The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 3226: plunder

Facing Meng Zhang who appeared by his side, Master Dieyou Shan seized the last opportunity and spoke to him at a very fast speed.

Listening to Dieyou Shanzhu's narration of the last moments of his life, Meng Zhang's expression couldn't help but keep changing.

His spiritual sense told her that Dieyou Mountain Lord didn't have any malicious intentions, and he was really confessing his funeral.

Bewitched by the inner demons for so many years, Dieyou Shanzhu's original heart has always been muddled, and what she showed to the outside was not herself.

However, deep in her heart, there is always an obsession.

This is what she cares about the most, and it is also the root cause of her obsession.

With her last breath left, she could only tell Meng Zhang about these things.

After thinking for a moment, Meng Zhang agreed to her request.

It wasn't that Meng Zhang's mother had a heart attack and sympathized with the other party, but that the other party offered him a condition that he couldn't refuse.

Seeing Meng Zhang nodding, Dieyou Shanzhu finally closed his eyes completely and swallowed his last breath.

With the death of Dieyou Mountain Lord, the two gods controlled by her before suddenly lost all vitality and turned into two corpses.

Gu Yue Lingqing lost her opponent all of a sudden.

With a thought in his mind, Meng Zhang took Yang Xueyi and the others away from this sea of ​​mind and returned to the original void.

Without the support and control of Dieyou Shanzhu, this sea of ​​mind will slowly disappear as time goes by.

After repeated inspections by Yang Xueyi and the others, Meng Zhang also observed it at the end, and found that there were no other hidden means inside.

In the void, two huge palaces quietly floated not far from Meng Zhang and the others.

The masters of the two palaces are dead.

The **** servants and believers inside were already infected by demons the moment the two gods were controlled by Dieyou Mountain Lord.

In addition, most of the members of the Temple of Heaven stationed in the Shenen star area were previously demonized by the Lord of Dieyou Mountain.

With the complete death of Dieyou Mountain Master, they all lost all vitality and turned into cold corpses.

In order to build a spiritual sea, especially to continuously stimulate the power of the spiritual sea to attack Meng Zhang and the others, Dieyou Mountain Lord did not hesitate to use secret methods to stimulate the spiritual power of many intelligent creatures in the Shenen star area.

Now, a large part of the intelligent beings in the divine grace star area have died due to mental exhaustion.

After getting rid of the biggest enemy Dieyou Shanzhu, what is left is all kinds of aftermath work.

Meng Zhang and Gu Yue Lingqing led Yang Xueyi's team to repeatedly search inside the Shenen star area.

They were looking for the remaining monsters and demon cultivators, as well as the remaining members of the Temple of Heaven.

The Dieyou Mountain Lord originally arranged a lot of subordinates in the Shenen star area.

But in order to completely control these subordinates, she has long used secret techniques to connect their lives to her body.

With her death, these subordinates also lost their lives.

The two angels Meng Zhang and Gu Yue Lingqing let go of their spiritual thoughts and searched the Divine Grace Star Area thoroughly.

All the members of the Temple of Heaven who had any weight were quickly eliminated by them.

As for the intelligent beings inside the three great worlds, whether they truly or falsely believed in the Temple of Heaven, and the peripheral members of the Temple of Heaven, they didn't bother to deal with it.

After spending a lot of time and energy, Meng Zhang and the others finally completely wiped out the Shenen star area, basically eliminating the influence caused by Dieyou Mountain Lord.

Now, the Shenen star area belongs to Meng Zhang and the others for the time being.

Of course, before the masters sent by the headquarters of the Temple of Heaven arrive here, there will not be much time left for them.

When he just got out of the sea of ​​mind, Meng Zhang cast a spell to contact Tai Miao and Luna, and told them everything that happened here.

According to Meng Zhang's order, the Taiyi Realm drove along the original route, bypassing the Shenen star area and continuing to advance.

The fleet led by Niu Dawei accelerated to the Shenen star area.

Meng Zhang used the jade book conferring the moon **** to perform the summoning technique, and it didn't take much time to summon the moon **** to the divine favor star area.

When Dieyou Shanzhu was bewitched by the demon, the agreement she made with Meng Zhang naturally didn't count.

Meng Zhang doesn't need to think about anything else, he can dispose of the three big worlds in the Shenen star area at will.

Since the Tianshen Temple will come back sooner or later, Meng Zhang doesn't plan to stay here for a long time, so he will naturally take a grab and leave.

Meng Zhang first suppressed the bodies of the two gods and the Kingdom of God.

As for other true gods, such as the divine body and the kingdom of God, they will naturally be handed over to Yang Xueyi and the other true immortals.

Then, Meng Zhang, Moon God and Gu Yue Lingqing entered the depths of the source sea of ​​the three great worlds respectively.

They cast spells in the sea of ​​origin, wantonly plundering the origin of heaven and earth here.

Although they will not completely drain the source seas of these three great worlds, they can imitate Yunzhongcheng's method of dealing with the four-pointed star area.

While Meng Zhang and the others were busy, Niu Dawei finally led the fleet to the Shenen star area.

The Taiyi Realm monks in the fleet joined the plundering of the three great worlds with almost no rest.

In order to obtain the greatest harvest in the shortest time, they even adopted destructive mining methods, plundering various resources recklessly.

As for the intelligent creatures of the three great worlds, they have no ability to stop them at all.

The members of the Temple of Heaven were wiped Dieyou's subordinates were wiped out, and even the so-called strong among the local intelligent creatures mostly died of mental exhaustion.

The indigenous creatures of these three great worlds lost their ruling class and fell into great chaos.

The Taiyi monks took the opportunity to forcibly enslave many indigenous creatures, forcing them to help plunder various resources.

Meng Zhang and the others have been in the depths of the source sea of ​​the three great worlds for nearly ten years.

The source seas of the three great worlds are almost exhausted.

Meng Zhang and the others will not completely drain Yuanhai, let alone destroy the three big worlds, they still have some leeway.

However, after their plundering, the three originally profound and promising great worlds were severely weakened, and they were even inferior to many nascent great worlds.

If the follow-up cannot be handled properly, these three great worlds may even fall to the level of the middle thousand worlds.

It is worth mentioning that some fragments of the consciousness of heaven in the three great worlds also completely disappeared during this process.

In the future, even if the Temple of Heaven returns to the Divine Grace sector, the situation of the three great worlds will make this sector worthless.

Meng Zhang has been strictly counting the time.

Feeling that there is not much time left, the Tianshen Temple should be reconnected to the Shenen star area soon. After reaching the destination, he left Yuanhai and returned to the void.

With an order from him, the monks from the Taiyi Realm, who were busy plundering the resources of the three great worlds, returned to the fleet one after another, ready to leave here.

Although many people are still unsatisfied, even many true immortals feel very unwilling.

But no one dared to disobey Meng Zhang's order.

After reorganizing the team, Meng Zhang personally led the fleet to leave the Shenen star area, leaving a mess for the Tianshen Temple who was about to return here.

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