The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2463: follow up

The latest website: The death of the old man was a major event that shook the top of the dark alliance and caused a lot of waves within the dark alliance.

Gu Lao’s own cultivation base is not to be mentioned. He is located in the most heavily guarded place of the Dark Alliance headquarters, and there is no shortage of Void Return Power around him.

He died so unexpectedly and unexpectedly, it was too shocking.

The senior officials of the Dark Alliance have carefully inspected the corpse left by Gu Lao.

Gu Lao's body lost all vitality and became extremely rotten, and it would be completely shattered with a slight touch.

Gu Lao was completely wiped out, leaving no trace in this world.

Even the imprint of the Yang God that Gu Lao left in the depths of the world has completely disappeared.

Even if the top leaders of the Dark Alliance were willing to pay enough price, they could not bring him back to life.

Gu Lao's residence has no signs of outsiders breaking in, and there are no obvious traumas on his body.

In fact, even if it was a true immortal, it would be difficult to sneak into the headquarters of the Dark Alliance so secretly and get rid of Gu Lao without leaving any traces.

Everyone in the dark alliance has repeatedly investigated and found some traces left by the backlash of the power of heaven and earth in the Junchen world.

Linked to Gu Laotian's identity, these Void Returners finally made a judgment.

As a celestial master, Gu Lao has deduced the celestial secrets many times, and he has long been hated by the consciousness of the heavens of the Junchen world, and he has accumulated countless backlashes from the heavens.

Originally, by virtue of the secret technique of the Dark Alliance, he obscured the consciousness of the Heavenly Dao in Junchen Realm, temporarily continuing the Heavenly Dao backlash.

But for some unknown reason, it may be that he hastily deduced a more in-depth heavenly secret, which aroused the consciousness of the heavenly way of Junchen world, which led to the immediate attack of the heavenly way backlash and took his life.

In the history of comprehension, there are many celestial masters who lost their lives like this.

Although there are still many doubts about Gu Lao's death, in the end, everyone accepted this statement and put it down.

Now, in front of Daoist Youhuan, Meng Zhang said something else, how could Daoist Youhuan not be shocked.

Of course, Taoist Youhuan is not an ordinary person after all.

She calmed down quickly, and after thinking about it carefully, Meng Zhang didn't seem to be lying, and there was no need to lie. What he said made sense.

Gu Lao fell into the devil's way, and trying to demonize is too wonderful. Although it is unimaginable, it is not impossible.

As a senior member of the Dark Alliance, Taoist Youhuan knows the depth of the collusion between the Dark Alliance and the Demon Dao.

It's just that people like Gu Lao can't avoid falling into the devil's way, which makes Youhuan Dao's heart feel an inexplicable sadness.

According to Meng Zhang, Gu Lao's death was done by Tai Miao using the power of heaven and earth.

Not to mention that Gu Lao had made a mistake in the first place, it was too wonderful to take the initiative to provoke it, and the Dark Alliance had no reason to blame too wonderful.

Of course, the Dark Alliance is not a reasonable organization.

It's just that Tai Miao is now a true **** and has become the ruler of the underworld. The dark alliance is simply unable to retaliate Tai Miao.

Why did Meng Zhang reveal this in front of him?

While Taoist Youhuan was hesitating, Meng Zhang's aura changed, and Ling Ran's killing intent had locked onto her, as if it would take her life at any time.

Meng Zhang shouted loudly and began to inquire about the details of the ceremony held by the Venerable Fengqing.

Meng Zhang's cultivation realm and combat power at this time far exceeded that of Taoist Youhuan, and Taoist Youhuan, who was a defeated general, had already had some psychological shadows on him.

Facing Meng Zhang's persecution, Taoist Youhuan was in chaos.

With Meng Zhang's decisive personality, it is not impossible to kill her on the spot.

Within the Dark Alliance, there are many people who have doubts about the ceremony that the Supreme Master Fengqing did, and Taoist Youhuan is one of them.

However, no matter how the internal debate is, when it comes to the outside world, the top leaders of the dark alliance should pay attention to unity and unity.

Seeing Meng Zhang's determination to win, Taoist Youhuan knew that if he didn't come up with some dry goods today, he couldn't get past it.

Daoist Youhuan was unwilling to turn against Meng Zhang for this, and even more unwilling to cause a war between the Dark Alliance and Taiyimen.

The fact that Gu Lao fell into the devil's way had a great impact on her mind and affected her next reaction.

Taoist Youhuan sighed and introduced the details of the ceremony in detail.

Among them, there are some doubts at the top of the Dark Alliance.

Meng Zhang had long known that Venerable Fengqing also had opponents within the Dark Alliance, and some high-level officials did not support this ceremony.

What Taoist Youhuan said could not provide enough evidence to prove that Fengqing Shangzun had ulterior motives and colluded with the devil.

Thinking about it, if even Daoist Youhuan can prove that this ceremony is related to the magic way, then the opposition within the dark alliance will be enough to stop the actions of the Supreme Venerable Fengqing.

Of course, everything Taoist Youhuan said was not worthless.

Among them, many details about the ceremony, the internal arrangements of the Dark Alliance, etc., have a great impact on Meng Zhang's next actions.

After Daoist Youhuan finished speaking, Meng Zhang immediately followed up to inquire about the whereabouts of Daoye Ye Ye and Daoist Jueying.

The whereabouts of these two people is the top secret of the Dark Alliance, and it is related to a plan of the Dark Alliance.

If it was on weekdays, Taoist Youhuan would never disclose it to the outside world.

But at this time, under the pressure of Meng Zhang, she had already revealed a lot of secrets.

Now that she had started, she simply turned her heart away and answered Meng Zhang's question honestly.

Judging from Meng Zhang's experience, Taoist Youhuan did not lie.

After getting what he wanted, Meng Zhang did not continue to be difficult for Taoist Youhuan.

Next, Meng Zhang imprisoned Taoist Youhuan's cultivation base, temporarily placed him under house arrest in the Sun and Moon Blessed Land, and arranged for a special person to guard him.

Externally, it is claimed that when Taoist Youhuan communicated with Taiyimen cultivator, he triggered inspiration and entered a state of epiphany, and he needed to retreat immediately to comprehend and practice.

As for when to leave, it's hard to say.

Meng Zhang's house arrest of Taoist Youhuan was also a last resort.

Even Taoist Youhuan Gao Fengliangjie did not care about Meng Zhang's persecution of her.

But if she revealed what Meng Zhang asked about after she left Taiyi Sect, then the top officials of the Dark Alliance could easily guess what Meng Zhang would do next.

Meng Zhang's next actions are of great Naturally, there can be no omissions, nor can Daoist Youhuan be expected to keep this secret.

After Meng Zhang arranged for Taoist Youhuan, he explained to the middle and upper levels of the door, then left the Taiyimen Mountain Gate and entered Jiutian.

Although the nine days at this time were occupied and divided by various foreign invaders, they also established certain defenses.

However, compared to the time when the human race cultivators controlled Jiutian, their defenses were far less rigorous.

Meng Zhang unknowingly left Jiutian, left Junchen Realm, and entered the void.

Looking for the direction in the void, Meng Zhang flew in the direction of the fearless world ruled by the barbarians.

At this time, in the void near Junchen Realm, although teams of foreign invaders pass by from time to time, on the whole, it is still very empty.

Except for a few hidden characters such as Xianyun Zhenxian, the others had almost no threat to Meng Zhang.


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