The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2465: Meet

Latest website: Whether it is to build this secret base or hide it, the space magic used in it is very extraordinary.

Even with Meng Zhang's vision today, he appreciates it very much.

What is the background, this is the background of a large sect?

Even if the Taiyi Sect has the inheritance of Jinxian, the monks in the door have not fully grown up.

In the current Taiyi Sect, the monks have neither the means to use space magic, nor the ability to build such a secret base.

Meng Zhang thought about it for a while before he thought of a way not to disturb the monks inside.

Meng Zhang flew forward a certain distance, and gently tore it with both hands, as if tearing a curtain, tearing a hole in the void.

Meng Zhang gently drilled into this opening and came to the vicinity of the mountain without a sound.

In front of Meng Zhang, who had used the magical power of invisibility, both the monks entering and leaving the mountain, and the guards nearby, turned a blind eye to him.

The last time we met, Taoist Jueying told Meng Zhang how to contact her.

Meng Zhang thought about it and began to use the method of contact.

After a while, Meng Zhang had a stunned look on his face.

Before entering here, it can also be said that it is a space barrier, which prevents him from establishing contact with Daoist Jueying.

But it's a bit strange that they have already entered here, and still can't establish contact.

This big mountain stands quietly in the void, and is firmly wrapped by various magic circles and prohibitions.

Of course, since it has not been completely completed, there are many flaws in the array.

The patrol team outside the mountain was ignored by Meng Zhang.

Except for the occasional time when one or two of the Void Returning Great Masters came out for inspection, Meng Zhang needed to pay a little attention. Most of the time, he was able to move around with ease.

Meng Zhang flew around the mountain and observed it carefully.

With his cultivation base, it is not difficult to sneak into it.

Even if it is exposed, as long as there is no real immortal-level enemy blocking him, he has the confidence to retreat.

But for some unknown reason, in Meng Zhang's heart, he always had an inexplicable vigilance against the mountain in front of him.

Under other circumstances, Meng Zhang might have been cautious and would not rush into it.

It's just that Dao Ren's master and apprentice are not only his old friends, but also related to his next plan.

Since he has already come here, if he leaves without any results, he is really unwilling.

Meng Zhang also had a fairy talisman from Xianyun Zhenxian in his hand.

Even if he cannot exert the full power of this fairy talisman, it is still a rare hole card.

Meng Zhang thought for a while, but decided to investigate further.

Meng Zhang found a loophole, avoided the guards and patrols, and successfully sneaked into the mountain.

In the mountains, is a world completely independent of the outside world.

In the outermost part of the mountain, there are various protection formations and alarm prohibitions.

After entering the inner layer of the mountain, it is completely unique.

Since this secret base has not been completely completed, the Dark Alliance has not migrated mortals here, and all the people living here are cultivators.

After years of construction, this place has been built into a paradise by generations of cultivators.

On the huge mountain of the mountain, pieces of spiritual fields have been reclaimed for planting various spiritual valleys.

In those places with the strongest spiritual energy, there are also spiritual medicine gardens, which are used to grow all kinds of exotic flowers and plants.

Within the mountain, after years of breeding and the stimulation of special methods, some veins of spiritual minerals have been born.


The concentration of spiritual energy in the mountains is already comparable to the mountain gates of the top self-cultivation forces in the Junchen world.

According to Meng Zhang's guess, in the depths of the mountains, there are mostly existences like the blessed land.

Everywhere in the mountain, there are teams of monks coming in and out, doing various operations here.

The more Meng Zhang went deeper into this mountain, the more he sighed at the greatness of the Dark Alliance.

It is really a great project to build such a paradise that is not inferior to Taiyimen Mountain Gate in the void.

Even if it is close to the Fearless Realm, it can get the strong support of the barbarians, and the human and material resources of the Dark Alliance are still terrifying.

If such an investment is put into the Junchen world, it is almost possible to build another holy land sect.

Although Meng Zhang was an infiltrator, his movements were extremely fast and he didn't look cautious at all.

His figure shuttled quickly around the mountain, and various secret exploration methods were displayed one after another.

For a virtual immortal like Meng Zhang, who is proficient in the avenue of space and has rich experience in infiltrating, the various defenses and guards here are useless, and there are basically no restrictions on him.

The only Void Returner who is a little bit threatening to him can't do anything all day long, and it's dedicated to patrolling the guards.

In fact, the Master of Returning to the Void is a high-level figure in any comprehension force in the Junchen world.

Such a character can't be called like a **** at all on weekdays.

Don't expect them to be willing to do some trivial daily work like ordinary monks.

After Meng Zhang entered this place, the one or two Void Returning Powers that he occasionally found were very impatient with each inspection and responded to the story.

This undoubtedly greatly facilitated Meng Zhang.

However, after Meng Zhang entered the mountains, he was still unable to establish contact with Daoist Jueying and the others.

After this period of investigation, Meng Zhang finally determined that in this mountain, there is a core space similar to the blessed land.

There is a strong space force barrier between this core space and the outside world, which interferes with the connection between himself and Jueying Daoist.

After a long period of observation, Meng Zhang discovered the weakness of this core space.

This time, he spent a lot of effort to sneak into it silently.

The core space in the mountains is also very vast.

The terrain here is ups and downs, and palaces are built on the ground.

After entering here, Meng Zhang immediately performed the method of contact again.

After a while Meng Zhang's method responded.

Following the response given by the other party, Meng Zhang turned around in a big circle and came to a quiet courtyard.

Looking from a distance, the long-lost Daoist Ye Ye and Jueying Daoist master and apprentice are sitting cross-legged, as if they are arguing about something.

After a lot of twists and turns, Meng Zhang finally saw the two of them.

However, Meng Zhang did not rashly reveal his whereabouts, nor did he come forward to meet the two of them.

After careful investigation, Meng Zhang himself found nothing wrong with the surroundings.

When he used the method to contact Daoist Jueying just now, Daoist Jueying not only responded to him secretly, but also guided him to come here all the way, and also gave a warning.

Suddenly, the conflict between Dao Ye Ye and Dao Jueying, who were arguing, intensified, and even disregarded the relationship between master and apprentice, and started directly.


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