The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2468: Calculate

Since Meng Zhang entered this mountain, he has not stopped observing the surroundings.

Many monks here, including those who return to the void, are the targets of his observation.

However, with Meng Zhang's eyesight, if it hadn't been exposed by Daoist Jue Ying, he wouldn't have seen through. These cultivators had already been controlled by the Red Earth Holy Mountain Spirit and completely turned into their puppets.

In his eyes, this secret base of the Dark Alliance is normal.

The state here is normal, and the cultivators here are not unusual.

This time 17bxwx.C*Om Zhang Si. A virtual immortal like Meng Zhang could only come to such a conclusion when he visited the place in person, which shows the secret and cleverness of the methods of the Red Earth Sacred Mountain Mountain Spirit.

It's no wonder that the Dark Alliance has not found anything unusual here for so many years. So far, they don't know that their back road has been copied by their allies, and they don't know that they have worked hard for many years to make wedding dresses for others.

Not only the monks here, but the secret base itself is basically under the control of the Red Earth Holy Mountain Mountain Spirit.

Meng Zhang was able to sneak in here, and he had to say that he cultivated well and had clever methods.

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. Previously, when Meng Zhang used the method of contact, when he contacted Daoist Jueying, Daoist Jueying did not dare to respond directly, and only dared to use secret means to give some vague information.

After Meng Zhang came here secretly by virtue of the tacit understanding between the two, Daoist Jueying deliberately provoked a battle with Dao Ren Ye, and used the cover of shadow space to convey a message to Meng Zhang.

The shadow space displayed by Taoist Jueying is similar to the realm of cultivators. It completely isolates the inside and outside, and should be able to temporarily block the prying eyes of the red earth holy mountain.

Speaking of so much, in fact, Meng Zhang finished reading the information in just a moment, and immediately made a decision to save the two old friends no matter what.

Daoist Jueying had been with Meng Zhang for a long time back then, so he was familiar with his character and knew that he would not abandon his friends and just run for his own life.

So she didn't want Meng Zhang to leave immediately and save herself.

Instead, they actively provide information and give their own suggestions.

The mountain spirit of the Red Earth Sacred Mountain used to be a true immortal-level powerhouse. Even if it has not fully recovered its strength, its strength is of extraordinary nature and extremely high level.

The spiritual power it casts has completely invaded the mind of Dao Ren Ye Ye, and Dao Jueying is also deeply affected by it.

If Meng Zhang majored in the spiritual path, there might be a chance to help them return to normal.

However, Meng Zhang's attainments in the Spiritual Dao are very limited.

In fact, in the entire Junchen world, there are not many virtuosity returning masters majoring in the spiritual path. There are only a handful of people who can enter the Void Immortal Realm, and even almost none.

The so-called art profession has specialization. Although Meng Zhang's cultivation base is strong and his ability is great, what he can do in this area is very limited.

Not to mention that he completely helped Dao Ren Luo and the others return to normal, even if he slowed down the rate at which they were being eroded and controlled, it was difficult to do so.

If you want to help Dao Ren Ye and the others, the only way to do this is to find a way to get rid of the mountain spirits of the Red Earth Holy Mountain.

As long as this scourge is removed, the remaining spiritual power from the other party in Daoist Leaves and the others will turn into water without a source and a tree without roots.

Losing the control of the red earth holy mountain spirit, the power of these spiritual powers will be greatly reduced, and will gradually weaken.

This will slow down or even prevent Dao Ren Luo and the others from being completely controlled, leaving enough time for them to be rescued.

At that time, Meng Zhangda can bring them back to the Junchen world, brainstorm ideas, ask for help, and slowly find ways to help them.

Just like now, let alone take them away, as long as they have a slight change, the mountain spirit of the red earth holy mountain will be disturbed.

As long as the red earth holy mountain and the mountain spirit did not completely restore the cultivation realm of the true immortal level, Meng Zhang would not be afraid of it.

But it is also not easy for Meng Zhang to overcome it.

Not to mention, if Meng Zhang is exposed and fights with the opponent, the opponent might force Dao Ren Ye and the others to join the battle.

Meng Zhang was not afraid of accidentally hurting others, but he could not ignore the safety of his old friends.

Although Daoist Jueying has been trapped in the core space for these years, he did not sit still, but tried to collect information about the red earth holy mountain and mountain spirit, and slowly tested its reality.

When Dao Renye is rarely awake, he will also provide her with some help.

The mountain spirits of the Red Earth Sacred Mountain probably regarded the fallen leaves and the others as belongings in their pockets, so their precautions were limited.

Dao Ye Ye and Dao Jueying from the Dark Alliance are very good at infiltrating and collecting information.

After years of observation, Daoist Jueying had some bold guesses.

There must have been a premeditated plan to infect and control this secret base by the red earth holy mountain and the mountain spirit, and it has received the full support and cooperation of the barbarian high-level officials.

The Dark Alliance wants to build this mountain into an independent world that can grow.

With the passage of time and the continuous investment of the Dark Alliance, this world will slowly grow and eventually become a brand new big world.

The remnant souls of the red earth holy mountain eroded the mountain, then revived in it, and finally took full control of it.

If this mountain is an independent world, then the mountain spirit of the red earth holy mountain must become the consciousness of heaven in this world.

The mountain spirit of the Red Earth Holy Mountain once invaded the Junchen knows the situation of the Junchen world and the existence of the consciousness of heaven in the Junchen world.

As a natural spirit born between heaven and earth, it can be said that it is the ultimate dream to be pursued as a being similar to the consciousness of heaven.

If the mountain spirit of the Red Earth Sacred Mountain becomes the consciousness of heaven in this world, it can not only completely control everything in this world, completely control all the creatures in it, but also embark on a special evolutionary path.

In the future, as the world continues to grow, it will also continue to grow stronger.

The paths of cultivation are countless and uncountable, and incarnating the consciousness of the Tao of Heaven is a seemingly good, very high-end path.

In the realm of self-cultivation, many high-level cultivators’ so-called state of union is that they are in harmony with the Dao of Heaven and Earth, and they deeply sense the consciousness of the Dao of Heaven.

Generally speaking, only a big world like Junchen Realm can normally give birth to Heavenly Dao Consciousness.

The practice of the red earth holy mountain and the mountain spirit is equivalent to taking a shortcut.

Once it succeeds, its future future will be limitless.

If such a practice falls in the eyes of monks like Guantian Pavilion, it is absolute treason and must be eradicated immediately.

Make a big tyrant. This mountain does not have the conditions for the birth of the consciousness of the Tao of Heaven. Even if the mountain spirit of the red earth holy mountain is restored to the level of a true immortal, at the level of life, there is still a very long distance from the consciousness of the Tao of Heaven in a world.

The path of his practice is long and difficult.

On weekdays, in addition to separating a small part of the spirit to monitor this mountain and continue to erode Taoist Jueying and the others, the remnants of the red earth holy mountain mountain spirit are all practicing hard in the depths of the core space.

If at this time, a strong man breaks into his cultivation place and launches a surprise attack when he is not prepared, it is very likely to seriously injure him or even kill him.

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