The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 3227: last words

When Meng Zhang led the fleet to leave the Shenen star area, he did not forget to cast spells to disrupt the various traces left by the fleet and deceive the secrets of the fleet's information.

More than a year after Meng Zhang led the fleet to leave the Shenen Star District, a huge vortex suddenly appeared in the Shenen Star District.

After the huge vortex stabilized, a large group of gods flew out from it, and began to carefully inspect everything in the divine grace sector.

Soon, the status quo of the Divine Grace Star District fell into their eyes.

Waves of roars sounded, almost resounding through the entire star region.

All the gods seemed to have gone crazy, searching repeatedly inside and outside the Shenen sector, trying to find out the whereabouts of the enemy.

Even for a powerful force like the Temple of Heaven, losing such a potential and resource-rich star area is a very painful thing.

It has been more than a year since the fleet left here, and with Meng Zhang's cover-up methods, they are destined to find no clues.

The gods who were not reconciled, after staying in the divine favor star area for a while, continued to search in all directions towards the divine grace star area like headless chickens.

The void is vast and boundless. If they want to find the enemy in this way, it is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

Meng Zhang, Luna, and Gu Yue Lingqing cast spells in turn to accelerate the fleet's forward speed.

About ten years later, the fleet and the Taiyi Realm merged in the void.

Meng Zhang and the others brought all the harvest back to the Taiyi Realm, and now they are safe.

The source of heaven and earth looted from the source seas of the three great worlds is Meng Zhang's biggest gain this time.

After the origin of these heaven and earth is absorbed by the Taiyi Realm, it can greatly strengthen the Taiyi Realm, and even directly improve the overall level of the Taiyi Realm.

After the bodies of the two gods and the Kingdom of God are absorbed by the source sea of ​​the Taiyi Realm, they will transform into a large amount of the origin of heaven and earth.

In the future, the Taiyi Realm can support Meng Zhang and other gods without any pressure.

After the Taiyi Realm digests and absorbs these harvests, it will be able to support more celestial beings and gods.

As for the various resources brought back by this fleet, they will be transformed into the foundation of the Taiyi Realm, cultivate more monks, and support more powerful people.

After reuniting with the Taiyi Realm, Meng Zhang carefully sorted out what happened to him this time, and told all the senior officials of the Taiyi Realm.

He hopes that everyone can learn from it and have enough coping power when facing such situations in the future.

Hua Ling Ping Qi Ling felt ashamed, quite shameless.

After returning to the Taiyi Realm, he went back to the Spirit Race to retreat.

Since there were no problems with Hualingpingping, Qiling and Lingzu, Meng Zhang didn't say much.

The knot in his heart can only be solved by himself.

After Meng Zhang finished dealing with various matters, he began to carefully watch the star map.

Then, he ordered the Taiyi Realm to deviate slightly from the route and rush to a place first.

Previously, in Dieyou Shanzhu's last words before her death, she briefly explained to Meng Zhang her experiences back then.

After the Shenen star area was captured by the Temple of Heaven, she was eager to gain enough power to take revenge, so she became eager for quick success and took a lot of shortcuts.

She was not the only spiritual practitioner who escaped from the Shenen star area back then, she also had many companions.

Dieyou Shanzhu, who became paranoid because of hatred, had a fierce quarrel with his companions.

Because the ideas of the two sides are too different, and Die You Shanzhu has a bad premonition in his heart.

Not only did she part ways with her former companions, she also drove away all her disciples.

After that, she wandered alone in the void and practiced until she was confused by her own demons.

For many memories since then, there are many vacancies in her mind.

Meng Zhang was playing with a thumb-sized amber while recalling the last words of Dieyou Mountain Lord.

The whole body of amber is yellow, and a butterfly about to fly is solidified inside.

This is the inheritance treasure of the Chrysalis lineage of spiritual cultivation. It not only records the brilliant inheritance of spiritual cultivation, but also has various magical functions.

Including assisting spiritual practice, strengthening spiritual strength...

The master of Dieyou Mountain has always carried this treasure with him.

Even after becoming enchanted, due to some kind of obsession in his heart, he did not demonize this treasure.

She handed the treasure to Meng Zhang and asked him to bring it to her disciples.

In return, Meng Zhang can comprehend the spiritual inheritance inside.

After repeated inspections by Meng Zhang, after confirming that there was no problem with this treasure, he agreed to Dieyou Mountain Lord's request.

Meng Zhang is still very interested in the inheritance of spiritual practice, especially its use of spiritual avenues.

This time he has seen the power of Dieyou Mountain Lord, and personally experienced the power of the sea of ​​mind.

This is Meng Zhang's special situation. If he were replaced by another first-level celestial being, the result would definitely be completely different.

He has comprehended the inheritance of Chrysalis lineage, even if he does not practice, he will be able to deal with similar methods more easily in the future.

The cultivation in the realm of celestial beings requires not only the cultivation of one's own inherited classics, but also knowledge and even comprehension of more other exercises.

The mysteries of other practice systems also have great reference In addition, the addition of spiritual practice inheritance will also help to deepen the foundation of Taiyimen.

It is very beneficial for Zongmen to have one more practice route.

Anyway, it's not very troublesome, but it's just a little detour, so Meng Zhang agreed to Dieyou Shanzhu's last request.

As for things like pretending to promise the other party and not fulfilling the promise, it is not in line with Meng Zhang's character.

Most of the time, Meng Zhang is a person who keeps his word and keeps his promises.

Meng Zhang told the senior officials of Taiyi Realm about his next destination.

Along the way thereafter, Meng Zhang and fellow practitioners comprehended the unique spiritual inheritance.

Everyone in Taiyi Realm is also busy absorbing and digesting this harvest.

On the other side of the Temple of Heaven, repeated searches for the enemy's whereabouts failed, and the gods became even more angry.

A promising Star District that has been vigorously cultivated and transformed has just turned into tatters.

There are two gods in full, as well as many true gods, **** servants, etc., all lost inexplicably.

Although only the gods are qualified to become official members of the Temple of Heaven, such a large organization cannot do without the care of those informal members.

Not to mention, among those true gods, there may be someone who can become a **** in the future and strengthen the power of the temple of the gods.

What angered the high-level officials of the Temple of Heaven the most was that so far, they did not know who their opponent was this time.

At the beginning, Meng Zhang and the others destroyed the man-made wormhole very quickly, and did not let the headquarters of the Temple of Heaven react.

When the gods stationed at the headquarters of the Tianshen Temple took action, they were always separated from Meng Zhang and the others by a layer.

The long distance, the insurmountable space barrier...all effectively blocked the induction from the Temple of Heaven.

In the Divine Grace Star Area, the influence of the Temple of Heaven was completely wiped out, and no usable information remained.

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