Heavenly Immortal Relic is everyone's biggest goal.

It's wonderful that this action has united all kinds of foreign invaders again.

For Meng Zhang, his main goal is to let foreign invaders weaken or destroy the Ziyang Sect, Taiyimen will benefit from the fishermen behind, and finally complete the unification of the north of the Junchen Realm.

When Meng Zhang was living in the void, he visited many big worlds.

Among the big worlds I have seen, the Junchen realm is not very large.

The north of Junchen Realm is less than one percent of the total area of ​​Junchen Realm.

Even if the Taiyi Gate allows the north of the Junchen Realm to break away from the Junchen Realm and build a completely independent world, the total area is quite limited.

The level of a world is not just based on the size of the world.

The Junchen world itself is a complete big world, and it also has a complete consciousness of the Tao of Heaven. The level is actually not low.

If Taiyimen builds an independent world based on the north of Junchen Realm, it will have a very good foundation and a promising future.

Of course, in order to do this, the most important node in the north of Junchen Realm must be taken, that is, the area where the gate of Ziyang Shengzong is located.

The army of foreign invaders who originally besieged the Ziyang Shengzong Mountain Gate immediately began to act after receiving the order from the high-level.

A huge army attacked Ziyang Shengzong from all directions.

Originally, Ziyang Shengzong took advantage of the opportunity of the enemy's retreat and his own strength to greatly increase, to regain some of the lost ground and increase the room for maneuver.

Now that the army of foreign invaders is making a comeback, Ziyang Shengzong first refused to give an inch, and launched a fierce battle with it.

The army of extraterritorial invaders is numerous, far exceeding the opponents.

In the previous series of battles, Ziyang Shengzong paid a huge loss, and the number of monks was reduced a lot.

However, in such an all-out war, the high-level powerhouse is the decisive force.

Ziyang Shengzong has resurrected a lot of Void Return Powers, and is not weaker than the other in terms of high-level powerhouses.

The two sides fought for a period of time, but Ziyang Shengzong did not fall behind and could still confront the enemy head-on.

Later, in order to reduce their own casualties and give full play to their own advantages, the top leaders of Ziyang Shengzong let their cultivator army take the initiative to retreat, give up the previously recovered lost ground, and return to the vicinity of the mountain gate.

Ziyang Shengzong took the defensive, trying to consume the strength of the enemy.

With the mountain gate as a support, the Ziyang Shengzong's defense power has greatly increased, and the army of foreign invaders is firmly blocked from the mountain gate.

Judging from the battlefield situation, the two sides cannot decide the winner in a short period of time.

In other parts of Junchen Realm, various foreign invader armies have launched a series of battles with major holy land sects.

Judging from the overall situation, the army of foreign invaders had the upper hand, killing the enemy and retreating, and had to retreat to the mountain gate to defend.

However, after the strength of the major holy land sects has greatly increased, it is enough to rely on the mountain gates for defense.

In a short period of time, the army of foreign invaders will not be able to break through the gates of the major holy land sects.

The plan of the high-level foreign invaders to enter the blessed land and destroy the altar cannot be realized for the time being.

Meng Zhang couldn't control other places. He hoped that the Ziyang Shengzong would be able to make a quick decision.

No matter which side wins, Taiyimen will follow.

But like other places, the army of foreign invaders besieging the Ziyang Shengzong Mountain Gate fell into a stalemate with the enemy.

It is not that the high-level foreign invaders do not want to defeat the enemy as soon as possible, but they also have many difficulties.

The extra-territorial invaders of the true immortal level will not be easily dispatched if the six true immortals are not dispatched.

Even though the foreign invaders from all walks of life cooperate sincerely on the surface, they actually still have the intention of retaining their strength.

The foreign invaders not only divided a part of their forces to stand for nine days, and **** the resources here.

On the battlefield, everyone is eager for others to make more efforts.

In some places, there has been some conflict within the extraterritorial intruder.

In the battlefield on the side of the Ziyang Shengzong, although there was no conflict among the foreign invaders, everyone was relatively united, but due to the limited overall strength, the battle situation fell into a stalemate.

Extraterritorial intruder executives also want help from other sources.

Although the Dark Alliance has the best relationship with the barbarians, they have formed a very stable alliance. However, in the face of other foreign invaders, the Dark Alliance still strives to maintain a good relationship with actively cooperate with each other.

All foreign invaders have asked the Dark Alliance for help, hoping that the Dark Alliance can help deal with the major holy land sects.

After all, the last time the Dark Alliance dispatched Floating Void City to help the barbarian army capture the Jiuxuan Pavilion Mountain Gate, which played a great role.

The Dark Alliance was very busy during this time.

Fengqing Shangzun selected a place as a place to hold the ceremony.

In addition to quickly carrying out various preparations, in order to prevent the ceremony from being destroyed, he also concentrated a number of floating cities and flew to that place to guard.

At this time, Venerable Fengqing was really unwilling to meddle in the war between the foreign invaders and the Holy Land Sect.

Fengqing Shangzun is a man with flexible wrists, and he is not willing to commit crimes against foreign invaders.

He did not directly reject the other party's request for help, but looked for various excuses to delay.

The Junchen world has entered into destruction, and there is not much time left for Meng Zhang.

He hoped that the two sides of the battle would decide the winner as soon as possible, rather than keep stalemate like this.

For many years, Taiyimen has been an important representative of the local self-cultivation forces in the Junchen world.

Taiyimen defends the Junchen world and resists foreign invaders.

Taiyimen has refused to win over foreign invaders, and is not willing to have any collusion with them.

Up to now, Taiyimen still has this attitude.

In the world of self-cultivation, various forces of self-cultivation often adopt a very flexible attitude towards their own survival and development.

Taiyimen's stubborn attitude seems a little out of place.

Meng Zhang was very stubborn many times, and set the bottom line for himself and Taiyimen in many places.

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