The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2466: rock

The latest website: Dao Ye Ye and Dao Jueying were originally a pair of mentors and apprentices who had a close relationship.

At this time, the two of them, master and apprentice, didn't know what medicine they took wrong, and they didn't even have enough verbal disputes, so they started directly.

Looking at the posture of the two, this is not a fake fight, it is really fighting, and they really want to hurt or even win the other side.

The mana surged, the power of the avenue surged, and the originally quiet courtyard immediately turned into a battlefield for fierce battles.

Fortunately, the two still have scruples, and they know the strength of the control shot, which does not cause much impact on the courtyard itself.

If Meng Zhang hadn't been reminded by Daoist Jueying beforehand, he would have been unprepared and fell into great shock.

After not seeing him for many years, Daoist Ye Ye has already advanced to the middle stage of returning to the virtual world, and Taoist Jueying also has the cultivation base of the early stage of returning to the virtual world.

This kind of cultivation speed is not worth mentioning compared to Meng Zhang, but in the Junchen world, it is already an achievement only for the peerless genius of the top sect.

Although Daoist Fallen Leaf's cultivation is beyond a great realm of Daoist Jueying, his state is not quite right, and he has been unable to overpower Daoist Jueying.

On the surface, the two were inextricably battling.

When Meng Zhang and Jueying Daoist established a connection before, the connection was not very clear.

Daoist Jueying just sent some vague information.

The reason why this information is very vague is because Daoist Jueying seems to be avoiding something and deliberately handles the contact process secretly.

Meng Zhang and Daoist Jueying have not seen each other for many years, but the tacit understanding is still there.

When the two were little monks, they had fought side by side many times and were very familiar with each other.

With these vague information, Meng Zhang initially understood the meaning of Daoist Jueying, and secretly sneaked in here.

After Daoye Ye and Daoist Jueying fought for a long time, Daoist Jueying found an opportunity and performed a big move.

I saw her hands dancing quickly, and the shadows in the dark corners of the courtyard seemed to come alive.

Twisted shadows flocked to Taoist Leaves from all directions.

There was a sudden burst of hurricanes around Daoist Leaf's body, as if to completely dispel these shadows.

More shadows appeared in the courtyard, and countless distorted shadows gathered together, causing violent spatial fluctuations.

The entire courtyard immediately became dark and dull, the sky and the ground were full of constantly distorted shadows, cutting the space here into several pieces.

This is the shadow space of the Taoist magic power at the bottom of the box.

The magical power of this doorway technique combines the power of the Avenue of Space and the Avenue of Shadows, which can cut space and create an independent space composed of shadow power out of thin air.

It seems that Daoist Jueying is using this magical power to temporarily trap Daoist Leaves inside.

Meng Zhang, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, was slightly touched.

With a flick of his figure, he easily penetrated the space barrier and appeared in a corner of the shadow space.

It seems that Daoist Jueying has been waiting here for a long time.

Seeing Meng Zhang appear, she couldn't hide the joy on her face.

She couldn't care less about the past, and seemed very anxious.

She didn't say a word of nonsense, she directly released her spiritual thoughts.

Meng Zhang, who had been prepared for a long time, also released his spiritual sense.

The two people's spiritual thoughts touched gently, and Meng Zhang's mind filled with countless information, and immediately understood the situation of Daoist Jueying and the current situation.

It turned out that the Dark Alliance had colluded with the barbarians of the fearless world for a long time.

After years of cooperation, the relationship between the two sides has been deepened and the level of mutual trust has been higher.

About a thousand years ago, the top leaders of the Dark Alliance decided to build a secret base in the void as a way out.

After the inspection of the top leaders of the Dark Alliance and weighing all aspects of the situation, they finally chose a place near the Fearless Realm as the address for the construction of the secret base.

There was originally a medium-sized, still developing world that could serve as the structural basis for a secret base.

Junchen Realm is very far away from here.

At that time, the Junchen Realm was under the tight control of the Heavenly Palace and the major sects of the Holy Land.

Even if they turn a blind eye to the members of the dark alliance entering and leaving the Junchen world, it is still inconvenient for the dark alliance to transport massive amounts of materials here for a long time.

Since it is a secret base, it is natural to avoid the eyes and ears of the major holy land sects, and the Dark Alliance dare not expose the matter of collusion with the barbarians early.

Fortunately, the barbarians are still very powerful as allies.

In addition to providing many materials directly to the Dark Alliance, the barbarians also let the Dark Alliance develop various resources in the void near the Fearless Realm.

In the development and utilization of most resources, the means of cultivators are far superior to those of barbarians.

The dark alliance develops resources nearby, not only for the construction of secret bases, but also for the barbarians to share many benefits.

In the opinion of the top leaders of the Dark Alliance, it is a matter of mutual benefit for the barbarians to invite them to mine resources nearby.

In order to build the core space of this secret base, some rare treasures are needed.

The barbarian, a good ally, provided the Dark Alliance with many rocks from the Red Earth Sacred Mountain of the Fearless Realm.

Barbarians believe in animism.

They believe that the flowers, plants, trees, birds and animals, and even the mountains and rivers in the world have spirituality.

These were born spiritual beings, often enshrined by barbarians as totems.

The totems of the barbarians are also strange and have different origins.

In addition to natural spirits, all kinds of powerful beasts, and even the heroic spirits left after the death of barbarian heroes, are the source of totems.

The way of totems believed in by the barbarians is actually a kind of primitive and backward Shinto.

The goal of barbarian practice is to either integrate with the totem they believe in, or to become a new totem themselves.

In addition to their own clansmen, various totems are also an important source of their combat power.

The strongest among the barbarians, the barbarian god, is a true immortal-level powerhouse.

The totems enshrined by the barbarians have different strengths and levels.

Weak totems may not be as good as Jindan stage monks, but the strongest totems can have the power level of true immortals.

The mountain spirit of the Red Earth Holy Mountain is the most powerful among the totems enshrined by the Dark Alliance, and it is an out-and-out true immortal-level powerhouse.

Many years ago, Sanshan Zhenxian once entered the fearless and fought against many powerful barbarians.

It was during this war that the mountain spirit of the Red Earth Holy Mountain suffered a calamity.

As soon as the mountain spirit of the Red Earth Holy Mountain fell, the Red Earth Holy Mountain also collapsed.

Some of the remaining rocks at the core of the Red Earth Sacred Mountain have various wonderful functions and are regarded as treasures by the high-level barbarians.

The high-level barbarians gave these rocks to the Dark Alliance as a gift from the two families.

After careful inspection by the top leaders of the Dark Alliance, there is no problem with these rocks.

With these rocks, it is a solution to the urgent need.

Finally, when building the core space of this secret base, the Dark Alliance used these rocks as cornerstones.

The top officials of the Dark Alliance could never have imagined that this decision had planted the scourge of today.


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