The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 3225: kill

The huge black human-shaped phantom that manifested behind the Dieyou Mountain Lord had previously looked invincible and unstoppable, forcing Meng Zhang to be somewhat overwhelmed.

When Meng Zhang no longer retained his strength and started a full-scale counterattack, he suffered heavy losses soon.

The sea of ​​mind around Dieyou Shanzhu was reduced to nothingness under the bombardment of the Yin-Yang Extinction God Thunder, which temporarily blocked her process of demonizing the sea of ​​mind.

The laws of heaven and earth around her body are changing rapidly.

She tried her best to stop it, constantly using her understanding of the laws of heaven and earth to contend against it.

It's a pity that after she was controlled by the inner demon many years ago, her comprehension of the laws of heaven and earth slowed down greatly.

Under Meng Zhang's threat before, she took the initiative to completely fall into the devil's way. It seemed that her strength had greatly increased, but she did not enhance her understanding of the laws of heaven and earth.

In these years, with the help of that green lotus, Meng Zhang has made great progress in understanding the laws of heaven and earth.

Not to mention, among the truly brilliant inheritance, the comprehension of the laws of heaven and earth is extremely important.

And the Golden Immortal inheritance he accepted is undoubtedly one of the most brilliant inheritances in the Void Myriad Realms.

Soon, in this battle of twisting and changing the laws of heaven and earth, Meng Zhang gained the absolute upper hand.

The laws of heaven and earth around Dieyou Shanzhu became extremely repulsive and suppressed the magic way, as if the whole world was against her.

At this moment, she seemed to have become a barbarian who had no energy but didn't know how to use it.

Meng Zhang didn't have to resist the seemingly irresistible ferocious attack she sent out.

Because the attack hadn't landed on him, he deviated far away.

The magic and secret techniques she used will always fail or become invalid due to inexplicable reasons.

Originally, the supernatural powers that she could display with a wave of her hand always encountered some inexplicable obstacles, which made it impossible for her to display the supernatural powers smoothly.

And Meng Zhang's supernatural powers of subjugating demons always made her unavoidable and unstoppable.

Almost every demon subduing supernatural power can cause great weakening or even damage to her.

The huge black humanoid phantom behind her seemed to be restrained, as if she couldn't stretch her hands and feet.

The law of heaven and earth after being distorted and changed by Meng Zhang turned this place into Meng Zhang's home field, putting Dieyou Shanzhu in an extremely disadvantageous state.

In fact, similar methods of fighting will gradually become mainstream as Meng Zhangxiu's realm improves.

Heavenly immortals who have no strength and do not understand the laws of heaven and earth cannot become strong among monks of the same realm.

Master Dieyou Mountain discovered his disadvantaged situation, but he couldn't change it at all.

She tried all means, but in vain.

Several bolts of lightning hit the phantom figure behind Dieyou Mountain Lord.

A dazzling flame ignited from its body, and then spread rapidly.

Dieyou Mountain Master tried his best, but he couldn't extinguish the raging flames.

As the black phantom of the human figure behind her burned out, her vitality was seriously injured, and she obviously began to become weak.

Meng Zhang took advantage of the victory and pursued, vowing to kill her completely.

Yang Xueyi and other true immortals do not have the strength to participate in this level of battle.

After Meng Zhang changed the laws of heaven and earth here, their spiritual power could no longer provide direct help to Meng Zhang.

But that doesn't mean they're useless.

According to Meng Zhang's instructions, they took advantage of the opportunity of Dieyou Mountain Lord being trapped by Meng Zhang to arouse the most powerful power in the depths of their hearts, turning them into dazzling lights of the soul, sweeping repeatedly in the sea of ​​​​the soul.

Meng Zhang is preparing early.

He has already controlled Dieyou Mountain Master within a square inch, and it is only a matter of time before he is completely exterminated.

In order to prevent the other party from hiding other magical methods in the sea of ​​mind, he asked Yang Xueyi and the others to search repeatedly with the light of mind.

There is a special reason why Dieyou Mountain Lord did not fully demonize the entire sea of ​​mind before, but let it remain as it is.

For one thing, if the creatures in the entire star area are demonized because of this, it will cause too much noise, and it is very likely to attract experts from all walks of life who will do justice for the sky and kill demons and demons.

Second, she has been accumulating strength.

When she has accumulated enough power, she will go through a special ceremony to complete the demonization of the sea of ​​mind and the entire star area.

At that time, she can use this to communicate with the Lord of the Last Dharma, and can also greatly improve her own cultivation realm.

Whether her cultivation level has been greatly improved, or she has the support of the Lord of the Dead, she can proudly face enemies below the level of the Golden Immortal.

According to her original plan, after controlling the members of the Tianshen Temple in this star area, as well as Meng Zhang and others through the sea of ​​mind, her savings are almost enough, and she can choose the opportunity to hold the ceremony.

It's a pity that she successfully achieved the first half of her goal, but encountered an accident when facing Meng Zhang and the others.

Meng Zhangzhi's strength was beyond her expectation, and he was even more powerful and capable.

The strength shown by Meng Zhang far exceeds that of ordinary first-level angels.

Especially the opponent's attainments in the laws of heaven and earth are simply amazing.

If it wasn't for that Meng Zhang didn't have a cave, and his strength was obviously not almost thought that Meng Zhang was a second-level celestial being, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger there.

Dieyou Mountain Lord felt that he was being suppressed more and more, and the accumulated injuries on his body were constantly deepening.

The yin and yang qi hovering above her head are constantly draining her vitality.

The yin and yang energy that fell on her one after another continued to hurt her even more.

Butterfly Mountain Master began to feel hopeless and became crazy.

But it didn't help her get out of the current situation at all.

Her form is constantly changing, constantly changing between human form and Psylocke form.

The phantom of a mountain peak behind her had just appeared before it was shattered by the huge external pressure.

Finally, she let out a helpless sigh and returned to her human form.

All the vitality in her body, the inner demons and others, were all wiped out in the battle just now.

Her body lay down limply.

At the last moment of her life, she briefly got rid of the control of her inner demons and temporarily regained her true sobriety.

Her eyes seemed to be able to speak, and she looked at Meng Zhang with a different look.

Meng Zhang understood her eyes.

Meng Zhang could clearly feel that the other party was hanging on his last breath, and he might fall into a deep sleep at any time.

Based on Meng Zhang's induction and experience, he knew that the other party did not cheat, nor did he have the strength to cheat.

When a person is about to die, his words are also good.

At the last moment of her life, she was extremely unwilling and seemed to have an explanation to Meng Zhang.

Although the two sides were still rivals before, Meng Zhang didn't have too much hatred for her.

Meng Zhang still had some sympathy for what happened to him.

He put away all his offensives long ago.

With a flash of his figure, he appeared not far from her, wanting to hear her last words.

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