The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2456: buy it

Meng Zhang has a bottom line in his actions, and he hopes that Taiyimen will do the same.

Inside the sect, Meng Zhang formulated very strict rules, and they were not just pretending, but strictly enforced them.

Taiyi sect monks have many taboos.

Meng Zhang did this not just to maintain the image of the righteous leader of Taiyi Sect.

Since Meng Zhang embarked on the road of cultivation, he has been thinking about the various chaos in the cultivation world and the reasons behind it.

It is unavoidable for cultivators to fight for their lives with heaven, to seize all kinds of opportunities, and to participate in all kinds of battles.

In the world of comprehension, the law of the weak and the supremacy of interests are also the norm.

These situations cannot be changed by Meng Zhang.

But in any case, as a part of the Taoist system, cultivators must identify with and even follow some of the concepts of Taoism.

Don't say that "the highest good is like water", "quiet and inaction" and so on, at the very least, you can't be like the devil's way, wanton, destroy the sky and destroy the earth, and have no scruples at all.

In fact, those high-level monks in the realm of self-cultivation more or less have to read and comprehend Taoist classics and learn Taoist theories.

The legendary Daozu preached, not only the cultivation method, but the most important thing is his own philosophy.

Daomen junior monks do not read Taoist scriptures or Taoist Tibetans, but simply practice the exercises, and they cannot go very far on the road of cultivation.

Meng Zhang, who has the inheritance of Jinxian, understood this truth a long time ago.

Many years ago, when Taiyimen was a small ordinary sect, Meng Zhang popularized Taoist classics in the door, and let the monks in the door recite the Taoist scriptures and comprehend the Taoist treasures on a daily basis.

Although it is impossible for every Taiyi Sect disciple to agree with this approach and do it honestly.

But after years of hard work, a very good atmosphere has been developed in Taiyimen.

Up and down the door, in the spare time of cultivation, will put a lot of energy into various Taoist classics.

In the entire cultivation world, Taiyi Sect cultivators are famous for their excellent image and temperament.

Most of the outstanding Taiyi cultivators have a calm bearing and extraordinary temperament.

Taiyimen monks often have a great advantage when dealing with such barriers as inner demons.

The various bottom lines set by Meng Zhang for the sect are a kind of restraint and protection for the monks in the sect.

When Meng Zhang establishes the system that Taiyi Jinxian created in the future, he can even change the various atmospheres of the cultivation world.

A long time ago, because of the strong magic power among the foreign invaders, Meng Zhang set the bottom line of not cooperating with the foreign invaders.

In addition, Taiyimen and the remnants of Tiangong are allies. Foreign invaders and the remnants of Tiangong are incompatible. Taiyimen must take care of the thoughts of allies.

On the surface, Zunling God and the True God Rising Sun draw Taiyimen together, but they are actually wonderful.

Taiyimen has a cold attitude towards these two families, and has been deliberately keeping a distance.

It's too wonderful to use the other party's ignorance of his own background, and the other party's false and condescending to find opportunities to take advantage of the other party.

After thinking about it, Meng Zhang still felt that Taiyimen could not violate the principle and cooperate with foreign invaders.

But if Taiyimen didn't make a move, who knew how long Ziyang Shengzong and foreign invaders would stalemate.

In the eyes of many Taiyi Sect disciples, Sect Leader Meng Zhang was stubborn to the point of being rigid on many issues.

However, a character who can survive in the cultivation world for many years and get better and better, how can he not have a little nimbleness.

Taiyimen and foreign invaders are enemies and will not have any in-depth cooperation.

Thousands of years ago, the natural ghosts and gods in the underworld of Junchen were wiped out by several real immortals by despicable means.

Tai Miao, as a newly rising natural ghost, naturally cannot forget the hatred of the predecessors, and is incompatible with the major holy land sects.

During this period of time, Hunling Zunzun Shen and Shengyang Zhen Shen should see some effects.

It's too good to perform well, how can they be willing to continue to invest in him?

During this time, Hunling Venerable God secretly sent a lot of Shinto classics to Taimiao in the underworld, as well as some unique treasures of Shinto.

The content recorded in these classics is very useful for new true gods, but the content is not very complete.

If it is an ordinary new true **** who has studied these books in depth, I am afraid that it will be like a fish that has bit the bait.

Those Shinto treasures are even more helpful to stabilize the realm of newly promoted true gods.

To be honest, even if Tai Miao has the inheritance of Shinto cultivation passed down by Tai Yi Jin Xian, it also benefits a lot from these books and treasures.

True God Shengyang is not as rich and powerful as the **** of mixed spirits, but he also sent many precious gifts.

For example, some precious specialties of Shenchang Realm can be used to equip the artifacts of the servants.

Since he has received the benefits of others, Tai Miao will naturally have to pay back.

It is the way of long-term friendship.

Now the army of foreign invaders attacking Ziyang Shengzong Mountain Gate is mainly based on the power of Shenchang Realm.

Ever since they attracted Taimiao, both Hunling Venerable God and Shengyang True God have been able to keep in relatively smooth contact with Taimiao.

Tai Miao heard that the frontline battle was not going well, so she took the initiative to offer help to True God Rising For Tai Miao's proposal, True God Rising Sun certainly couldn't ask for it.

Tai Miao's participation in the battle will not only help the battle ahead, but after Tai Miao stands in line, he will completely become the new enemy of the six true immortals.

This not only made the True God Shengyang overjoyed, but also met the expectations of the Hunling Venerable God.

After buying a good one, Taimiao immediately began to act.

Tai Miao naturally would not lead the underworld army to kill Xiang Yang Shi and directly attack the Ziyang Sect.

This time, the one who attacked the Ziyang Shengzong was the Moon God who had been prepared for a long time.

Although Luna didn't know the true relationship between Taimiao and Meng Zhang, he knew that the relationship between them was not a simple cooperation and vassal relationship.

In her eyes, Meng Zhang and Tai Miao trust each other and cooperate well, and both sides have a big secret in private.

As one of the few remaining indigenous gods in the Junchen world, Moon God still has a good impression of Taimiao.

After Tai Miao was promoted to True God, Luna felt a little lost and sentimental, but at the same time, she was more willing to befriend each other.

Meng Zhang and Luna are allies, and there is no obstacle between Luna and Taimiao.

Luna and Taimiao can also communicate smoothly.

When Taimiao asked for the help of the Moon God to attack the Ziyang Holy Sect, the Moon God agreed immediately.

Because of his experience in the realm of Shenchang, the moon **** is very hostile to the true **** Shengyang. But her hatred for the six true immortals and their disciples and grandchildren is even deeper.

Thousands of years ago, Shenchang Realm and Junchen Realm fought side by side against cultivators who invaded Junchen Realm.

Now helping the army of foreign invaders dominated by Shenchang Realm to attack the Ziyang Shengzong, the Moon God does not disagree.

The most important thing is that Taimiao didn't want Luna Bai to help, he also reciprocated.

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