The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2462: candid

The latest website: The top officials of the real dragon clan do not want to see the Junchen Realm completely destroyed so quickly, and they still hope that the Junchen Realm can persist for a longer time.

The True Dragon Clan, who has always had no dealings with the human race cultivators, has given a lot of help to the Dark Alliance this time.

During this period, in addition to maintaining his cultivation, Meng Zhang devoted a large part of his energy to the territory of Taiyimen.

In the inheritance left by Taiyi Jinxian, there is a complete content of establishing an independent system and dividing the three realms.

Meng Zhang is now only extracting a trivial part of it, trying to make Taiyimen an independent world.

If his plan is successful, even after the Junchen world completely collapses, the Taiyimen territory can survive and gain the ability to survive independently in the void.

Although he had complete instructions, Meng Zhang, who was doing this kind of work for the first time, was still a little clueless.

In order to complete the goal as soon as possible, Taiyimen invested almost at any cost.

If nothing else, the formations and restrictions that spread all over the Taiyi Sect territory greatly consumed the Taiyi Sect's inventory and overwhelmed the entire sect.

With the current state of Junchen Realm, Taiyi Sect has almost lost all other sources of resources except its own territory.

The third Void Battleship under construction in Zongmen also had to suspend construction due to lack of resources.

In addition, when the entire Junchen world was in turmoil, the Taiyimen territory became a pure land.

In addition to the allies, the Sea Spirit Sect, there are also many cultivation forces that have migrated to the Taiyimen territory.

Both cultivators and mortals are a valuable resource.

For those outsiders who took the initiative to migrate to the Taiyimen territory, the Taiyimen almost always refused to come.

Taiyimen also sent cultivators to guide them and instruct them to settle down on the Taiyimen territory.

Of course, the cultivators of the dark hall will also be dispatched in time to screen them out with all their might, and try to find the spies and saboteurs among them.

Even though most of the affairs in the sect were handed over to the eldest disciple Niu Dawei and the elders in the sect, there were still some matters from time to time, and Meng Zhang had to handle it himself.

Among his busy schedules, what he pays most attention to is the so-called large-scale ceremony by Venerable Fengqing.

According to his order, Taiyimen sent spies to monitor its progress.

The closer the dark alliance's preparations for the ceremony were, the more worried Meng Zhang became.

So far, there seems to be nothing wrong with the ceremony prepared by Venerable Fengqing.

At least, at this time, it can't be seen that it has colluded with the magic way, and contains evil intentions.

On the contrary, Fengqing Shangzun has the expectation of the entire Junchen world at this time, and has received the support of most of the forces.

If Meng Zhang tried to stop Venerable Fengqing's efforts at this time, even his allies might not believe him without any evidence.

Meng Zhang doesn't need to care about people's back and forth, but he doesn't want to be the public enemy of Junchen Realm and be hostile to everyone.

Meng Zhang originally agreed with Jianjun Banxue that when the ceremony was being held, he would suddenly take action to destroy the ceremony and stop the actions of the Supreme Venerable Fengqing.

However, as the date of the ceremony was approaching, in addition to the dark alliance's all-out precautions, other forces in the Junchen world sent many strong men to come to watch the ceremony and ensure the normal holding of the ceremony.

Even the senior leaders of the True Dragon Clan, who have always been hostile to the human race cultivators, are ready to send out strong men.

If Meng Zhang and Jianjun Banxue rashly act at that time, they will probably face the siege of many powerhouses.

If one is not good, it will even trigger a larger-scale war, turning it into a battle between the Taiyimen and the remaining forces of the Tiangong against many forces headed by the Dark Alliance.

The Junchen world is getting closer and closer to destruction.

At this time, most Taiyimen monks need to be stationed in the territory, maintain the magic circle and prohibition, and stabilize the world.

Meng Zhang really didn't want to recruit too many people and affect the stability of Taiyimen's territory.

After thinking about it, Meng Zhang still felt that it was better to know more about the situation before the ceremony.

Including Meng Zhang, the senior leaders of Taiyi Sect have contacted many dark alliance cultivators.

But no matter how much they rammed, they couldn't find out more about the ceremony.

The spies sent by the Taiyimen secret hall tried their best to find out the details of the ceremony.

At this time, Meng Zhang remembered two old friends, Daoye Ye Ye and Daoist Jueying, who had not been in contact for a long time.

They were friends of life and death, and when they got to know Meng Zhang at the end of their lives, they went through adversity together.

Even though they haven't seen each other for many years, Meng Zhang still trusts them.

I remember the last time we met, Taoist Jueying also provided Meng Zhang with valuable information.

For so many years, Meng Zhang has been trying to contact their master and apprentice.

However, according to the Dark Alliance, their master and apprentice have been engaged in some kind of secret mission, and it is inconvenient to communicate with the outside world.

Previously, Meng Zhang should not interfere in the internal affairs of the dark alliance, and he did not want to offend the dark alliance, so he could not contact their master and apprentice, so forget it.

If nothing else, in order to stop the ceremony, Meng Zhang must have a war with the top leaders of the Dark Alliance.

In order to get more information before the war, Meng Zhang wanted to contact these two old friends.

The Taiyi Sect Dark Hall cultivator has inquired about the whereabouts of the master and apprentice of the fallen leaves before, but he has never found anything.

Meng Zhang thought for a while, but he still had to start this matter from within the Dark Alliance.

The Daoist Shushan of the Dark Alliance has the best relationship with Meng Zhang, but this person is very principled and will focus on the interests of the Dark Alliance on key issues.

Meng Zhang didn't want to hurt the Taoist of Shushan, so many tactics were not easy to use.

In the end, Meng Zhang chose Taoist Youhuan as his target.

Daoist Youhuan and Daoist Ye Ye have the best teacher-apprentice relationship, and they have sheltered them.

This person seems to be soft and hard, but he has suffered losses in Meng Zhang's hands.

Taoist Youhuan had close contacts with the high-level officials of Taiyimen, and would visit Taiyimen Mountain Gate from time to time as a guest.

Not long after, she received another invitation from Taiyimen, inviting her to be a guest at Taiyimen Mountain Gate and discuss with several acquaintances.

The top leaders of the Dark Alliance are currently busy holding that Many people can't get away.

Daoist Youhuan had reservations about the ceremony prepared by Venerable Fengqing, and with the enthusiastic invitation of several acquaintances from Taiyimen, she simply took a trip, even if she went out to relax.

When Taoist Youhuan came to the Taiyimen territory, he was led to the depths of the Sun Moon Blessed Land and met Meng Zhang who had been waiting for a long time.

Meng Zhang changed his amiable attitude from the past, and his face was full of seriousness.

Meng Zhang didn't say a word of nonsense and went straight to the topic.

Meng Zhang told Taoist Youhuan that Gu Lao, an old senior of the Dark Alliance, had fallen into the devil's way for a long time. He tried to use his incarnation to sneak into the underworld years ago.

After Gu Lao's conspiracy was exposed, Tai Miao manipulated the power of heaven and earth to fight back, erasing all traces of Gu Lao from the world.

As soon as Meng Zhang came up, he revealed such important news, causing Daoist Youhuan to immediately fall into a huge shock.


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