The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2467: holy mountain spirit

Facing practitioners of other systems, Taoist cultivators often have an inexplicable sense of arrogance due to their huge advantages in many aspects.

Now, it is this sense of arrogance that has dealt a heavy blow to the Dark Alliance.

The Dark Alliance is not an ordinary self-cultivation force, but the top existence in the Junchen world.

The Dark Alliance is only a branch in the Junchen world, and it is enough to compete with the major sects of the Holy Land.

The headquarters of the Dark Alliance in Lingkong Xianjie is even more powerful and unfathomable.

The monks from the dark alliance, like the monks in the major holy land sects, are mostly arrogant and arrogant, and their hearts are higher than the sky.

In the hearts of many high-ranking members of the Dark Alliance, the barbarians are a primitive and backward race, and it is expedient to form an alliance with them.

The barbarians are just one target of the Dark Alliance.

In the eyes of the Dark Alliance, the common methods used by the barbarians are simply ridiculously vulgar.

The top officials of the Dark Alliance absolutely refused to believe that the barbarians would have any clever means to hide from their own investigations, to hide any mystery, and so on.

Since the high-level cultivators in the sect feel that there is no problem with the gift sent by the high-level barbarians, there must be no problem, and they can be used with confidence.

The dark alliance executives never seem to have thought about what the barbarian executives would do with the gifts they sent.

In fact, any race that can dominate a big world and gain a foothold in the void definitely has merit.

The mountain spirit of the red earth holy mountain is a primitive totem, but this does not mean that it is useless.

Being qualified as the opponent of Sanshan Zhenxian is enough to show its power. This time chapter T Si

It is true that the mountain spirit of the Red Earth Holy Mountain was defeated in the hands of Sanshan Zhenxian, and it is also true that it fell.

However, it has not completely fallen, and still retains a part of the remnant soul, which has the opportunity to be reborn.

No matter what cultivation system, no matter what race, as long as you can reach the level of a true immortal, there are more or less extraordinary things, and there are some unknown trump cards.

The top officials of the Dark Alliance would never have imagined that the barbarian high-level officials who looked simple-minded and well-developed would also play tricks and tricks on their own.

The remnant soul of the Red Earth Holy Mountain Mountain Spirit split into thousands of tiny parts, falling into a state of slumber similar to dead silence, hiding in these rocks, avoiding the multiple explorations by the top officials of the Dark Alliance.

After the dark alliance built the core part of this secret base, the remnant soul of the red earth holy mountain mountain spirit woke up.

The awakened remnant soul re-condensed and formed, secretly absorbed the power of this secret base, and quietly nourished itself.

During this process, the barbarians provided the Dark Alliance with many building materials for their friendship.

While the secret base was slowly taking shape, the remnant souls also began to recover.

The mountain spirit of the Red Earth Holy Mountain took advantage of its unique advantages to preferentially infect the core space and slowly control it.

Up to now, this secret base has been out of the control of the Dark Alliance and has fallen into the hands of the mountain spirits of the Red Earth Holy Mountain.

Given the current situation in Junchen Realm, the barbarians are not afraid to turn against the Dark Alliance.

However, the mountain spirit of the Red Earth Sacred Mountain is still cautious enough, not easily exposed, but secretly and continuously strengthening the control of this secret base. Strong Sacrifice Read Sacrifice

In this secret base, the Dark Alliance has long-term stationed more than ten Void Returning Powers.

There are even more cultivators in the Yuanshen stage and below.

In the past few decades, the remnants of the Red Earth Holy Mountain, which had recovered, began to secretly attack the cultivators of the Dark Alliance stationed here.

The Void Returning Powers are its primary goal.

The mountain spirits of the Red Earth Sacred Mountain are especially proficient in spiritual power and are good at controlling people's hearts.

Even though it is far from recovering the strength of a true immortal, it has infected the minds of all of you who have returned to the void through various secret means.

Some of the Void Returning Powers who are not determined have been completely controlled by them and become their puppets.

Some Void Returning great abilities are excellent, or the avenues of practice are special and cannot be completely controlled, so they will be directly swallowed by them.


After decades, almost all of the Void Returning Great Powers stationed here by the Dark Alliance were affected by the Red Earth Sacred Mountain Spirit and fell into an extremely unfavorable situation.

Among them, there are only a few characters like Jueying Daoist who are still struggling in vain.

Daoist Leaves is controlled by the spiritual power of the Red Earth Sacred Mountain Mountain Spirit, and most of the time he is muddleheaded, or he is obedient to the Red Earth Sacred Mountain Spirit. Only a small amount of time can barely stay awake.

Daoist Jueying's situation is much better than Daoist Leiye, at least most of the time it can remain normal.

Daoist Jueying also thought about asking for help.

However, she and Dao Ren Ye Ye have been trapped in the core space, unable to communicate with the outside world.

And those monks who are controlled by the red earth holy mountain mountain spirit will only report to the dark alliance that everything is normal during their daily contact.

For the Red Earth Holy Mountain Mountain Spirit, it is not a good choice to completely devour these Void Returning Powers, it is just a helpless move.

It is the best choice to completely control their minds and turn them into puppets that obey their own orders.

Therefore, the mountain spirits of the Red Earth Sacred Mountain have shown great patience for those who have not yet been fully controlled.

It traps them all in the core slowly infects them with the power of the mind, and has a subtle influence.

Even the Void Master can't escape the poisonous hand of the Red Earth Holy Mountain Mountain Spirit, not to mention the fate of the rest of the monks.

The monks who came and went in this big mountain seemed normal, but they were basically completely controlled by the mountain spirits of the Red Earth Holy Mountain.

Many times Daoist Leaves will persuade Daoist Jueying to give up resistance and wholeheartedly believe in the red earth holy mountain and spirit.

Daoist Jueying struggled to resist the erosion of the red earth holy mountain and the mountain spirit, and the situation was getting worse and worse.

If there is no accident, she will most likely follow in the footsteps of Daoist Leaves in the near future.

The message that Taoist Jueying passed to Meng Zhang shocked and surprised Meng Zhang greatly.

He never imagined that the secret base of the Dark Alliance, which was used as a retreat, had actually become like this.

The top leaders of the Dark Alliance really shot themselves in the foot.

They thought they were proficient in calculations, but finally fell into the hands of seemingly simple-minded barbarians.

Meng Zhang can't control others, but Dao Ye Ye and Dao Jueying are his old friends. Now that he is at this level, he must not sit idly by.

Most of the fallen Daoist had fallen, and only a little Qingming remained.

Daoist Jueying is about to fall, and the situation is also very bad.

Meng Zhang must act soon.

Among the Taiyi Sect, the most proficient in the spiritual path is Xu Mengying, the saintess of the Yellow Lotus Sect, but Xu Mengying absolutely does not have such means, and can control multiple Void Returning Great Powers silently.

Xu Mengying and Meng Zhang have an excellent relationship and have had many exchanges.

Meng Zhang has a certain understanding of the spiritual power of Taoism. control the big lord

It is a pity that Meng Zhang is not proficient in the spiritual path, and is far inferior to the red earth holy mountain and spirit in this respect.

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